Without looking it up, what are the names of these characters?

Without looking it up, what are the names of these characters?

Leslie Jones, Kate mcKinnon, kirsten wiig and melissa mcarthy

Unfunny gender swapped winston,
Unfunny melissa mccarthy,
Bored Kirsten Wiig,
Live action Jar Jar

Loud black, fat sassy, boring timid, dyke over-actor

gorilla, obese lady, kirsten wiig and ugly dyke

That stupid bitch
Melissa McCarthy
I don't know
I don't know

>Bosco Johnson, Diabetty McGriddle, Dianne Effelstien, and Tommie Lacey Jr.

Is one of them named Holdman or Holtzman or something like that?

The rest I can't fucking remember because I injected bleach directly into my brain shortly after viewing the film

More like

Gorilla nigger
That other chick
The one who's a dyke

Biggus, Melvin, Kristen Wiig, and Martha.

>Fat bitch
>literally who

I remember that Leslie Jones is named Patty.

I remember this only because she had a gold necklace with her name on it that was pretty prominently featured in the promotional stuff.

Other than that, no, I don't remember these characters' names. Honestly, I'm surprised people are still hating on it because it's genuinely a really forgettable movie.

Benjamin, egon dan akyroid, winston

I genuinely don't remember and I just watched it last weekend

That one bitch that's dumber than Koko. Don't know the rest.

>Raggy the rug muncher
>Peggy the pegger

Fat Joke
Kristen "oh god what am I doing with my life" Wiig

Patty, Fatty, Ugly & Gay

The Ghostbusters

Harambe, sally, jesse,raphael

Pinky, Blinky, Inky and Clyde