The mantra of the multiCult is "diversity is our strength"...

The mantra of the multiCult is "diversity is our strength". It is repeated unthinkingly whenever confronted with the bugaboo of competing culture. Has anyone ever stopped to ask why "diversity is our strength"? Is a chain stronger with links made of different metals?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nothing causes as much problems and misery as diversity.



The assumption is that a diversity of people brings a diversity of ideas to the table, allowing for innovation. The problem is OOGA BOOGA THE WHITEY IS RACISS is not an innovative idea.

has he explained yet how diversity makes us stronger, without mentioning [current year]?

Here is the updated version of that pic related btw, it's more dude weed lmao appropriate

That's a cool ass sword

Pretty sure he mentioned innovation at that economics forum. Of course, he never cited specific examples.

I mean, he could've just said that Pajeet Pooinloo came to Canada and had a tough time adapting to our toilets. Then, Pajeet got his life together and stopped shitting in our streets and started a lucrative farming career in BC. But no, it's 2016.

"Change" and "innovation" are hollow words coming from a politician

Beats me. You leafs came up with the meme, go figure it out yourselves.
Malaysia was forced to multiculture thanks to the Brits. So we were just taught tolerance and sacrifice, no strength meme. To prevent chimpouts of holocaust proportions.

I think your country got multiculturalism right. Multiculturalism should be equal opportunity -- nothing more and nothing less. Cracka and nigga should have the same chance of getting that job given identical skills and experience. Multiculturalism should not be handouts to minorities because they're minorities and tolerance of chimpouts. No one should be more equal than others, and there shouldn't be additional benefits given for "equalization".

There is no "right multiculturalism". It displaces the host culture.

Diversity is weakness. Unity is strength.

Canadians must really be weak cucks if they can't handle a few brown people.

A few million you mean

It's not even really about race it's about culture user. We don't assimilate them so our society atomizes into ethno-ghettoes

What it means is that the state is stronger when the people are divided.
Why that would be a good thing is anyones guess.

Good for the beaurocrats

>posting the fake version

yes, putting a bunch of different cultures and races together is surely a strength, if you can survive bombings and rapes you come out a stronger person

>The Brussels Attacks and the New Normal of Terrorism in Western Europe

all efforts must be taken to ensure whites go extinct, if that means normalizing terrorist attacks and rapes then so be it, feeding you mantras and censoring you with "political correctness"

It's good for neoliberal societies which need a way to keep the proles occupied while the wealthy loot the coffers of the state and use it to extract profit from the citizenry.

Pic only mildly related.

also some of the most innovative countries are homogenous