get in this thread, I'll call it in

>hey big guy, wanna play some games with me?

uuuh you dont get to bring games?

This is a pretty rare CIA


>do you like my costume user?





Dead meme

>Aidan Gillen, 5'10"
>Tom Hardy, 5'9"
CIA was the bigger guy the whole time

I think you'd better take your Reddit memes straight back there please, thank you

Look at this hothead.

Post more CIAs, does anybody have the one were he's at a festival monger off his face.

[citation needed]

"They expect one of us in the wreckage, Brother!"

This seemingly unimportant line encapsulates the true tragic message of the "Bane Plane" scene.
The character in question, Brother, is a consort of the infamous criminal and revolutionary "Bane". Along with his Boss, he is captured and brought onto CIA's (the protagonist) plane,
who intends to question the two about the whereabouts of his bitter rival Bane, ignorant to the fact that Bane is among those captured.
Brother has to go through several difficult trials in this scene, ultimately resulting in his tragic death as a Martyr-like figure. Firstly of course it is worth noting that Brother agreed to play a part in the dangerous, and possibly lethal, game Bane is setting up.
This reveals a lot about his character, because going on a mission of this kind (mission in multiples ways, not only as an assignment, but also akin to a christian "mission", Brother, by his own example, intending to convert others to the path he has taken and believes in ) requires a lot of loyalty (as Nolan cleverly references in the scene).
Both of them are brought onto the Plane, and immediately Brother has to face the first trial, the first battle, challenging his loyal and idealistic views. CIA (who in all but name is the villain in this scene), brutally hurls Brother towards the plane's open door, sticks his head out into the open and puts a gun to his head, demanding that Brother give up details on his Leader and Hero, Bane.
A stern silence by Brother is all that CIA is met with, and in extreme anger CIA shoots his gun (possibly aiming for God?) and lashes out at Brother, calling him a "hired gun" and questioning his loyalty. Despite this evil attempt to provoke Brother into talking, he remains calm even in the face of death, trusting his Master Bane to resolve the situation.
His (silent) calls are answered as Bane provokes CIA to remove the Bag over his head, revealing his true identity, and subsequently engages CIA in a debate.


Here, although Brother is not mentioned or seen in the shot, the true tragedy of his misison reveals itself.
The two big figures of the scene talk (Nolan includes a smart and sarcastic nod to all those who truly understood this scene by having CIA call Bane a "Big Guy", when in reality he is dependent on the support of loyal men like Brother), with Bane mentioning that he intends to crash the Plane "with no survivors".
This is Nolan artfully foreshadowing what will later happen to Brother. Another line that is central to understanding the true meaning of this scene is Bane inferring that "No one cared who I was, until I put on the Mask".
The attentive viewer can take two things from this short line, firstly a show of solidarity from Bane towards Brother. Bane reveals that he once was just like Brother, just a man among other men fighting for a common cause, and his current self as the "Leader" and "Big Guy" of the group merely being a Mask, while the ones CIA should really care about are people like Brother.
Bane hates this mask, but he can not take it off ("it would be extremely painful") as this would be leaving Brother and Bane's other companions without a leader to unite them. Secondly, and this is easy to miss, a profoundly sad detail carried by this line is that Bane, while uttering these words and honoring his friend and soldier Brother, also
knows that Brother has to die as part of his "Master Plan". This can be understood as kind of a farewell message.
A fight ensues, the second trial, in which Brother, Bane and their companions overpower CIA's men. As the fight ends, Brother intends to put on a parachute to escape the crashing plane, but Bane stops him, putting his hand on Brother's shoulder like a close friend would, and saying:

"No. They expect one of us in the wreckage, Brother!"

For a short time, a fraction of a moment, it is possible to see Brother accepting his fate as a pawn in this big game he has given his life to, then a tragic smile flashes over his face, and he longingly asks Bane: "Have we started a fire?", trying to confirm whether his sacrifice changed anything, to which Bane replies:

"Yes, the fire Rises."

With this said, Brother can make peace with his death and calms down, the last the viewer sees of him is the crashing Plane sailing towards the ground and Brother's certain death.
By this example, this last dramatic challenge Brother has to overcome, Nolan wants to honour all those who give their life to a cause they believe in and intend to change the world, even if it might end their life.

what a complete trainwreck of a shitty, overdone """meme""", just fucking DIE already

huh, i thought "wreckage brother" was the name of the plane, but this is a compelling explanation




I am detecting increasing cranial temperatures from this rather tiny fellow.

Lol, wouldn't it be funny if CIA didn't actually die in the plane scene, but rather went under cover as an Irishman named Aidan Gillen, while Agent C put him in GoT's flight plan?

>he hasnt watched the deleted scenes where CIA gets away

why the FUCK, is there ALWAYS this fucking brigade of absolute retards and faggots who jump out and go "hurr hothead" EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. TIME.

I mean HOW IN THE FUCKING WORLD is it there's cock sucking ass bandits like you shits who actually think this shit is funny?



If my post is dubs I will print off a picture of CIA and jizz on it


Then show me its body!

Probably because he was in a plane crash retard

>he didn't see the director's cut

Wtf! Is this real?


wtf? I love CIA now.


Thanks for bumping the thread my hotheaded friend. One day you can be a big guy too.

Someone get this hothead out of here

Google "Banewave".

this shit will never be funny, and one day you will get laid and find that out too



Hotheads gonna hot.

Just ten more minutes and he will collapse due to overheating


Notteth thine fathers qult de-fleur of the air shall more than one of Banes handworkers dareth stay their keep.

Who braves the wynd of old and succumbs to dogmatic pressure is allowed credence upon which he may cash so as to remain abord thine craft of aire.

Inform thouests' wandering ear; Inform o' me, tis the masked fiend of treachery?


For what purpose does he seek in submitting to facial garb of unusuale shape and distinctethnes.


For doth the fall calls yonder, for which no man flyeth well.

Dr Pavel, I'm BMX.

This is better

Hark! A doctor of the learned arts,
Who has strayed far to frequent these parts
Pavel's your name, is it nay?
A pleasure, I am CIA.

Avast, ye are mistaken,
These friends of yours cannot be taken

My friend, I think you may be swayed,
When you learn they work for Monsieur Masquerade


The very same

I shall not try to suppress my grin,
Hurry now, I will call it in

:Scene II:

Fortune is cruel, for you were not planned,
And now my friends, we are overmanned,
The file lists the good doctor, my men, and I
So turn to each other now and fare goodbye
For the only man to stay on this plane,
Is he who speaks of the mercenary Bane

Now! Speak, I shall not grovel,
Who paid you to grab doctor Pavel?

Alas, your friend did not talk,
And turned out to be more turtle than Hawk,
So perhaps you'll be persuaded when I ask,
Tell me about Bane, why does he wear the Maske!

I must say, your loyalty is exemplary,
I did not expect this from a mercenary

Or perhaps they merely thought twice,
That merely shooting a man would suffice.

Finally, these hungry ears are sated,
Tell me who you are, and your end will be belated,

Who? Why none of us is a special man,
What matters is only our plan

If I pull that off, will you demise?

It would be painfully unwise

Even for one as large as thee

I did not mean for me...

:Scene III:

But now I have you, you've gotten yourself caught?
Would all of this have been part of your plot?

Of course! We had to know what Pavel had revealed

Nothing! I wear these lips were sealed!

Well celebrate, though I am confused,
What could be the next part of your ruse?

Like Icarus, this plane shall fall from the sky,
No survivors, every man shall die.


HAHA for you XD what a big guy FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK OFF

bravo nolan

depart man of intemperate head
for this is a baneposter poetry thread

comfy cia

I am unable to dig up any picture clearer or bigger than this of CIA. Does one exist?




come on lads is this really how far we've fallen? i've had to roleplay as a hothead to get some posts in and we're only up to 60 posts after 2 hours in the one and only thread on fucking Sup Forums????
i guess the dream really is dead


Dr. Pavel, I'm Smee

Why do you care what other people find funny?
I get joy from these threads, so what's your fucking problem?


>Monsieur Masquerade
Alien architects will marvel at the art banescholars have produced.