Are there any fmr citizens of the USSR here?

I want to know what was life like during the USSR
hell former East Germans are allowed

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Wolga German from Kazakhstan here.

Live was sometimes harsh and hard but overall we, atleast our village/region, had it really good. People in western countries are rotten, greedy, soulless, cold etc.

The -stans in general got completely fucked over by the collapse of the USSR from what I know.

Typically, it sucked, because communism is bad.

my family had an all expense paid for vacation to Siberia thanks to Stalin

I lived in Russia for a year, despite all the memes it was surprisingly normal. . . just sort of sleepy, kind of like a number of slightly shabby but comfy midwestern towns.


Yes the Soviets gave us stans many stuff, work was there for everyone. After the collapse everything broke a part, people started drinking. Police was fucking corrupt, almost anarchy till 1996...

spoken like a true burger

It wasn't that bad in the 80s from what I remember

apparently they had some nice music during the 80s

You're rotten and greedy, people under communism became evil especially the citizens. You are soulless.

I was young, but yeah it was pretty good. Much better than it is now desu

my fav still are the groups

sector gaza and Kino(Viktor zoi)

This, and the peacocking about and showing off your pair of jeans your uncle somehow got from overseas or you got from sucking a guy off in an alley was on another level.

Something similar to feeling hip and cool walking around in your pre-war hat in some post-apocalyptic fantasy

Latvian. Lived in the 80s and saw it all go to shit.
Look. All those people that say near 100% employment and what not are completely right.
However you have to understand key things. Firstly the goverment was not capable of micromanaging the supply and demand curve anywhere near as well as a free-market. I know I lived through it.
I lived through the lines for hours for the most basic things like meat. I had it good because I had relatives in farming so I always had eggs and milk, but for people in cities it was even harder.
Once the places like Poland wanted independence, Latvia, an agricultural behemoth (at least considering its landmass and population) that before the USSR had huge exports of Bacon for example suffered near famine as nearly all of the food produced was sent to places that were starting to want independance, particularly Poland in hopes of raising their quality of life just enough so they would stay.

It was a mess. A complete and utter mess. My grandparents had to wait nearly 10 years just to get a car, but people still had bars of soviet soap years after its collapse because because the goverment produced too much of that.

Communism does not work. Collectivised means of production work very very very rarely.

If I had to sum up how I and my parents view the USSR it would be that no matter what problems Latvia faced in the pst. And no matter what problems it faces now. It was never as bad as what people had to Endure in the USSR.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

The burgers are right, communism is evil.

this may seem like a dumb question,
but what was the internet like?


Internet was not in the USSR in the 80s and very early 90s.
Was it anywhere in the 80s?

By god that's prolly the stupidest thing I've read for awhile.

If it was posted under any other flag I would assume you was joking.

i dont know
i did find this website from the soviet union which is

>10 years car meme

Dunno, my parents had a brand new lada and there were tons of them.

Looks like a problem in the european part of the CCCP?

nice ID.

".su was assigned as the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the Soviet Union (USSR) on 19 September 1990. Even though the Soviet Union itself was dissolved a mere 15 months later, the .su top-level domain remains in use today. It is administered by the Russian Institute for Public Networks (RIPN, or RosNIIROS in Russian transcription)."
The internet existed for the last 15 months. So I guess no normies ever used the internet back then.

and it seems as if internet was introduced to the soviets in 1990

Whoops wrong guy meant the burger asking about internet.

>lived in russia as a kid pre 2000
>all those lada, schiguli, volga
>those busses with motors that sounded like a group from /fit/ playing bowling with their dumbbells

ah great times...

Were there any communist apologists in your town back then like there are now, or was everyone aware of how backwards it was?


Really? Maybe your parents had special rights or something.
Were they secret informers or did they have a mid/hgh rankin beirocratic job?

Sorry typing on my Iphone that I got by working in my glorius free market society.

There still are, especially in the Russian side, more especially in the old Russian and the non-citizen one.

Don't get me wrong, there probably are many Latvians too, for example, a tractor driver who used to dump diesel in the ditch and drink vodka for the rest of the day now can't really do jack shit and live carelessly, that's just one silly example

but all in all, I think yeah

dont forget the zaparozhet. It was actually bette than the trabant kek.

My grandpa had one of those

dunno, my father was the driver of some general while he was in the army...

but in the 80s everyone had a car in our village


HOLY FUCK i totally forgot about that one

>called that thing "zhoparoshez", crudely translated to "assface"

free land to build anything you want after the war , free education, the things where build to last, and generally we formed very diferrent mentality from the west with less stress and selfishness

The only people who liked the sytem were those who directly benifited from it really.
Because of Communism Beurocracy was extensive. So the richest people were those with mid/high beurocratic jobs.
They did not necessarily get payed mich more. But for example they got assigned better houses. They were higher up on waiting lists for example. So many of those people supported it for example. Not necessarily for ideological reasons (people who actually believed communism were very rare) but for the financial and societal benefits listed above.

I see, thanks for the insight.

Just as shity as today.
You had a job and money but nothing to on them.
To buy something good you had to wait a giant line still nothing changed.
Today at least you can speack about the bullshit without fear and you can travel around the world unlike just in union.
My Dad was a pioneer(Comie Youth) says it was brainwashing program he regrets being there.
Television was complete political garbage and watching "illegal" west movies was much more entertaining than watching same shit all the time.
And if some one asking im half-russian.

A whole town where nearly everybody had cars? Hmmm. Either your town is remote so the goverment made it easier to get cars. Or everybody waited in your town for their car. Or the likely idea that it was simply easier wherever you were in to get a car.
Stuff like that would be very rare in Latvia at least.

Drīzāk džeks ar nostaļģiju pārņemts, nu neticās par tām mašīnām, vai nu ja saka taisnību, tad tā bija dislocēto militāro vienību pārstāvju kāda no sēņu pilsētām, tiem jau neko nežēloja

This. In capitalism, if you obtain money, you can do things. Want to drop out of society and live on a farm? Fine, just be able to pay your bills.
In Communism, everything in your life is the result of a judgment from the central government. If they like you, good. If they don't, then the food you eat and clothes you wear will suck.

In modern times yeah. Russians are the majority who would support a return to the USSR. But from my experience that is less because they liked communism, but more because back then they were the ruling class of Latvia. And now they have fallen from grace.

Varbūt. Bet beidzam lietot mūsu slepeno valodu, jo dēļ tā ka mēs vairs nedzīvojam padomju savienībā tehnoloģiskais progress nozimē, ka var vienkārši kāds šo gūgla transleitā iekopēt un visu saprast. Varbūt mums darīt kā slīp acainajiem divi čanā un ar bildēm sazināties lai ārzemnieki mūs nesaprot tik viegli?

In capitalism, if the government likes you then you don't have to go to prison.

I've actually met different personas from so called Russian youth here, those who know both Latvian, Russian and even others, call themselves Latvians, content with most of the things and some who maybe understand Latvian, wear those abysmal orange-black strips of cloth on 9th of May, accompanied with disdainful views of the country.

But I think in the following decade or so, as the generations come and go, the first kind will prevail

I'm from communist Cuba.

Everything was shit, but now we have the same faces in politics and the corruption is slightly better hidden

There are in Latvia obvious problems to our gradual transition to the free-market. But anybody who sais that under comminism it was better. Then through time they have to had forgotten how brutal and depressing the situation actually was.


1. Poverty
2. 10 cents/hour minimal wage
3. Everything overregulated
4. You were mocked for having anything
5. Absolute lack of toilet paper

10/10 would live there again

Tad jau drīzāk jālieto senlatviešu rakstu zīmes, ja pats īsti nesaproti ko tās nozīmē, svešais noteikti paliek ar garu degunu. Ja godīgi PSRS nemaz neesmu dzīvojis, bet esmu "uzsūcis" dažādus viedokļus, stāstus, pieredzi no tā laika studentiem, politikā iesaistītajiem u.c.

In the USSR if the goverment liked you then absolutely jack shit would happen to you.
In the USSR somebody like Trump would suddenly get sick from the flu. Go to a hospital and leave without any organs.

All the old russian's i know are more mad about that they weren't given citizenship after the dissolution. They have a chance to get go and get the citizenship but they are too proud to do it. The young russian are not all retarted but there are allot.

>You're rotten and greedy, people under capitalism became evil especially the citizens. You are soulless.

fixed it for you leaf.

Es dzīvoju pašās beigās tikai. Es viss labāk atceros 90s gadus. Man bija kādi pieci gadi kad sabruka, bet vecāki man visu ir izstāstijušu par situāciju kāda bija.

ask these guys

What? They have meat!

it was fucking EPIC

Nice try, capitalist Jew shill. ((((baltics)))))

really makes u think

I thought that was an image from the civil war?

Not USSR but my grandparents stories of life during the 50s-80s in communist China they both lived in small and rural villages for them live wasn't so bad since everyone in the area were related by common ancestry there was lenient oversight due to a couple guys in the village having fought for the commies but even then barely any work got done grandpa would steal rice seeds and have his own garden a mile away from town everyone lived together it was like a prison everyone ate food at the same time at a communal cafeteria like place and through most of the day there was someone keeping a eye on you either someone appointed by the local government or your co-workers. Generally life was a bit better than the past. Your mail was always checked one guy was arrested for trying to talk to his family to help him get into HK, houses were searched occasionally, bad projects caused a famine for a while people got food smuggled from HK. There was public education that wasn't there before things got better after the 70s though

They finally came

My Ma' always said lack of variety was the worst thing about the USSR. But job security was the best.

We had communist lite parties running most of our provinces (80% of funding our feds are but a shell) so we've seen what socialism does. We went from 20% interest rates runaway inflation and sky high debt to balanced budgets and one of if not the highest standard of living in the world in two decades. This is why Canadians love Reagan and Thatcher.

Shoo shoo Ivan.
You are just Salty that nobody fucking cares about you or your people after the fall of the (((Soviet Union))) so now you are throwing temper tantrums at countries.
How are you still in the second stage of grief after your empire fell?

Definitely NOT. unless you are talking about some other civil war that I don't know about.

either way I want to know the story behind it

ITT: The word "communism" abused by those brainwashed by the bolshevik opportunists that misappropriated the word.

That's not capitalism.

RIDF must finally be experiencing manpower issuses after their budget was cut to siphen even more money into Russian Billionaire accounts.

It was ok. Free education, free medical care, a guaranteed job were among good things. There were a lot of shitty things too. First 10 years after the crash were horrendous. That's probably the reason there're still a lot of nostalgia commie fucks out there on the post-soviet space.

Ousting these shills as disingenuous dogmatists took literally one bait post lmao.

OP, Don't ever bother trying to get an honest answer out of non-Russians, as their political sentiment is always going to be, at least in part, fueled by their inferiority complex that they've developed as a result of our having dominated them for as long as we have.

I believe that picture is from the Ukrainian famine in the 1930s after collectivization. They took all the peasants' produce, seeds and farming equipment in the name of the state. Millions died of starvation, so to survive they turned to cannibalism. First they would eat corpses, but a few would kidnap children and eat them, which is what is shown in that picture.

Communism: not even once.

Enlighten me. Does a country where all industry and agriculture was collectivised and where almost no property was actually owned by people and instead given out by the state in order to stop few people from accumulating too much wealth sound just a tiny bit communist?

>you was

inferiority complex is something these shitstains of countries all seem to suffer, someone should research that, it's getting really annoying

that's siege of Leningrad, where your beloved nazis and finns tried to starve people to death, nice try

>mfw people here say 'you was' unironically

Enlighten me Ivan and potential Ivan alt. Why do you unironically defend the USSR?

Not in the slightest. That is central state socialism. If you lived under "communism" which commune did you belong to exactly? None, because there weren't any. If you want examples of communism then try the early kibbutzim or the those set up by the Makhnovists in Ukraine - and destroyed by the bolsheviks because they were not true communists at all.

Recommend Noam Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent" on how this Big Lie took seed.

>people ITT unironically defending communism
kek. Tell that to the 50 million Russians or 100 million Chinese that fell victim to its poisonous and sacrilegious clutches.

First, you have to understand that not everything is black and white, therefore the burger answer "gomunism sucks", is invalid.
Back in the day there was a thing called Corecom, it was a shop in which you could buy western goods (consumer goods). When in the west the consumer revolution started (expensive technological stuff becoming cheap and by this allowing entrepreneurship for even more technological stuff) the model of a centralized organism which regulated the economy became obsolete, this is why the USSR started to copy Apple. Then people in charge started to understand that thing were changing
On the other hand the shift to an economy based in services destroyed the centralized system even more, because in the service sector you cannot size the means of production, and if you try to you end up with government employees, which are lazy as fuck and produce nothing.
The entire centralized system crashed, despite the fact that the industry was doing more or less good.

In the 90´s the people who saw this, the ones who were in charge, started to grab as much as they were able to (the oligarchs), this created the massive inflation and the 90´s and the anarchy. All the good industry, was ripped a part and was sold for pennies because the oligarchs are not entrepreneurs and wanted the money. The factories were not competitive anyway, but at least people was employed there.(thanks globalists)

It's a photo from the Holodomor.

Soviet Russia basically engineered a famine to starve out Ukraine, more or less a genocide.

Cannibalism was a common desperate last resort as there was nothing to eat, people even plundered graveyards, some ate from a "body" which hadn't yet stopped moving.

Socially speaking in the golden era of the USSR and the eastern bloc (60´70´) was close to a utopia, (no cucklordy, family values) if you were not a: dissident, relative to a dissident or part of a family which opposed the soviets, the last case placed you in a shity job and the bureaucracy machine was like a whip for you. The empty shelves only happened during WW2 and the late 80´s.

Franco should have purged you. See
Thank you Swedebro for confirming

Eat a dick, you pro-commie waste of space

Because it was advancing tech development.

B-b-but it failed after the americans started to actually try.

Fuck off back then you cunt.

>but that's not REAL communism
Every time.

How did it fail exactly if NASA still buys Soviet engines for their rockets?

Buddy, no one actually over 18 browses pol

In every other way except that.

If by "research" you mean re-appropriate them into the Russian Federation (or its regional equivalent), then absolutely.

I don't, I just like to elicit the guaranteed anti-Russian component of any given political deceleration made by the denizens of former satellite states. In doing so, I'm hoping this board will finally start to understand that, even when the conclusions are correct, the primary drive behind X and Y political sentiment of said denizens is always going to be tribalist/ideological, not intellectual in nature.

I might have mixed it up with the Russian's own famine, they're fairly similar.

See also The Great Leap Forward
Gommunism causes an awful lot of starvation and cannibalism.

Past your bedtime and the adults are debating serious issues.

That includes you!!!!

When all of the money you had in your coffers goes towards making a space-capable machine, then you better believe you're going to get a quality product. Don't worry about the starving people in the countryside though, they were probably bourgeoisie anyway :^)

>facebook memes

There were starving people in the US until the 70's, that's why HFCS was developed :^)