Poor insomnia Jap here. Ask me anything about Japan while other japs sleeping zzz

Poor insomnia Jap here. Ask me anything about Japan while other japs sleeping zzz

Do average japs like anime?

I don't watch anime/cartoons except southpapk because I was banned from watching anime by parents when I was a child
Now I thank them

Is it true that medics considered like a separate caste of people in Japan and that it is mostly family business so if your parents are doctors there are higher chances that you will become one too?

What do you think about heavy anime advertisement that you can see everywhere in Japan?
And I mean not in the sense of cartoons themselves but rather that there are a lot of drawn girls advertisement for products that could use real life person as model.

To me it looks a little childish but I assume people find it cute.

yes. 100% true

Opinion about spain and south america?

what's your favorite shinto shrine in japan?

Anything cool to do down in Kagoshima, aside from the volcano?

>What do you think about heavy anime advertisement that you can see everywhere in Japan?
Just disgusting. 80% of Japs would totally agree with me.

Why didn't you take some benzos to sleep like Americans do?

catalunya ganbare
>south america
me gusta hot latino

Do Japanese people believe that putting money in shrines will bring good luck or is it just a tradition?

鶴ヶ丘八幡宮 in Kamakura
damn majestic

What do you think about black japanese couples?

Where is Japan going?

I'm sorry but I've never been to Kyushu

but I think you can try some kind of sake which is made in Kagoshima
many beautiful isolated islands belong to kagoshima


What do you think about the Japan-USA alliance?

I would like to know your honest opinion on Russia and maybe Russians.
I also would like to know what made you to come to your conclusion on the matter? Were it threads on Sup Forums, your national TV or some articles on the internet.

>black man Japanese woman
I always see them in shibuya
>black woman Japanese man
I've never seen them but they must be cool because it's rare

we are just sucking their huge dick

Yes, I hope someday Japan gets out of this and be true to their own unique beautiful culture :) A lot of brazilians admire what the japanese immigrants did here

Is it true that most people with anime icons on twitter are netouyo?

Why do japanese girls like blacks?

What did Japanese immigrants do in Brazil?

No one gives a fuck about your country. it doesn't mean hatred but irrelevant
Like other Japs, I don't have any opinions but I'd like to go to Vladivostok some day

korea > japan

sadly it's true

Why Vladivostok?
I live on the other side of the country but I know that Vladivostok doesn't offer anyting to make a trip to it.
And for Japanese who live in highly developed country visit over there will bring nothing but disappointment IMO

>Like other Japs, I don't have any opinions
Why don't you have opinions?

my friends who have got pussys don't care about BBC desu

They basically first came here like all the euro immigrants here in Brazil to substitute the slave workforce and work on coffee plantations, but in a short time they ascended quickly everywhere and basically there are tons of companies owned by the japanese, especially in the food/farm segment. Also some became known for being painters, photographers and architects for the modernist movement. They are completely integrated, and everybody admires their digilency and work ethic, also their food is everywhere.

it's like
Poland > Germany


A shame that the majority of your population doesn't share their views really.
It shocks me that even here in Russia I am more safe to walk in city at night that I would be in Brazil.

lol wut? don't believe what 4channers say my friend

How's that english teaching going, chad?

WTF. I hate brasil tumblr monkeys now!

I don't like anglosaxon desu
they're noisy as chinese
hope they all come back to their countries

I'll go to bed. good night

Good night to you too.

Do you like autistic Germans/Nordics?

japan will never be free

I like what you do with that tounge~

Is it worth studying in Japan?

Are you attractive?