Thoughts on Noam Chomsky?

I think he realizes that current governments are the problem, but he doesn't know that government itself is an issue.

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Oh you ancaps...more like authoritianian facists

It just shows you how dumb the average Sup Forums user is. Chomsky is one of the greatest intellectuals of our time

>Chomsky is one of the greatest intellectuals of our time

Something is horribly wrong with our time then.

The guy goes on about Friedman not knowing shit and then starts talking about too big to fail being a problem as if it is something Friedman would support. Dude is a cunt.

Don't trust a single thing that leaves a Jews mouth! Everything is designed to subvert and destroy white societies.

He shits on Israel 24/7 though, despite being born in a very Jewish family and learning Hebrew when he was like 5

link to that vid?

>It just shows you how dumb the average Sup Forums user is. Chomsky is one of the greatest intellectuals of our time

>Not knowing "our time" is one of the worst times possible for a true intellectual to thrive.

I like Chomsky when I'm quoting him for leftists to prove a point.

But I think he's a neoliberal gatekeeper. Supposedly, he was the most watched man by the NSA, and that may be. But all of his policy prescriptions tell you to go along with the system as long as it gives you more bread and circus. I'm absolutely suspicious of the man while reinvigorated by some of his critiques.

It doesn't exist. Friedman destroyed South America and is only loved by th few rich people in the US... You guys really need to listen to Peter Joseph he's the truth he's like Chomsky evolved

>Supposedly, he was the most watched man by the NSA

Pure lefty fantasy.

Perhaps. It's just something I've heard tossed around.

He does make trenchant comments about US foreign policy, but I think that's where his use ends.

>director of Zeitgeist

Opinion discarded.

That """movie""" had a major factual error in the first 5 min by saying that the Jesus myth came from a bunch of other gods that had the same exact characteristics. Jesus' story does originate from others, but he played it up so fucking hard.

>Friedman destroyed South America

Please demonstrate for the class, South America, before and after in terms of quality of life.

Lol the story of Jesus is a myth you christcuck. Nothing he said in any of the Zeitgeist films were wrong you fucknut

He's extremely deluded. He claims there is some vast international "neoliberal" (a literally made up term by the way) conspiracy to "steal" wealth from the government (as if government can even create wealth in the first place) and give it to private companies all over the world. It's total bullshit that helps corrupt governments destroy the private sector in the name of socialism or "da people."

His voice is pretty nice though.

Isn't his name william luther pierce

>Friedman destroyed SA

"sun is son"

Nonsense. Google Zeitgeist debunked. FFS. The whole religion segment is playing to the retarded liberal fedora crowd and devoid of fact.

I just started thinking 1 minute in this guy really needs his head smashed. He's spewing bullshit too.

Google the Chicago boys dumbass


Except that he's literally an ANARCHO-syndicalist, you idiot

he sucks and I hate him

I literally can't take you seriously when you literally use the term 'literally' unnecessarily, literally.

he's a lying Jew communist.

honestly it's no deeper than that

He's a fucking commie.

He detests current governments because they are not commie enough for his liking, but he refuses to accept government itself as the problem because he knows communism is only possible with strong government.

WTF is happening to /pol? Chomsky is positively drunk on Godless communism. How can you not see this? Are we seriously coming to a time when /pol refuses to recognize one of the world's foremost card-carrying commie assholes as nothing more than a communist?

Tell me now. Have the summerfags changed us this much?

>what is wealth inequality?

If you increase the earnings of select group of individuals you can easily increase the GDP of a country without actually increasing its standard of living. See Brazil for a good example of this fact.

The Chicago Boys were only ever in Chile, so even if you think Chile was a failure (it was not) they didn't destroy SA like in your first post.

Yeah, summer is right.

pic related

He's alright, bit soft sometimes though.

>>what is wealth inequality?

Literally a side effect of living a material universe. Equality is a spook.

Continental>>>> analytic

>success of market systems is wrong
>succeeding when there is competition is not a value to be admired
>US developed through HUGE state intervention
>tariffs are HUGE state intervention
>US economy was built on slave labor

could only make it this far

schopenhauer was a negro????
we wuz flosefers

He is not even that great of a linguist.

Yeah that's not what i asked for though. SA was destroyed by NEOLIBERAL policies - not the Chicago boys. Chile's economy IMPROVED under Pinochet and STAYED THERE after he was gone. Retard.


Tariffs are a huge state intervention. Only moronic libertarians that unironically worship the constitution think that it isn't. The United States was founded on a corrupt interpretation of classical liberalism.

he doesnt practice what he preaches

They are state intervention no doubt, but a government is first and foremost there to protect its people. Tariffs ensure that the people are protected without harming them as well. This is not like income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, today, which can be said to help people, but harm the citizens as well.

yes in linguistics. his stances on politics and society are not without their flaws (like everyones)

This guy is a fucking idiot

I swear the end pisses me off the most. He goes on, "Now let's look at the present" and the example he uses to explain that the free market is a bad thing is that big banks are subsidized by the government. It's like, what the fuck

jewish organized crime never went away, it just set up in chicago

>Arguments with no substance merely mocking in nature

Here folks we have an Alinskyist useful idiot who has no idea of the greater historical implications of the ideas he either endorses or attacks.

vid related.

universal grammar is a shit theory though

No thanks.

>He shits on Israel 24/7 though, despite being born in a very Jewish family and learning Hebrew when he was like 5
So? Tons of secular Jews are against Israel.

he's a pop-philosopher political activist. He spends most of his time talking on subjects outside his area of expertise and likewise panders to idiots.

He's Cancer.

>this guy really needs his head smashed

why? Because he's totally right and you want to silence him?


He's an edgy right wing teenager. Let him be.

You must be the summerfag if you haven't realized Sup Forums is now just a reddit colony.

Noam Chomsky is the lefts shitty version of Thomas Sowell

This machine triggers leftists

how is this a bad example? Too big to fail is a direct result of a market system. Markets eventually create monopolies.

The irony here is that Sowell has dedicated his entire career to avoiding honest work. The only difference between him and Chomsky is that no university would be stupid enough to keep him on the payroll for very long, which is why he now works as a professional shill (see his comments on Trump for proof.)

He's one of the sources of the cancer that's killing the west. Chomsky and Howard Zinn are the patient zeros of cultural relativism and the whole 'how can we decry other nations if we've done bad things in the past/are currently doing bad things' business.

Pic related is an example of a chomskyite in the real world, fresh from cuckbook.

The issue is that in a free market the too big to fail banks would've collapsed, and either been restructured by competent people, or smaller regional banks would have taken their place. The problem is that by bailing out these "too big to fail" banks is that their systemic issues of poor lending are still there.

I would have to disagree with him on his opinions of Trump to feel the same as you do.

Zinn was far, far worse. Chomsky is just obsessed with muh neoliberalism. Zinn was wholeheartedly committed to perpetuating self-hate among (white) Americans. His shitty book basically made American history out to be one genocide after another, the blame for which was always placed squarely on the shoulders of white americans regardless of economic class.

everything he says is complete bullshit

while i agree with not bailing out the banks you understand it would have lead to a deep global depression right? Can hardly blame the government for bailing them out when its either that or dealing with a revolting population. Imagine if the government had set a limit to how much assets/capital a single bank could have access to before too big to fail ever became a thing. Wouldn't you market cucks be crying wolf bc 'state intervention' yet its the free market which lead to too big to fail in the first place.

This. He was a pretty shit linguist. What he did do, like all in the vanguard of their fields, was being a rigor not previously realized. Much like any other groundbreaker in any other field. His work, while a failure overall, contributed greatly to linguistics in general and machine languages in particular.

He didn't offer any critique of Trump's economic strategy though. He just Godwinned an entire magazine issue through character assassination.

He is either a liar or woefully misinformed re: politics. Saw him speak years ago and led entire, impressionable Univ. of Florida (sizable) audience to believe Brazil is the paragon of successful democracy and progress. True, it is- however, the image he projected was one of beauty and the pinnacle of brotherhood of man.

What the fuck? If you run into him, have him do me a favor check out Liveleak and get back to me. He should stick with linguistics,

>he doesn't know that government itself is an issue.

You're saying that a life-long anarchist doesn't know that the government itself is the issue? OK.

Banks have acted incredibly risky because they know governments have been and will be there to bail them out. We never should've bailed out the savings institutions back in the day to begin with.

may have sucked for a year or two, maybe even four, but we're in a worse spot now imo because of it.

how is Brazil doing actually?

Only ancaps are that autistic. Anarchists have always hated the capitalists more than their government(s).

Is economic strategy the only significant qualification for a presidential candidate?

My understanding is the other part of the argument is that government regulators were putting pressure on banks to give risky loans to meet diversity quotas.

This too, Sallie Mae and Freddie Mac were govt owned institutions

Pretty surr he is a commie

Lies. I was here before Bernie and I'll be here after.

The reddit invasion will pass. It has to. Both sites will become superfluous otherwise.