Ask an Icelander who just spent a week in London anything

Ask an Icelander who just spent a week in London anything

Is acid more of a burning or prickly sensation?

is your favourite businesses ?!

How would I go about scoring some DMT when I'm an autistic loner with no connections?

Burning, it's not good.
if you ever get any in your eyes you should pour a base in your eyes. I think milk would do the trick!

GM and SS

Just go to the club scene, I'm sure there are many dealers around. From there get aquainted with users and ask around until you find a dealer that sells that. If you find a dealer that's selling psychedelics you're getting close

What's your favourite Madonna song

>nonironically listening to that old hag

do you like dick?

come to Malaysia white elf

Where in London ? Did you like it ?

Even if I did I wouldn't touch a b*lgian one:^)

And what am I supposed to do there?
Tell me about your country

I stayed in Harrow, yeah I liked it pretty well there. I like all these old buildings and history that London has. Would never in my life want to drive in the city though
>tfw everything is so cheap compared to here in Iceland

Is Iceland homogeneous cunt??

Were you scared?

>I stayed in Harrow

My ends. Bit far from central though.

Yeah it sure is, it kinda amazed me how long it can take to get from one part of the city.
In the same amount of time you could get far away from Reykjavík.
Luckily the taxifares were cheap, at least from the hotel. It was run by indians so they would just call some people they knew, since the taxis that came were not legit ones. Only cost like 35 pounds for an hour long journey to the Big Ben for example.

I may come back in December, might stay in Harrow again if that's the case

Nah, well when I first arrived it was kind of strange and scary to be in a new place, but it was my first time traveling in almost a decade and I was tired. I was fine after that.

was it weird leaving Iceland for the first time? i was in Iceland once and there are so few people, everything is so quiet and slow. what was the first place you travelled to? what was it like?

>so few people, everything is so quiet and slow.
definitely one of the main reasons I like living here
There were so many people literally everywhere in London, pretty overwhelming
And no I've been to Spain and Denmark, but that was both around a decade ago. It was bretty fun from what I remember

I'd definitely be interested in visiting smaller cities in Britain, will do that in the future.
But London is a beautiful city, I liked it

Surprised you didn't take the tube desu.

>smaller cities
Everyone will always suggests Bath and I'd say maybe try Cambridge. The Old part is beautiful.

With my luck I'd get lost. Never taken a tube in my life.
Would want to try though

I'll definitely not them down, thank thank
What's your life like?

Norwegian is similar to your language?

Both Icelandic and Norwegian have a common ancestor, Old Norse, so yeah they are similar.
But it's not enough mutual intelligibility for us to understand eachother, since norwegian has evolved alongside the other nordic nations while Iceland was isolated

wtf i hate iceland now