Obesity Tax

I for one support a worldwide obesity tax. Make these fatties pay their fair share of fresh air.

To start with, Hispanics then other minorities are already more obese than other groups so they would pay more in taxes, balancing out affirmative actions policies.

It replaces the BS junk food tax. What if my fit family of 4 wants to indulge in a few Domino's pizzas - we should not have to pay extra for an occasional treat of eating unhealthy.

Obese people cost more in healthcare services. These people go into the doctor more and get sick way more than healthy people. They are draining our medical resources.

They cost more to move around physically. Any extremely overweight is putting some serious depreciation costs on every single building they walk into. If you buy a car that was previously owned by an obese person the structural framework of that vehicle could be compromised - and you may never even know.

You could send an obesity inspector around door-to-door to pull out the scale and verify weight gains. This person's taxes would then be altered based on how much they differed from their reported weight. This would create so many jobs.

It would encourage people to be healthy. Literally incentivizing people to live healthier. Healthy people are statistically happier and more likely to raise healthier kids.

>Honey, time to fast up the Obesity Officer is coming around next month and we can really use the tax return as down payment on our new home :)

I have no problem with this, but you're going to have to come up with a system better than BMI because that shit is not even remotely accurate.

This is why I love Sup Forums, it always makes me laugh.

Imagine the liberal outrage if this policy was proposed.

Gov should not ever interfere with the lives of the people. An obesity tax would be a communist-like tax.

Eliminating social subsidies to obese people. This would be a good thing.

You guys are so fucking cringeworthy

>fatty detected

No doubt there's a lot of you on here which is why this is such a great platform to convince that such a tax is a great idea. You will lose weight and the likelihood of a woman ever touching will rise. Or you will pay extra to be fat and sad


End subsidized healthcare. Allahu akbar, let the infidels burn.

Hey OP, go suck a fat dick. Do you seriously want more government involvement in our lives?


Just let the free market fix it.

>I have no problem with this, but you're going to have to come up with a system better than BMI because that shit is not even remotely accurate.
yeah BMI is shit, body fat % is the way to go, although hard to measure.

Fuck off you fat pigs. BMI is an accurate indicator of how obese you are for all but 12% of men and 3 (THREE) % of women

Being fat is bad but taxes are stupid. If you don't want people to be fat you have to encourage them in a way that rewards them for losing weight, not in a way that punishes them for not losing weight.

But there are already plenty of rewards for not being fat, more sex, reduced chance of cancer and heart disease, more energy, etc. If someone doesn't see the advantages or doesn't care about them, there's not much you can really do about it. There are some people you just can't help.

You're forgetting about the incentives for being fat (discincentives for not being fat?).

Take out that healthcare cushion and OOOOH WEE we gon have a PIG ROAST in this BITCH.

While I don't support an obesity tax, I do support ''sin taxes'' if they're implemented well. What I mean by that is I wouldn't support a tax that was on something like hamburgers that contained X amount of Y, because that's too easy to avoid and depending on the amount of meat used and the consumption habits of the consumer the health impact may not be severe at all. Rather, these taxes should be placed on things that are unequivocally bad, like tobacco, soda, etc

You'd be surprised. Lots of liberals hate fat people. One of the most popular parts of Reddit was /r/fatpeoplehate until they were censored by the site admins.

>I do support ''sin taxes'' if they're implemented well

Kill yourself. Ever wonder why the "Benefits" section for sin taxes on Wikipedia is a list of speculative and subjective hippie bullshit, while the "Negatives" section is full of quantitative and objective outcomes from places where sin taxes have been applied?

There is no such thing as a well-implemented tax, but as far as "least damage done" crossed with "viable revenue source" go, sin taxes ain't even in the ballpark.

>ey what kinda health insurance u want senpai

>gimme that basic bronze cheapshit catastrophy plan

>u got it senpai

>obesity tax

I thought America broke away from Britain because of these ridiculous taxes.

>mfw never been fat and never had sex

It has been, effectively, in the form of taxes/fees on sugary beverages and junk food.

It wasn't because of ridiculous taxes, it was because they didn't want their tax money going to some cunts that didn't do anything for them. That was the whole "No taxation without representation thing". If they were being taxed, they wanted representatives.

Something has gone terribly wrong. (Jews)

This. Stop introducing new taxes, at this rate new babies will have to get loans to pay their birth tax.

What is your plan for implementing this to make sure this tax money doesn't just go into the people pushing all this papers pockets?

BMI is reasonably accurate, unless you're one hell of an athlete or have a really weird body. For 99% of the population it works fine.

So at that point its not just a fat tax, it's a fit-tax too

Or are we going to need body building licenses to be tax-exempt from having a good body?

Have to agree with . Why should fats be using food stamps to buy more snacks?

any opinion containing the phrase "I for one support a worldwide ______ tax" can go fuck itself

All a fat tax would be doing would be to have the obese fund the extra burden they put on healthcare. It's not about an incentive to make people lose weight. On that note, you're completely right about the incentives to lose weight, but as evidenced by current obesity rates, they don't seem to be enought.

The "healthcare" of which you speak is the incentive that is so great it overcomes all other disincentives to obesity.

Make the obese pay for their healthcare bills for just one week and see how many don't start losing weight.

Which is why we should have a free market in healthcare (and all things).

>This would create so many jobs.
These obesity inspectors wouldn't benefit the economy, so while they are helping getting rid of a burden, they themselves are a tax burden.

People don't realize excess public sector jobs are a huge drain on the economy

Incorporate body fat % into the health and safety code like drug abuse.

Fatties can spend time in prison with their heroin shooting buddies.

I'm not pro fat acceptance by any means, but if you include skinny fat in the margin of error, you have almost %20 of both men and women flagging as either a false positive or false negative. 1 out of 5 people being assessed incorrectly is pretty bad mang

You know, I normally hate taxation on all levels, but this one I can agree on.

- Fatness is a choice for 99.999% of all obese people. Don't try to claim otherwise.

- Fat people are a drain on the healthcare system and are directly increasing costs for the rest of us

- Fat people are typically very unsightly to look at and make me wince whenever I have to view their landwhaleness.

As a former 290 pound fatty in my younger days, I wish I'd been forced to confront my own poor decisions much sooner than when I finally got my shit together at 20 and started lifting and eating right. At very least, if someone is self-inflicting themselves with fatness, they should be paying FAR more for their insurance, or, fuck it, just make any conditions related to their choice to be fat fucks non-coverable with their policy and make them pay out of pocket for it. Either way, fatness is a blight on society, and if you don't respect yourself enough to not be a total shitpile who lives to eat, then fuck it, you get what you get.

>Obese people cost more in healthcare services.
This is objectively wrong. Studies have been done in the EU - fat people have lower lifetime health costs because they die young and they die quickly - usually in under 5 years - whereas healthy people linger and require as much as two decades of chronic high level care.

Same with smokers and drinkers.

Besides, America doesn't even have public healthcare.

A sin tax on obesity? Sure. But don't pretend it's not a sin tax.

As an obese employer and employer of the obese. I would simply spread the tax hike around evenly.

Obese employees in IT on average greatly out perform their thinner counter parts.

I was CTO of a company that IPO'ed successfully two years ago, and am currently CEO of a company that will be able to IPO in about six months.

Teasing, bullying and humiliation stops working after you are an adult and have money.

However the memories still remain. So when I see a particularly skinny or fit employee, especially a happy one, I always go out of my way to make sure their manager drives them into the ground.

I even have the sales and software development metric software rigged so I can drive down people's promoter / productivity scores.

Then I pull them into my office and berate them on how stupid they are and make them justify their employment.

They just sit there looking at the floor, wanting it to be over. I've had a few grovel and tell me about their disgusting litter of children and how they don't have anything else. I like to laugh at them and ask them "How is this my problem?".

However, I typically keep most of them on until they break under the weight of the extra work.

Firing isn't 1/2 as fun, or painful as really breaking a person's sprit and belief in themselves.

I now torment these faggots because I know they would of tormented me. Your threads like this just make me feel further justified when I know some fit fags kids are going to sleep hungry because I docked over 1/2 his last two pay checks.

Considering how many CEO's are old fat men, I don't see this sort of self-glorification over low BMI getting the corporate sponsorship needed to actually needed to pass in any Government.

If it did, you could pretty much guarantee that all the old fat CEOs ( and a lot of young fat ones these days ) would find someway to take it out on their employees.

Bodyfat does not necessarily scale down linearly with muscle.
An ectomorphic build will lose bodyfat way faster and fit within normal BMI criteria much more easily than an endomorph could ever hope to.
In fact, if you have an endomorphic stature then you're almost guaranteed to be classified as "unhealthily overweight" unless you dedicate your existence to hitting the gym and dieting.

I know i'm a degenerate, but i'd love to see her eat that whole cake in one go.

> If you buy a car that was previously owned by an obese person the structural framework of that vehicle could be compromised - and you may never even know.
> and you may never even know.

This is, by far, the most retarded thing I've read on Sup Forums in a while.

i would open-hand slap that belly so fucking hard

Body types are a meme


This, you're part of the problem, OP.

inb4 fatass detected


>hispanics pay taxes

>would of

nice try kiddo, this weird fantasy of yours is a bit mediocre for delusion, try harder

Cool, let's also have an anorexic tax.

I think in a current healthcare system like the one we had in the 90s there shouldn't be a fat fuck tax, since they had to pay for all their own shit. But I think that in any system of socialized health care, those more at risk (aka fatties) should pay double, to cover their double the norm body weight.

>I'm a rock star CEO
>I build companies from the ground up by humiliating and isolating valuable employees

Lmao fucking delusional fatass. Just because a girl has never touched your pecker doesn't mean you need to tell lies on the internet.