How can Denmark be this based even though our neighbors are the two biggest european cuck countries?

How can Denmark be this based even though our neighbors are the two biggest european cuck countries?

Nationalism is tabu there, because they're weak

you are cucks, sweden and germany are just turbocucks

Why are danes constantly trying to impress burgers

>posting pictures from the past

We don't want to rely on Germany

whata re anglos doing there?

What anglos?

No Scandinavian country is "based". Heck no Western country is based because they are filled with non whites and faggots.

murder any beloved albino mascots lately?

We have an eye on these noble animals

because its actually danes behind all of these shitshow all along

>How can Denmark be this based
probably the first time I see "denmark" and the word "based" in a single sentence.

Good question. Danes are the most bro-tier nordics desu.

Why are danes such fervent nationalists despite being a little shit nation with no historical significance who lost most of the wars it fought?

i dont think poland or its government are based but your women are because there manage to sit in senior management positions
the women of the world could learn something from this

you have a bunch of dude weeds right in your capital
but i agree, Denmark is Norse God Tier


Poland definitely isn't based, just a overrated shithole that Sup Forums loves.

Thee is a reason why Poles are everywhere in Europe.

Fuck burgers, they are the biggest Western cucks on the planet since they encourage this shit

>this self-hating cuck in every single thread

nuke denmark

>tell the truth
>"y-you're just a cuck"
back to Sup Forums with you, maybe your shit thread will be more popular there.

>be the Danish King
>lose your crown to a bunch loosely organized fish vendors

He is most likely shitskin diaspora.

"""""the truth""""""

Back to your cuckshed, boy. Considering its size, Denmark is more significant than most other countries in the world.

A real nigga is nationalist even if his country is small and irrelevant.

I'm pure nordic, but not pure danish. My grandfather is Icelandic

>relevant in any way
lmfao, denmark could disappear tomorrow and no one would even notice. Get a grip on your megalomania, it's clearly preventing you from thinking logically.

Then you are just a self-hating cuck that should fuck off.
>a real nigga
Back to Somalia with you Abdi

I don't hate myself though. I'm just telling the truth about this pathetic country, sorry if it hurts you so much.

You hate yourself if you hate your nation, it's your nationality and your culture. I don't even see your reasons for hating Denmark. It's small with a population of 5,6 million and yet it has done so much.

prove it, shitskin

it's not mean in a literal sense you

So you can't prove him wrong?

Can't you read? I did


only thing you did is write "cuck cuck cuck"

Well it's because wages are lower in Poland.
Sweden isn't better off because your people are so good at running shit. It's because Sweden like the whole West-EU was on U.S dick while Eastern-EU was on Russian dick after WW2 and as it later turned out the U.S dick was better. But this situation wasn't so long ago, if you knew history you would see that. Muzzies will drive your country to shit during your life time and you'll live to see the day when your grand daughter gets spilled with acid on her face because she forgot to put on her burka. Will see where the shit hole is then.