What would you do to solve the refugee crisis Sup Forums?

What would you do to solve the refugee crisis Sup Forums?

mines in the mediterranean

Look at all those nice young families with children

Just say "no"
is it that hard ?

militarise the English Channel

What you do with any invasion: kill then

I'd fucking build a wall

If we nuke the Middle East this wouldn't be an issue.

All these men from indeterminate backgrounds with unknown criminal histories - I'd put them in labour camps in somewhere like Scotland to contain them, give them housing and food, but make them work to earn it. They can go home if they wish.

End the welfare state.

something something more bullets something something


Just say no to them like you do to us.

a yuuuuge wall, that Latvia will pay for.

Slave labour, if they don't like it a guaranteed ticket home

the u.sand britain actually did intend nuking the middle east back in the 50`s
it was their plan to stop the arabs selling oil to the russians
pity they did`nt do it, it would`ve made the world a better place

pic related

But at least one of them makes damn good coffee

Why is it all men fleeing their country?

Hmm? This unknown to me.
We don't say no to anyone to my knowledge.

Nothing, I'd just let Davy Jones sort em all out.


sink boats

should do this with robot sharks imo that puncture boats and make fuel from eating the refugees. can't believe it hasn't been done yet 2bh

Surely coffee is haram.

Send them back.

Just keep sending them back. Eventually they'll realize it doesn't pay off to come.

Also, persecute all human traffickers.

With a few rocket launchers. The sea will take care of the rest.

Kill every jew.

As long as they will be a big source of income for the Mafias that make big bucks in this human tradery, with the governments having their share of dirt in their hands, you don't solve it.

The only bad things in this world that don't exist are those who don't make a huge fuckton of dirty money.

worked for us

and offshore detention for years with no hope of getting through gov paperwork, but you can always head home...

1) make it very clear that 'arriving in Europe' != 'getting posh benefits'
2) Have a requirement of proficiency in a European language to apply for non-asylum immigrant status
3) Only have a short-term citizenship path for non-asylum immigrants with skills. Unskilled must wait many years with no benefits and *pay* for citizenship
4) Make the criteria for asylum strict - 'coming from a place that is poor'; 'there is a war near my home country'; etc. != asylum.
80%-90% of the problem is solved, right there

Well I mean, better back ground checks and really getting to know them. For example where their sense of morality lies... will they even be able to follow the laws in countries that they go to.

Nuke the middle east, the fallout winter will solve global warming and stop this roach invasion.

Our death camps is full with vietnamese people, non-whites are fleeing to europe all the time.

Use torpedos.


There's no refugees and that "crisis" isn't one, it's been completely orchestrated, these economic migrants are only responding to the northern countries' call
It's like turning a light on at night in your garden and debating for hours on end to know if there's a moth problem instead of simply turning the shit off

Napalm and rebuilding their country from the ground-up so they don't have a reason to run off

send them back and have the lazy fucks fix their countries

Gun boats. Lots and lots of gun boats.


Yes, making the distinction between economic migrants and actual asylum seeking individuals. Also creating a register, and making sure that they understand that just the laws as well.

>Can cure cancer
>is woman

Sink. Them. All.


Shut up nigger.

but then north korea and russia will nuke you

I'll miss Nigel


Scrap all benefits.

Imprison executives of companies that hire illegals.

What the fuck???? Someone got paid to write this shit?

Should be done regardless

Nuke Africa and Middle East

This is why you need to keep degenerates in check. People writing this shit should fear the consequences.