Applied to at least 30 jobs this week

>Applied to at least 30 jobs this week
>No interviews

I wish I didn't fall for the "you dont need a university degree" meme.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Apply for 15 different university jobs
>No interviews

I'm legitimately convinced you have to suck someone's dick to get some of these jobs.

You can unironically learn Ruby on rails in 6 months, put together an okay portfolio and get a job as a junior web dev.

What should the portfolio consist of. Everyone always says this but please elaborate.

It's just a showcase of your ability. It's enough that you tell someone you're proficient in X on your resume, you should demonstrate your ability with actual tangible work.

Also curious. What's the most advanced thing to know to get a junior job? I ask because I've been learning how to program for a while, but I don't know if I'm good enough. What should the portfolio consist of?

Everything's been done already though. Or am I just overthinkinh it and should I let's say put random meme exercises and projects on there?

Can you give me specific examples please

There is plenty of info on this on R*ddit

If you can fizzbuzz, then you're good to go.

Come on. Seriously, what's the limit for a junior job? For example, I watched one of Google's "Sample interview question" video, and I figured out how to do the thing the interviewer wanted. Is that good enough?

Anyone can do that though. I've done a lot of projecteuler problems. Would I put that sht in my portfolio?

I think he's right. From Sup Forums:

My experience has been as follows:

-I put an ad looking for a web dev
-200 people respond
-100 do not pass the "5 second test"
>zero experience, terrible English, asking for a salary 5 times what I am offering, etc
-50 are "web designers", or have nothing more than a 2-week koding kourse, or they worked as a web developer for 3 months 10 years and then worked something else
-20 do not pick up my call and do not respond to my email

Of the 30 left, 5 will be able to answer this question:
>In any programming language of your choice, print out the numbers from 1-100, and show which is odd and which is even
If you can answer the above question, you are in the top 2% of "job applying" candidates.

Yeah, it is THAT bad.

...maybe people do not understand that there are millions of websites, and everyone who enough $$$ wants to hire a web developer. If you are even SLIGHTLY competent as a web developer, you will get a job.

Do I just pick a book

Where the fuck do I start learning

Learn what? Programming? There's literally hundreds or thousands of tutorials on YouTube, books, online sites for free. You could just Google how to learn whatever you want and you'll find SO, quora, reddit threads etc giving suggestions on material.


Isn't that a lot? There is just an ocean of information.. I don't even know where to start. Do I just pick one at random from google results?

I would try different things. I've tried websites, videos, and books, and for me, books have been the best. Most people will say to start with Python because it's easier than C/C++, but I think you should know the basics of C first. Even though it's boring, it really helped me to understand how programs work, how loops work, etc. which for some reason I didn't really understand until I learned some C.

How exactly do you pass the 5 second test

Isn't it a little subjective?

I know a little bit about C#. I know some basic things, like what is an if statement is, what variables are, what loops are, etc.

Would you still suggest books? What about these course websites like coursera?

Yes it's all the same

Have you done any exercises with C#?
I've had bad luck with websites. They do a lot of the work for you, or sometimes the in browser app that they use doesn't work very well (you might accomplish your task, but you did it slightly differently than what they wanted so you FAIL).

Go to Berlin like every failed anglo.

There is a retarded amount of youtubers who work there and tell you how simple it is.

What exactly do you mean exercises?

I've never really coded anything.. I just understand some of the basics.

Then you should, but probably not in C#. Try learning C with a beginner's book and do the exercises that the book tells you to do.

Try doing these.

Add them to your portfolio.

>Senior in college about to graduate with degree in accounting
>Realize I've made a horrible mistake
>Want to do something with coding/dev
>Don't have money for another 3 years in school for a CS degree

Is it too late for me? I'm already 23

>CS degree

What do you mean by this

Do you dislike accounting?

>apply for a job
>instant interview offer
>do horrible in the c, c++ and linux test
>interviewer: was the test hard?
>user: no it was extremely easy, but i forgot all of those since i am not using these languages for couple of years now. however, coding languages are like normal languages, you know they say once you know french, its pretty easy to learn english, i feel the same about coding. in addition to this, we have internet at our disposal now, a quick google search solves majority of the problems now.
>3 days later they offer the job but i refuse due to other reasons

idk man. most of the time it doesnt even matter if you fail the test desu

It's a dying field. The only money to be made is in auditing or consulting. If you just want to be an accountant, you're looking at a CPA which is a masters degree + a lot of experience + a hard as fuck exam that costs like $1000 just to fucking take. All to make $65k starting.

Hmm I better get applying then

You can easily move laterally to any job in finance with an accounting background though. Accounting never dies because it's the backbone of every business.

>Lol all these loser IT wannabes
t. Mechanical engineer

>I wish I didn't fall for the "you dont need a university degree" meme.

Don't worry, even STEM is a meme. At least this physics and mathematics degree is really only good as a jizz rag.

i have a pretty good CV though, or maybe i just know how to sell myself.

Maybe if you're retarded. Not sure what your definition of a meme is but you literally cant lose studying business / STEM


I don't think so.
From my experience in the past 4 years of accounting, all of finance and business is a good ol boys club.

Tell us your secrets.

Go to so your brain can be fixed

i dont want to expose myself so i wont post my cv around here. but i just write everything i did, in or out of school, in an elaborate manner.

Can you block all personal info and post a screenshot? What do you mean by elaborate manner?

Leddit literally agrees with me though

He means he interviews like a non autist and has a resume that doesn't look like dogshit

hmm checked it but there are just too many personal info everywhere unfortunately.


All they do is bitch about how shitty accounting is

What's your point

They can give good advice on career advancement for you

The top posts are literally memes

All good advice has a hint of meme in it, as they say.

that's not so bad. it's worse when you go to interviews and don't get job, more depressing.

Yep yep

>Where the fuck do I start learning
Study job ads and see which skills are currently in demand. Ask employers what skills they look for in an employee. Doesn't hurt to shoot them an email or something.

I almost always get the job when I go to an interview though. When you get an interview they've decided your qualifications are suited so they just then want to ensure you're not a total autist or lying, at least that's what it feels like in my experience.

my father says roughly about 10% of your applications turn into interviews

What's the go to website for looking for these kinds of jobs?

Depends on field and area I guess.

Indeed, zip recruiter, monster, anything man why cant u just Google

Learn a trade nigga, don't you guys get that shit free in Canadialand?

We do but lazy ass millenials dont want to work good well paying blue collar jobs.
Im a 23 year old instrumentation technician making 75k a year and i was a college dropout dog.

Also there like zero good trade schools in Canada. The best is NAIT, SAIT and BCIT. The rest are shitty colleges giving out useless meme degrees and the grads usually end up flipping burgers.

I'm not very smart and I have concentration issues and I want to get a degree to get a good job, and I'm 26...what do

Learn a trade?

Or join military

Dont waste time getting a degree other than STEM get a trade or become a technician.

how many fucking times are you going to pose this? We get it.

I study applicated languages, english and korean... I hope it will be usefull