Scene that isn't meant to be funny

>scene that isn't meant to be funny
>ends up being hilarious

Which scene, Sup Forums?

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Never gets old.

When darth vader yells at the end of ep 3



all the scenes in Casino and Goodfellas where the protagonists get what's coming to them. specifically the scene in goodfellas where henry comes back from being questioned by the police and finds out his wife flushed out the coke and they are fucking broke and the scene in Casino where Ginger goes bats hit crazy and drives to Ace's house demanding to get her stuff back, all while yelling at Ace and destroying his property.

Seriously, fuck those cunts for becoming millionaires and having a better life than me illegitimately.


The Oscars, yesterday.

The entirety of The Happening

>cough syrup dialogue
>talking to a fake plant
>"whaaaat? noooooo"

such a wonderful movie

>Which scene, Sup Forums?
do you really need to ask?
This song played in my head as she flew off.

Unironically plane scene
Watched it for the first time before it became a meme and had to pause every two seconds to laugh

If you wanted to post a ridiculous scene from that movie you should have posted his fucking 3 minute sweaty saxophone scene

There will be blood, milkshake scene


I chuckled at the for you bit in the cinema, how did they not know the delivery sucked

I burst out laughing maybe ten times during SILENCE.

thats some mark whalberg kino

I wish he fucked with directors more often.

Jesus reflection in Silence

The Room

The part in Schindler's List where the Nazis flip over the bed and there's a Jew strapped underneath it, so they all shoot him.

That honestly made me laugh because of the sheer ridiculousness of it.

When yoda whips out his lightsaber in ep2 and starts jumping around like a retard, I'll never forget, the entire audience started laughing

when the chic throws up on the priest in the Exorcist

the look on her face afterward is so comical because she just looks like a pouty little kid

Full Metal Jacket slo-mo sniper ambush scene.

The Mist final scene.

>"In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic, you're under arrest Chancellor."
>"Are you threatening me master Jedi?"
>"The Senate will decide your fate."
>"I am the Senate."
>"Not yet."
>"It's treason then."

Click, that scene where adam sandler puts the Foonze in a loop saying I love you son, I think they're intent was to make it dramatic, kek.

>guy turns on lawnmower
>gets it moving
>walks ahead of it and lies down

Fucking comedy gold

In Hacksaw Ridge there is like 3 scenes that are straight out of a video game.

Also that wouldn't kill u. I had a friend dive head first into a spinning lawn mower cause he tgought it would kill him. He just cut up his cheeks and fractured his skull. He was an R tard

I honestly paused and laughed when the kid gets shot in the face in The Happening. I never knew a kid being murdered at point blank could be hilarious. The execution is so corny it still gets me

The scenes where he was rescuing people had some bullshit tense scenes that were pretty implausible and Hollywood took like 4 bullets then laid in a no man's land for two days and survived, that surprised me. The entire premise seemed stupid too but when I looked it up he was even better than how he was depicted in the film so it sort of legitimised everything for me.

Which specific scenes were you referring to though user?

kek what the fuck how stupid do you need to be

In Episode 7 when Kylo reveals his face everyone in the cinema started to laugh.


Everytime I see that scene, I start singing "I believe I can fly" lol

All of Gran Torino

Why did he freeze? she wasn't human



>Oh, God
>Roll credits


I was referring to the scene with Vince Vaugn being dragged back to safety and shooting Japanese soldiers and the scene where one of the characters uses a dead man as a shield to absorb bullets.

When Aunt Diane entreats Jimmy not to do it by saying "Don't do it, Jimmy." And then of course Jimmy does indeed do it and my head becomes filled with much mirth and merriment because she asked Jimmy to not do it, but he still did (do it).

I thought his last words were "Sup, Rama"


lmao I lose my shit everytime I see Tommy's death scene


fucking insufferable cunt

fuck beat me to it.

The scene in hacksaw ridge when a soldier picks up one half of a soldier to use as a meat shield, whilst shooting a BAR machine gun with one hand.

Avengers 2

Thor has a flashback to the Scarlet Witch vision in Hawkeye's home, and it seems like he's going to smash Haweye's kid in the face, but a toaster snaps him out of it.

Garbage movie. I hope Joss Whedon never works again.

This scene is porn kino

this should have been /thread

this scene completely ruined my childhood desu

anyone want any hotdogs?

When the paramedics struggle to load the stretcher in Manchester by the Sea.

>watching this movie in senior year of highschool
>whole senior class packed into the auditorium
>Gandhi gets shot
>someone in the back row shouts "WE GOT HIM!"


>tom cruise war of the worlds
>pods rise from the ground
>humans stare, nothing happens for a bit
>all of a sudden, zap

Schindler list was fucking hilarious watching all the Jews who starved themselves to the bone just to flop their dicks around in a gay outdoor workout scene.

the naked women looked disgusting as well. I laughed throutout the entire thing but especially that scene where the camp supervisor starts shooting jews from his balcony. Lmaoing at Hollywood trying to make me feel guilty/sad for something that never happened

>He's a traitor!
>He is the traitor, AAAAARRHHG!!!

there wasn't much thought put into that movie overall


Jimmy didn't do nothin.

Gets me every time.


> he can't detect when a poster is being sarcastic

That scene was meant to be funny though, over a year later and how you autists don't realize this I will never understand

>Hacksaw Ridge

Lynch wants scenes like this to be funny.

Oh, so I wasn't the only one who laughed at that. All I could think was "Their kids just died, but this is like that scene in There's Something About Mary"

>Hacksaw Ridge
>The Americans are making their way into the ridge
>A soldier trips and falls on a body.
>The body is a wounded soldier who pops straight up like the Don't Wake Daddy board game and screams directly into the camera.
>The uninjured soldier screams loudly into the camera too.
>The injured soldier gets shot in the back of the head. Cut to his skull and brain matter splattering the uninjured soldier in the face.
>The uninjured soldier then gets shot in the face, and both of them get shot repeatedly.

I had to stop the movie for a few minutes to recover from this.

Abdul and his friends thought it was gonna be a peaceful, America-Hating, rock-throwing party. Little did they know, Samuel L Jackson was leading the team.

It's pretty hard nowadays to detect sarcasm with all the idiots around, you know

I get an Evil Dead vibe from this film, wtf Giblet?

Alfre Woodward is too good for this Earth, so she was rightfully assumed into Heaven.

you're right. I do hate the jews but I don't deny the Holocaust happened. it was terrible. because of hitler white pride, nationalism and eugenics will not be taken seriously for decades to come. Not to mention that you can't attack the jews without everyone bringing up the holocaust and calling you a nazi.
I would have preferred hitler deported all of europes jews to some shithole country in africa

yep, you see, that's what I'm talking about

you calling me an idiot, kid?

Every time.

Oh God yes

The entirety of The Room.


>that DYEL guy singlehandedly lifting a fucking BAR

Two-Face reveal in TDK

whole theater laughed at this

god what a piece of shit movie

I watched this film just coming off some acid. It was the funniest shit I had ever seen.

I still can't believe someone looked at this and said, "Yep that looks good".

All Dc cinematic universe scene

everythiung in schindlers list

funny story about that location


well you are openly advocating blind hatred for millions of people, and that's pretty fucking dumb



I'd argue that that was intentional. a lot of depressing moments in the movie were undercut by bleak humor

Did anyone else think the ending of the Of Mice and Men movie was funny? George shoots Lennie mid-sentence, it makes it seem like he's just pissed off and trying to shut him up instead of sadly doing what's necessary.

> blind hatred
the evil deeds of the jews have been well documented throughout history. Don't make the mistake of confusing me with retarded Sup Forumsacks that hate for the sake of hatred

Oh yeah, all the jews just got together and had a vote about it I heard about that.

There was nothing wrong with the delivery.

actually you do realize that a bunch of rich fucks(including a Rothschild, one of the wealthiest Jewish families in the world) got together to create the Federal reserve bank in the US? The federal reserve bank keeps people perpetually in debt, not to mention what Soros has been up to