Why didn't he know that he was black? What was the fucking point of this movie?

Is there a reason why this is literally the only promo shot for this movie?

Seeing a wide=eyed nigger isn't making me want to see this movie

>Pretending to be Retarded on the Internet

Just got back from the theater
>says GET OUT in first 3 mins
Should've listened.

can anyone tell me what this movie's actually about? i've seen nothing but memes and Sup Forumsposting about it and i don't get it at all.

That's all you need to know about it

>title is get out
connect the dots user

Does it trigger Sup Forums by telling them to "get out" of their basements?

Huwhite people are kidnapping blacks so they can mind transfer white people into their bodies with a combination of hypnosis and brain surgery. In effect, a white mind is controlling a black body, with the black person still trapped in the head as a passive observer. They do this typically to counter-act physical shortcomings like being eldery, blind, etc. Why only black people, you ask? The movie implies it has something to do with blacks' superior physical traits, and a desire of musty old whites to be hip. But it's never explained why it's only exclusively blacks. Because... reasons, I guess?

Its social commentary


>What was the fucking point of this movie?
Whities are evil

That sounds fucking retarded

because so many elderly white people are jealous of poor young african-americans?

Yeah I understand it may have been trying to have a message, but it was never clear to me. A lot of the film fell apart with a little thinking. My big take away was ethnicities should stick to their own kind, which I don't think I was supposed to leave the theater thinking.

They're probably jealous of everyone with functioning genitals

>gets 100% on rotten tomatoes

But hes suffering, might be cool.

It's a horror movie. It just happens to be about white people being crazy.

Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums



Oh, also it repeatedly has characters repeating their conception that all white people want to fuck black men because of their superior sexual prowess.

I was highly amused at the portrayal of the huwhite girlfriend after she reveals herself as a villain. Her demeanor totally transforms into a stereotype of a cold-hearted SWPL young huwhite woman with a tied-back ponytail, a predilection for whole milk, and proficiency with a shotgun... Just a hilariously entertaining characterization to me for all the wrong reasons.

Hey, I've seen that movie!

What the fuck?

Jewish propaganda. Nothing more, nothing less.

Anything else for the shitlist?

frieza truly is our guy

It only makes sense if it was an overt jab at white liberals who always feel the need to speak on behalf of blacks about every single fucking thing.

But if the plot is as you say it is and old white people just use young blacks's hip? then they haven't discovered that white liberals are the reason they feel so god damn undermined throughout America.

They're trying to show they know they're being brainwashed, but they don't know specifically by whom

lol besides running fast what physical traits?

No, it's satire.

Get it right.

Black people can pull off being fat better than white people can.

Seriously though, is this the only promotional image they have for this fucking movie?

Peele was smart enough to restrict the marketing (barely) and this is literally the only unique image in the movie.

The only other option would be le Hollywood poster with "GET OUT" scribbled all over it.

I got serious Resident Evil 7 vibes from that out of the way state house and how the dad literally said "welcome to the senpai family my man"