In this latest case, two Muslim girls were denied citizenship because they refused to swim in a pool with boys present

In this latest case, two Muslim girls were denied citizenship because they refused to swim in a pool with boys present.

In April, members of an immigrant family in the Basel area were denied citizenship because they wore sweatpants around town and did not greet passersby -- a sure sign that they were not sufficiently assimilated, the naturalization board claimed.

Another recent case sparked widespread outrage in Switzerland when two Muslim brothers refused to shake hands with their female teacher, also citing religious restrictions. Shaking hands with a teacher is a common practice in Swiss schools.

This is not the first time Switzerland's Muslim community has stirred controversy over swimming lessons. In 2012, a family was fined $1,500 for forbidding their daughters to participate in swimming classes.

The matter eventually ended up in the Supreme Court, which ruled that no dispensations from swimming lessons should be made on religious grounds.

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k... keep me posted.

Why do mountain jews even learn swimming when they live in a landlocked country with no sea or water???


>teaching musrats to swim

let them drown

Lake Geneva called...

oh you

sometimes I wish I was born in Suisse, desu

5 July is now officially SwissDay on japchan.
Happy SwissDay, SwissBros.
Teach us your secrets.


>Teach us your secrets.

>5 July is now officially SwissDay on japchan.
>Happy SwissDay, SwissBros.
I'm fine with this though.

Official thread theme:

that song really is awful


fucking based m8.

based mountain jews

Two things troubles me about this.

1. Why would you want to teach muslims how to swim? Water parks at summer is the #1 method to get rid of sub humans.

2. Why does mountains jews have swimming lessons at school? swimming is easy just use your fucking brain you move your limbs. fuck.

We have an extreme huge amount of lakes proportional to other countries. All fresh waters.

You guys don't even have swimming lessons? We used to go to the pool with the entire class and get swimming and diving lessons

It's because we don't have zionism lessons which gives us plenty of much time to learn some other things.

Yeah the school will send the classes to the pool on occasions but not for 'swimming classes'.
>zionism lessons
You mean history? You don't study history in school? Well, seeing how you curve dodged WWII you probably don't really have to.

>wore sweatpants

Wat. Does that mean that poles and russians are automatically denied citizenship in Switzerland?

Good lad.

Not automatically because people have to vote to give citizenship.

We have awesome lakes and rivers to swim in, for example in Geneva we have many spots to swim in the lake or in the river Rhone. In Basel you can swim in the Rhine, and in Bern the Aare river, Zurich has its own lake, so does Lucerne, Neuchatel, Lugano, Locarno, etc.

The water is usually colder than at some beaches, but it's crystal clear and a beautiful colour, and you can even drink it without getting sick in most areas (though it's obviously not advised).

>seeing how you curve dodged WWII

To this day, suggesting to the Germans they add "J" to Jewish passports was one of our brightest ideas. Shame our Jews couldn't keep all the monies other Jews left behind.

>mfw we had a Jewish woman president

keep it up.

thats the spirit m8


Based Switzerland, never give in, never give up. Even as Europe burns around you, hold fast and never give up your ideals.

>wearing sweatpants
>not sufficiently assimilated
... Blyat