

Everybody here has multiple email accounts. Everybody here does work from home on those accounts, regardless of where the "server" is (a "server" is a hard drive).

Almost every classified document I've seen in my career has been ridiculously over classified. Spoiler alert, ISIS has Russian heavy MG.

Almost every government computer system has been hacked, repeatedly.

You do realize how classified documents are handled? They're stored in locking file cabinet 'safes' in offices with regular doors. If you want to destroy a classified document you hand carry it over to the burn building.

On any given day, tens of thousands of people handle "classified" documents and make mistakes. If discovered, they're reprimanded. Senior leaders handle so many classified documents so often they can rarely keep them straight in their head.

And so it goes.

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying you are employed

Top kek. M8

What is being the secretary of state

>US Secretary of State had same type of classified materials as bucktooth bong
>US handles Intel exactly the same way as Brits
Holy shit

Holy shit OP, congrats on getting that high ranking government job.

i seriously doubt any of us is keeping classified information on those email accounts.

(apart from those of us in the NSA of course)

>You do realize how classified documents are handled?

You saw one John LeCarre film set in the 50s and you're suddenly an expert? You obviously have no idea what you're talking about faggot.

I love that Comey went out of his way multiple times to say that even using a fucking gmail account would have been better

Everybody here has top secret security clearance kek

But I'm not a former secretary of state or am I currently running for president.

Fuck off with your retarded logic.

>On any given day, tens of thousands of people handle "classified" documents and make mistakes

Those tens of thousands of people didn't mishandle tens of thousands of emails while working as the Secretary of State, dipshit.

>commit gross negligence
>disseminate classified information
>violate federal statutes
>refused to turn over emails
>deleted a bunch
>finally got them, and many are marked classified
>defense is: "But I didn't mean to!"

This is why Britain needed Brexit. You idiots are so passive and liberal you'd allow anything.

The FBI literally said anyone else caught doing the same exact thing would be charged.

This is clearly a matter of her being above the law

For just a nominal donation to the clinton foundation you too can buy your own set of government top secret files on craigslist too!

>they are reprimanded
the reprimand for this act is being banned from federal office

>physical documents exist
yup, and getting them out of secure areas is intentionally made difficult. Emailing them to some podunk retard homebrew server is not the same thing.

>a server is a hard drive
holy fuck you are actually retarded

>over classification means laws don't matter
>everyone makes mistakes
nice moral relativism there. If something is illegal, it's illegal. You can debate the justification behind the law, but you can't selectively enforce them.

>a server is a harddrive

Oh shit, my company can save a shitload of real estate if this is the case

>The FBI literally said anyone else caught doing the same exact thing would be charged.

Why arent her aids being charged then? Why nothing pressed on Huma Abeedin?

>what the fbi meant to say, anyone else would be charged, except for government officials, law enforcement, illegal immigrants, blacks, and muslim terrorists, but everyone else would be charged

yes secops sucks and as secstate she ought to have made it a top priority to get that shit fixed. instead she creates a stupid email server for her own use without bothering to try to fix anything else.

Yeah, I think that's the only explanation as to why they were being so blatantly stupid about security measures. If they were only attempting to circumvent FOIA, they'd have that shit on maximum lockdown.

ok Cwolf88 from VA. Where did this copypasta come from?

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer— Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

He literally didn't say that

>a "server" is a hard driv

He said anyone else in this position would face charges.

Honestly they should have just said they found nothing, because it's insulting as fuck to say "Yeah, she did it, we found plenty of classified confidential shit among deleted emails, but she didn't mean to do it!"

Where's the quote of him saying that


You can skip to 35 seconds on the video
>To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary. Those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions, but that's not what we're deciding now

Literally saying she's above the fucking law

So I'm wondering if they're now going to throw the book at every Clinton staffer involved in this mess. Every one of them should receive "security or administrative sanctions", right? End every one of their political careers and maybe people will start thinking twice about following the orders of a crook.

Of course not. Because you can't punish the staffers without punishing her, it would make even less sense than this statement.

It's either all or nothing


No, Comey said that there was evidence that classified information was sent over an unsecured system and the proper action would be "security or administrative sanctions". Clinton is no longer Secretary of State or in government, but I bet most of her staffers still are. Go after them.

So because she committed crimes while holding office, and is now no longer in office absolutely nothing should be done?

I'm not saying that. I think it was intentional and that there should be a felony prosecution. But my question is given this conclusion by the FBI, will they now be going after all staffers who are still subject to administrative sanction, revoking their security clearances, and ending their political careers?

e.g. revoking Huma Abedin's security clearance and making sure she never works in government again

Some of those people even get charged with crimes too. :^)

We'll see what happens. Though after the FBI suggested Clinton receive no charges my faith in the justice system is dead

That's hardly the same as having a bunch of servers installed into your own home so you can do shady shit without anyone being able to monitor it.

>a "server" is a hard drive

lol no

>desperately uses a yawn
>shill confirmed

little tryhard is gonna tryhard

>Though after the FBI suggested Clinton receive no charges my faith in the justice system is dead

Oh yeah, I completely agree - this proves she's considered above the law. Still, it would be nice to make an example of her henchmen.

Shit tier bait, 2/10 must try harder!

Okay, Kurt

I would bet my left nut that if by some miracle she does receive charges, obongo would just pardon her since he wants literally anyone but Trump in office

So the FBI director recommenced against taking action against Hillary. So I guess that proves the "FBI insider" really was just a RP'er.

Obongo fucking DESPISES Hillary though.

She is quite literally anathema to him.

Yeah, I would not want that to be my final presidential act if I were him. That's a good way to instantly bump yourself down from bottom 50% to bottom 25%.

>a "server" is a hard drive

Tbh this, it's a shame your vote isn't real, The powers that be put hillary in office years ago before she even announced she was running.

thing is, if this investigation dropped while she was Secretary of State, the FBI would have recommended sanctions against her and she would have lost her security clearance and her job.

Only, she's no longer Secretary of State so they can't do that, and the criminal case against her isn't strong enough to secure a indictment by proving intent.

So we're left in a position where Hilary would have lost all her security clearance which she currently doesn't have, but she's running for a higher government office. It's fucking insane and the worst part is that the media will treat this FBI announcement as a 'all clear' when in reality it's telling us she's grossly incompetent with secure information at best.

Better get ready to accept your queen America, Hillary is too big to get jailed.

>Obongo fucking DESPISES Hillary though.
Someone didn't hear. He officially endorsed her. It's obvious he doesn't fucking like her at all, especially considering what he said in '08. He's literally just endorsing her because he doesn't want Trump to win.
Like he gives a shit. He's already done fucking beyond retarded shit in office
>Trayvon zimmermen case
>Steps forward to say "If I had a son he would have looked like Trayvon"
>Literally contributed fucking nothing besides LOOK WE THE SAME COLOR, THIS IS OPPRESSION AND SHIEEET
Seriously, he's a shitty fucking president, getting involved in shit he shouldn't, and when he should be involved, like during bombings, he goes to a baseball game

Fuck Hilary Clinton, literally anyone else would do a better job as president.

>criminal case against her isn't strong enough to secure a indictment by proving intent.
The "intent" part of this is driving me fucking insane. Intent should not have anything to do with being punished for a crime. How many drunk drivers have gotten off on the defense of "Oh officer, I didn't intend to mow down that family while driving drunk :^)"

She is proof that laws are for the little people; as is Obama.

She has shown the American people that the party operates outside of all laws while the rest of us don't even live by fucking laws; we live by leftist "interpretations and judicial opinions" of laws that are enforced the same as laws.

And like always we're expected to just be ok with this career criminal getting away with shit AGAIN.

She literally gave Top Secret classified emails to Russian and Chinese hackers.

How the fuck is she not hanging from a rope?


no president would be better than hillary

>1 post by this ID
ID is literally jeweeweeww
Eat shit and die

>a "server" is a hard drive
Your opinion is invalid/.

when merkel 2.0 aka hillary ruins your country, you deserve it OP.

cite it

explain how its not

Holy fuck do you work at gchq?

>If discovered, they're reprimanded.
kill yourself shill. God damn do yall even read what you type anymore? She didnt just get "discovered" she had a whole BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION looking in to it. Comey said she was guilty. Can't ignore that fuckin faggot.

>implying everyone here has security clearance and is an elected official.

this is bait tho. SAGE THIS SHIT FAGS

>cite it


>Two Russian intelligence agencies hacked the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) database.
>“The intruders so thoroughly compromised the DNC’s system that they also were able to read all email and chat traffic.”
>The DNC’s hired cyber security firm explains that “it is extremely difficult for a civilian organization to protect itself from a skilled and determined state such as Russia.”
>We know that Russian intelligence knew about Clinton’s private email account since mid-March 2013.
>The private Clinton email account came to light with the publication by a Kremlin-funded news service of emails sent to Clinton by her trusted advisor Sidney Blumenthal.
>The Post story is related to Clinton’s private server in three ways. First, it shows that even a major civilian organization can scarcely protect itself from a “skilled and determined state like Russia.”
>If the DNC’s cyber secrets are open to Russian intelligence hackers, the odds are overwhelming that they have Clinton’s private emails as well, especially given that Clinton’s private server was a target of the highest value.

>Second, the Post identifies “spearphishing” as the method of penetration of the DNC data base. From a Breitbart account we know that Clinton, by her own admission, was a victim of a “spearphishing” email, which she thought was sent by someone in her inner circle. We still do not know if this breach was by Russian intelligence or a harmless source.

>The DNC hack shows that a professional cyber security firm can identify security breaches and their sources with great specificity. The DNC already knows that the Russian hackers are from military intelligence and the FSB. A professional cyber security firm could have done the same for Clinton’s private server, but it has been wiped clean.

It actually would have. Gmail works to keep their servers secure and you can send encrypted files over it.



Why have laws to protect national security information?


Why prosecute those who violate these laws?

He shouldn't have said anything. It's not his position to recommend whether Justice presses charges. It's his to collect the evidence and present it. He should not be having a presser and recommending no charges. Comedy is falling on his sword so Lynch doesn't need to.

>You do realize how classified documents are handled? They're stored in locking file cabinet 'safes' in offices with regular doors. If you want to destroy a classified document you hand carry it over to the burn building.
If remember correctly they are actually stored in a refrigerated server room kept underground and insulated with a significant air gap between the machines, white noise machines everywhere, and isolated from the internet. Very few people handle classified documents and they are intentionally kept from anyone who doesn't "need to know" to ensure the information has as little chance of getting out as possible. It's a rather serious crime to release classified information and it also presents a pretty severe danger to all of our government operations.

Clinton on the other hand transmitted classified information over clearnet to and from an unsecured server she was not even allowed to set up. The purpose of using her White House email is so that every email can be archived so she doesn't fuck around and break the law, and this was the main reason for setting up a private server. She was just extremely negligent and broke protocol left and right by sending and received classified information, not to mention openly talking about secret military operations and alliances she wasn't even supposed to know about.

When questioned, she denies involvement in everything. This is why the server exists: her emails are not archived and made public information, so she can do whatever she wants. It gives her some plausible deniability she is legally forbidden to seek out. To make matters worse, every person she corresponded with knew this. Almost every high-ranking official in the US government and beyond was completely aware that she was breaking the law, and they conspired to keep it a secret. This is why she won't be indicted: everyone would have to be. The president, the cabinet, the military, the senate, the house, and her "donors" would face charges

The results are exactly how the "insider" said they would be.

Hi, someone with an American clearance here. I won't connect my phone to anything work related. I won't access my email unless I am sitting at my machine in the lab behind 3 locked doors. Because if the government thinks you accidently received something you shouldn't have had, any device touching that something is gonna get confiscated for at minimum 3 weeks. If they catch you with any sort of portable media in a classified area, so much as a fitbit, it's confiscated for weeks and you get investigated for it and you will be punished regardless of your "intent" for having that media. If you accidently opened a classified email that wasn't meant for you, you are in deep shit just for opening that file without checking the clearance required. Ive seen one guy fired over such a case, along with the sender. The American government does not fuck around with this. If anyone else had done this there would be no less than a raid on the property, the server seized and it's owner and operators shipped to Guantanamo, no trial.


saged and hidden

>Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgement is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.
You can freely pick apart what he said, but I don't see anywhere that he isn't recommending action. He's pretty clear that no action would be taken regardless of his recommendation.

Actually, is IS his job to recommend if charges should be filed or not.
You obviously haven't followed this.

To add to this, I've seen guys taken out in cuffs for mishandling FAKE classified material during training. It doesn't even matter if the material is classified, the rules revolve around handling it.


It's not the investigators job to make recommendations to the prosecutor. It's the investigators job to present the findings of their investigation. Justice decides of charges are filed.

security or administrative sanctions means losing security privileges or getting penalized at your job.
...Which are obviously not what they're deciding on since she doesn't work there anymore and her husband is a former president, ffs.
Yet you're using it as evidence she's getting special treatment because they're not criminally prosecuting her.
Learn to fucking read.

>every Clinton staffer involved in this mess
More like every single member of the US government. Everybody knew. They used the email to talk to her.


The engineering firm i work for is more strict about document control than Clinton was. Fuck off with you projections.

>1 post

I've handled more confidential material in a year than you've read in your whole life. If I did what shilldawg did, I'd be in jail.

>A server is a hard drive
>ID is Jewery
I know this is a bait thread, but I'll post your pasta on Sup Forums to have a laugh

Comey's statement (and at least one of the emails I've read) carry a broader criticism of the State dept's handling of these things. I'm curious whether you worked at State or DoD?
Seems easy to believe that State would naturally have a more lax attitude (not justifying the attitude, but would be consistent with the varying treatment)

>and the criminal case against her isn't strong enough to secure a indictment by proving intent.

Bullshit. It's the strongest you can get. She is just above the law in the most literal sense.

Intent doesn't have anything to do with it. She broke protocol, intent doesn't matter. They may not be charging her with treason but breaking protocol carries a minimum punishment of never being allowed to hold public office again. They are looking for a bigger charge because this smaller one is actually worse for her.

And again, this would mean almost every high-ranking official is liable and none of them want to be banned from office. Either they find intent and charge Hillary ALONE for some serious crime, or they have to sweep it under to avoid indicting the entire federal government.