Why does everyone (including Portuguese people) talk to us like we were natives in the land that got civilized by the...

Why does everyone (including Portuguese people) talk to us like we were natives in the land that got civilized by the Portuguese?

We descend from the colonizers, even if we are mixed.


you descend from imported slaves you monkey


It's okay boi :p

>even if we are mixed.

Mixing doesn't erase the descendancy

Isn't there a lot of regional variation, with your South being quite white and your northeast being very black?

Even if we were the natives that got civilized what's wrong with that?


Nothing wrong with it, but is it factual?

Interesting, thanks Huenon.

You cunts call us moors, even if half-moor is your better half.

It really has no meaning besides banter.



Northeast black is a meme. Fortaleza is way whiter than Southeast


Do you know everyone can manipulate this data?

Because to you niggers, the chick in OP is somehow white lmao

Ive been pointing out to various mestizos complaining about Spaniards conquerors that they have Spanish surnames. It makes them think

Why not just kill the wh*Tes causing strife?

Because without whites, there is no world

The chick in the op is a Portuguese pornstar. :)

Doesn't really change anything

You thought I was posting a br to prove how white people are or something but I just posted a Portuguese person haha

Wh*Tes bring hell to earth.

Because you make monky sopa

The portuguese aren't white, 2 of my friends are only half portuguese and they both look like arabs.

We don't though. That's a meme.

Did I mention whiteness anywhere in the OP?


> 2 of my friends are only half portuguese

So they aren't portuguese you dumb finn.
Not even you had a country already Portugal was a white and glorious nation.

>We descend from the colonizers, (...)

Can you explain why descendants of probably farmers / serfs in former Metropolitan Portugal have to get blamed by stolen gold, the Portuguese in Portugal are evil, brought the slaves. enslaved and shipped, commited other atrocities and you transmit those feeling into former Metropolitan Portugal videos?

at least they're less ugly than the rest of you finngols lmao