How could colonel Kurtz create a cult, if all he was doing was reading aloud english poems...

How could colonel Kurtz create a cult, if all he was doing was reading aloud english poems, while gooks don't speak eng at all?
Why gooks didn't kill Willard at the end of the movie?
Explain, please.

Willard replaced Kurtz in their eyes, he was the new cult leader.

How? He was just another prisoner, kids were mocking at him. And then, suddenly, he killed their leader - and bam, he is new leader now. Wtf.
"Kill the leader - be new leader" - I don't believe that simple logic like this works irl. There must be some other motivation, hidden deeper. But I don't see it.

Kurtz basically ordered Willard to kill him

>the savages must have a deeper reason for this other than a tribalistic hierarchy

Yes, but he didn't say that to the gooks. How could they understand, that their God wants to be killed, and the killer must be new god for them?

Okay. Let it be primal, tribalistic society. Okay!
But how the fuck, Kurtz created this cult at all?
That was HE who was inspired by gooks strong will. How the fuck he suddenly became in charge of them?
Okay, maybe a squad of his accomplices, that's possible. But the whole fucking village? HOW?

>he killed their leader - and bam, he is new leader now. Wtf.
He was the new alpha. Might not be how it works irl but in the rules of Kurtz weird cult, it is

The problem is that the movie has a piss poor script.


Why Colby didn't kill Kurtz? Beta for life?

>How could colonel Kurtz create a cult
I presume by killing so many VC's while taking in several Vietnamese under his protection and as time goes turning them into his worshipers/underlings. I don't know much about Vietnam War but at least in the movie its been established that the VC aren't so above on killing fellow Vietnamese if its to make their point/goal clearer.

>Why gooks didn't kill Willard at the end of the movie?

by killing the villages former leader and becoming leader himself i assume

Lol. Yeah. That explains everything.

He was a mental midget and a noxious fool

It doesn't matter, really. What matters is that Kurtz is just a voice, his power is in words and in charisma. You never even see his body, only his head

That's because Brando couldn't keep a lock on his fridge

Gooks don't know english. What the point in his words, if they don't understand what he says?

Cause I imagine he was slaughtering the commie Vietcong without even blinking.
The south Vietnamese rallied to an ally, one that would do what it takes


Its a OP is thick and autistic thread
Jesus were you this obtuse when human sexuality was explained to you?
"But why would be man put his penis inside a womans vagina?"

>inb4 they weren't Vietnamese
Just remembered

But Kurtz was an astoundingly decorated military man. Next level shit.
He probably didn't need to read them poems (but I have no doubt that he spoke Cambodian).
He had to show them how to win.

Again, doesn't matter. What matter is he had charisma and he was a man that men wanted to follow

Well, that was part of it

>( I have no doubt that he spoke Cambodian).
Yeah, maybe. But in the movie, he read his poems in english. And they were addressed to all his cultists, not only Williard. Why? Why english?
>doesn't matter
Really? Kurtz was a maniac, who killed lots of people, cutting their heads off. And they still followed him, because "nah, I don't understand what he says, but look at him! He is so confident!"?

For the film's purposes, yep, doesn't matter.

You can go to the book for answers, if you want. The whole thing is about the 'white saviour' archetype and the obssession with people going to 'uncivilised' places to go 'good works'. So Kurtz's position in the film is really a result of his position in the book

He was a maniac to a westerner with an idea of a rules of war.

He was a savior to people that were kill or be killed and mutilated.

Well, I guess you are right.
Coppola cut a lot of content from the film, reducing its length from 5 h to 3 h. I guess more information about cult could be in those 2 hours.
Or in the book. Right.
Good film, though.

He went into Cambodia with his squad of men who were already completely devoted to him to organize the natives into an anti communist force.
He did this by being so fucking brutal that any and all resistance was snuffed out.
He got results and his people kept him in power, he was expanding his power by taking over the locals and routing or forcibly converting anyone who opposed him.
The really primitive people treated him like a living god(the guys with the arrows and spears) and worshiped him with sacrifices(the cow killing).
His cult was a death cult believing killing brought them greater power all the while Kurtz is growing more and more mad.
The book Hearts of Darkness is the same.

3rd worlders do that cow killing shit all by themselves.
Basically like a Sunday ritual

Also where did his men go?

Of course I am, I'm an English Lit student :^)

A good amount of time passed, also i'd assume he'd know the language as he had to inoculate kids

I think there were some standing around with the others when Willard came out.
I want to say that Kurtz gave the order not to harm him if he got out and killed him.
Then they either melted into the jungle or got napalmed.

Nice eye