Fucking hell, this was boring as shit. I feel like they wanted to make an audio book instead of a film

Fucking hell, this was boring as shit. I feel like they wanted to make an audio book instead of a film.

The most interesting part was the last 10-20min that were dealing with Robert Ford after killing Jesse James.

Why would anyone here recommed this crap?

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Epic trole


Holy fucking christ you are the biggest pleb on this entire site.

It's true though.

Yeah man you explained it right there, I thought it was a great film but after reading your highly constructive criticism of it I am 100% sure it is indeed "crap"

What a highly intellectual individual you are.

Are you guys trying to appear smart by liking shit normal humans with taste don't enjoy?

Normal humans with normal taste clearly liked this movie, considering its ratings and critical acclaim. Get some taste, brainlet.

>30mil budget
>worldwide gross 15mil

They surely did.


>I judge the quality of a movie by its gross profit at the box office
Capeshitter detected

pleb fuck

Yes we are all just pretending to like it, you got us man bravo. It's all a big prank, all the critics are in it too, you've been pranked.
The cinematography of Roger Deakins is really "like they wanted to make an audio book", spot on my man.
The academy even thrown in some oscar nominations just to spice the prank up for giggles.

I am sure you have exquisite taste when you find this movie boring and you are not at all a basic ass casual tourist entry level crossposter who doesn't watch films older than his birth year.

I agree this movie is fucking garbo. The beginning of the movie is so fucking dumb. Fittingly how it set the tone for the entire shit film

>Rating: 7.5/10 - 141,344 votes

yep it's a prank OP

>tfw no 4 hour directors cut

There's not a lot of movies I'd want to watch 4 hours of but this is one.

I agree 100% OP

Sure tgere were a few neat shots through the begining but the most compellibg part was the end. I feel like it could have made its point in 90 mins

Are you by any chance a woman? Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against women, but they have a tendency to not see the brilliance of kino like this:


Well, good thing the general public wasn't in on it.

>accurately based on history
>felt like a book

well yeah no shit. What, are you upset that there wasn't more explosions or twist endings?

>Why would anyone here recommed this crap?
Pleb board that obsesses over superhero flicks, Star Wars and other franchises sees something like this and thinks it's great because it isn't like those. Easily impressed, underage, etc. A few possibilities.

Wait, it wasn't 4h long? Sure felt like it.

People wouldn't get so offended by other people saying they didn't like something if they actually gave tangible evidence as to WHY they didn't like it besides 'muh boredom'

It's a great film because the core elements that make up the film ARE great even if the story is a bit slow. I personally loved the story and loved that it felt historically accurate. It felt like I was watching a history book as opposed to some hollywood slime.

A nearly three hour movie dedicated to a murderer.


It is a great film, yes, it more slow then most films but the payoff was worth it in my view.

I can understand if you think it slow, but thinking it shit is being a troll.

I'm not against a slow pace or historical accuracy and on paper this should've made for a rather intersting film but the execution is not good. It is glacier slow, awkward and you got huge chunks of stuff narrated which is never good in a visual medium.

Cinematography and soundtrack are quite nice though. I'm listening to it right now. It kinda makes you sleepy which doesn't help either.

sophistry desu senpai

>he knows where his uncle is and that's gonna make him old soon enough

I'm not saying those are the definitive reasons, but only a few possibilities.

possibilities based on what?

Conjecture. You can take them or leave them. It's up to you.


Then watch the pleb version called American Outlaws