What are some gentlemanly, politcally incorrect hobbies that you enjoy, Sup Forums?


jacking off

I hope you can get over that!

collecting porn

Disciplining my pink wonderworm


i promised my self that i will get in shape before the summer ends.. I am porud to say i am still going at it
and before u fags say that i'm underage i am 18 i turned 18 2 months ago .


Could you please get more defensive about your age? I feel like you aren't quite being defensive enough.

Watching anime and playing video games!

Are you really going to fucking avatarfag on a board with IDs?

Lawn mowing with a reel lawn mower and lawn mower maintenance.

Keep on keeping on garden brother

seeing as summer is upon us i feel i have to say that. so newfags do not say i am underage.
Even though its not as bad as last year there is still a significant amount of summer fags

>smoking cigars
>drinking on the roof
>reminding my (((acocountaint))) I'm Wesley Snipes-kin amd I shouldnt have to pay taxes
>spreading the word about how globalists killed harambe

I'll hve u no there's nothing wrgn with being a 6 yr old on 4chins!

papercraft and origami

Walk around and listen to feels music at the night
Drive around at night being a real human bean
avoid daylight

Reading literature recommended by neo-nazis and regarding it as the peak of human achievments in philosophy and economics

collecting and shooting guns


Owning slaves.

I'm currently learning woodworking without power tools.