"""Great""" Britain

>"""Great""" Britain

Other urls found in this thread:


>people are morons

You discovered America, my friend, well done!

Hate speech is not free speech

yes it is leaf


its either free speech on anything like the us or cucked freedom of speech

No it isn't in fact even the truth can fall under hate speech and should be disallowed

>poll finds
Brexit has put any and all polls into question from here on out.

Import millions of mud people from primitive theocracies. Surprise surprise, they think their mythology should be protected from all criticism.

they only mean you can't talk shit about islam

Jesus, why hasn't America just annexed your syrup stain of a country yet?

>46% of a biased, small group of polled individuals are fucking retarded
>This must mean half the country feels this way!
Good fucking brainwashing at work you filthy heebs

Shit like this makes statistics worthless

>the only form of speech that actually needs protecting shouldn't be protected

>only 54%
>conducted for fear and HOPE

Race relations act and various other legislation makes it illegal so 54% in favor of breaking the law is quite good

>not posting links

>believing what any poll in Britain says
It's like you fucks are incapable of learning that they don't actually mean shit here or something

Why is Britain so cucked?

It's probably the same 40% that voted remain

it's easy enough to find my lazy paella munching friend

although the full version costs money

what is noticeable is the way they divide people into "tribes" and use positive sounding words for people they agree with and negative sounding words for people they don't agree with- "anxious", "hostile" etc

they were going to do the same poll in the US but they couldn't find 4015 white people

US minorities are less bluepilled than UK whites

Says the nation that is literally responsible for the degradation of western society:

>gay pride
>black fetishism

You should have just fucked off and let germany infect everyone with BDSM porn instead.

Says the nation with literal Sharia zones and courts and no-go cities

no such thing as hate speech

just speech you disagree with strongly



Oh, I support legal limits on free speech about religion, too.

For starters mosques should be banned, and preaching the islamic faith should be considered hate speech. After all, islam has long ago proven what a violent, racist, and sexist ideology it is.

Oh, that isn't what the leftists meant? Well, it's what they're going to get if they keep pushing for this shit and ever lose power. They're opening Pandora's box with their deviation from Western norms of free speech, and I'm not going to defend them should they ever have this reduction of rights turned against them.

I agree with them.

Speak against the Holy Church should not be allowed

Most people here are massive leftist cuckolds and will protect "hate speech" restrictions on freedom of speech. When you read the media you'll see that every single journalist is absolutely appalled at the level of freedom of speech the US enjoy, just like their freedom to bear arms. They think too much freedom isn't good.
Considering we are basically the new USSR, it's more like we don't have any freedoms at all, but leftards and all the teenagers supporting them seem to be okay with it. As long as they are allowed to buy Apple products, post irrelevant content on facebook and get their welfare, they'll be happy with anything the gov does.

No sharia zones
No no-go cities

Shit memes with no basis, whereas your sins are absolute and highly visible to everyone.

That's lower than I would have expected

I'd love to stuff those leftists into jail under their own laws. Wouldn't it be grand for some cunt to write another hit piece, as he's been doing since the start of his career, and suddenly find the (new, right wing) cops at his door because he broke a law which he supported when it was proposed but never envisioned being interpreted against him?

If we ever gain power, we should throw the left's own book at them.