Be American

>Be American
>Be obsessed with China
>But get refused

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6. Become President of the United States of América.

zero chance of that happening.

well , Im smart enough to have a nice living without needing to use FB, whatsapp, instagram
fuck zuckerberg, Im not giving him my information, Im still free

How about google then

I watch videos on YT but I dont have an account, also since I dont use an smartphone , the android OS can not spy on me
and I use a chinese email and searching engine- fuck gmail, fuck chrome

if trump can win why not the kike

>Learn Mandarin


yeah, he will never be like DONALD TRUMP or RONALD REAGAN. He won't even be governor, unlike ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER.

Lemme guess, another Ivory Tower liberal who thinks China is the next superpow...oh wait, it's a giant prison where they harvest people's organs.

>oh wait, it's a giant prison where they harvest people's organs.
how does that contradict it being a super power . super powerhigh standard of living

Have you seen Pumping Iron? Arnold embodies what it means to be American.

>how does that contradict it being a super power

Because you need four things to be a superpower, those being diplomatic, military, cultural, and economic strength. China has little of 1 and 2, none of 3 at all, and some of 4.

>it's a giant prison
America imprisons more people per China, both per capita and even in absolute numbers despite having a far smaller population

>some of 4

How else could we be the land of the free?

kek even in 2008 when the prison population was at its largest in the US the incarceration rate was slightly higher than at the height of Stalin's purges and the gulag system

Right, because China simply executes huge numbers of people. There's at least 20 different crimes that carry the death sentence there while here it's pretty much limited to first degree murder.

I never understood why Ivory Tower globalist liberals are all giant Chinaboos.

It's part of civilizing the rest of the world. If we sit at home jerking off to anime we'll stagnate and die.

kek no, that's a popular myth among conservatives who think the system is fine but the nuimbers are far, far off
even using very liberal estimates of 10,000 executions per year and assuming each of those would stay in prison for 50 years instead America still would only a slightly smaller (about 20%) absolute prison population with less than a quarter of the general population


FB is a shit

SNS is waste of life
-Sir Alex Ferguson

Because they're all believers in Leninist vanguardism and they admire the Chinese government, these people have never liked multiparty democracy.

Google is run by very similar people, they're Orwellian as fuck and believe they should control the flow of information.

China is also shit, but at least its an option to not let whites to concentrate to much power in their hands


Spare me, if this place has taught me anything it's that conservatives are big fans of dictatorship and hate democracy when the chips are down.


the fact that people on here worship Hitler, but then call people like Stalin or Mao evil is fucking ludicrous

poorly worded but point was America beat the old Soviet record for imprisoning the most people per capita
even the gulag can't compete with industrialized private prisons

how many people die as a direct result of the living conditions in the U.S. prison system as opposed to the gulags?

fuck if I know, probably a lot fewer
but the stat is still pretty impressive

another fun fact, if we only count non-hispanic whites the stat does get a lot better, falling down to the level of Cuba, Panama and Russia but still more than double that of the next highest developed country (including all their immigrants and non-whites)

God, no. I hate that kike.

America had a incarceration rate that was higher than most of Europe, when we were 85+% white lad

Crime is an American past time

it's still pretty absurd
again the UK with all their Pakis and Caribbean niggers still has an incarceration rate less than a third of that of the US WHITE incarceration rate, France and Germany are even lower than that
the numbers are completely insane here

is there no serious talk of prison reform in the US?

What like making some laws not illegal?
That's retarded, but sure some libs want it, like making Weed not a drug, or cocaine not a felony. But those won't work long term.

Only way to really fix the problem is if we wiped out the cartels, but to do that we'd have to commit crimes against humanity that would likely result in half of LA turning into a wasteland, and would make the Holocaust seem like childs play.

Also like I said, crime is something that has always been apart of America. It won't ever go fully away.

Top lel.

And also, the shit with refugees, most of them don't commit crime. Stop falling for cherry-picked articles and Sup Forums memes. If they committed as much crime as people on here suggest then the U.K. would have a crime rate that would probably be in the 1000's/100,000

uh, if you guys focused on rehabilitation instead of using prison as a form of punishment you could probably do a lot better. your prisons are universities for criminals where they develop contacts and skills.

your for profit incarceration industry favors putting people into prison and getting more prisoners then actually turning them back into productive members of society.

I was thinking more in the line of reducing sentences across the board, and especially for non-violent offences - this is the primary culprit
while Europe has lower crime rates in general the discrepancy isn't nearly as drastic as the prison numbers would suggest

>is there no serious talk of prison reform in the US?
It's a multibillion dollar mostly privatised industry, with a lot of lobbying power.

well it's a fact that just like niggers are overrepresented in American prisons Pakis, Arabs and Polacks are overrepresented in British prisons

Oh, they've been trying to do that recently.
But a lot of the criminal don't want to be rehabbed, what do then?

Why would a ganster willing want to become rehabbed? It'll mean he gets killed by his old friends when he gets out.

You don't seem to have a basic understanding of gang politics in the U.S. if you didn't know this, but it is true that most prisoners are in gangs. something like 85%.

Then what should classify as something that should get a lower sentence?

Drugs? Usually only smuggling or intent to sell has a high penalty, (several years). But if someone is selling drugs, that could lead to death of a person buying? So he should just be allowed to get off with a little punishment despite putting someones life in danger?

that doesn't change the fact that people like you completely overstate how much crime they do.

Like I said before, if they committed so much crime, as you say, then why is their prison incarceration rate not soaring because of refugee boom.?

shut up

Most prisons are state owned. And most wardens actually care for their prisoners, and want them to get better.

desu the hitlerboos usually have some really strange idea about what national socialism was similar to how some communists seem to be unable to comprehend the conseuqunces of their actions

China is based, unlike the cuck country south korea.

hi Xi

Gonna reign in Kim any time soon?

Save the bullshit for someone else, user.

Un is also based.

only 13/146 prisons are privately run

also for the warden look up any documentary about the U.S. prisons/jails

>Then what should classify as something that should get a lower sentence?
an easy way to do it were to do just about every crime except for murder
>But if someone is selling drugs, that could lead to death of a person buying?
the person buying is the one putting his life in danger but that's besides the point
it's really easy to fall into the trap of feeling you can't make any sentences lighter because they're criminals who have done bad but that line of thinking and the chronic insistence to be "tough on crime" has led you to imprison almost 1% of the population and 0.5% of the white population

well there will always be a segment of the population that can't be rehabilitated, that's life. but you can reduce the recidivism rate overall if you improve the penal system. the system can improve, but you guys have no incentive to do so and no political will do change it. you guys have the mentality that those in prison deserve to be in prison so there is no sense in trying to turn them back into productive citizens. as a result they get out of prison while learning skills and contacts and go right back in.

american view is, you are a criminal you go to prison. we shouldn't be doing you favors by spending money to turn you into productive citizens, you should learn that on your own. and that doesn't work.

Why do geeks have such an obsession with Asia? Whether that's China, Japan or Korea?

>american view is, you are a criminal you go to prison. we shouldn't be doing you favors by spending money to turn you into productive citizens, you should learn that on your own. and that doesn't work.
yep and the most ironic thing is they end up spending a ton more money keeping them incarcerated all those years as running prisons isn't cheap

>an easy way to do it were to do just about every crime except for murder

Prisons do try to rehabilitate though. They have programs, doctors, jobs, etc.

What the fuck else should they do?

murder and extremly violent crimes then*
but at some point there is a reason you don'ot execute every single serious criminal, it's because even for serious crimes the punishment should be reasonable

>Letting chinks spy on you instead
You know that the only way out is living in a cave or under a rock.

Justin plz.

Do Americans seriously believe being friendly have any effect on conducting business whatsoever?

Nazism (National _Socialism_) is not a right wing ideology. It's a form of socialism and a rival one to communism.

holly fuck this jew is cucked by the Chinese jew

Guys like Mark Zuckerberg go to China and never actually venture outside the tourist areas and see how shitty 80% of the population lives.

That's how things work there

Wait, why is Bjork posting on Sup Forums and why is she suddenly so interested in the American prison system?