This is a map of the world, if you were to divide it up by the native ethnic groups that share a lot of similarities...

This is a map of the world, if you were to divide it up by the native ethnic groups that share a lot of similarities. Black = sub-Saharan African physical traits, blue = Asiatic physical traits, yellow = Caucasian physical traits.

Remember this is ONLY the native people. This does not reflect the modern world. What does Sup Forums think?

Other urls found in this thread:

wtf the colour didn't show up

This is retarded.
Horn of Africa should be grouped with North Africa or at least be it's own category.
The differences between an Eritrean and a Ghanian are way too wide.

Where does the Middle East go for this?

Also why is S.E Asia the same as East Asia?

Why is Australia paired up with the pacific islands, and why is New Zealand isolated?

That was after Arab immigration to the area. I'm talking about the native populations. Early Ethiopians were a lot closer to Africans than to Arabs.

>Greenland with Europe
>Madagascar connected to Africa
>Northern North America not connected to Russia

Pantsu-on-head-retarded. You have not clue.

Forgot to add New Zealand. Australian aborigines are similar to Melanesians (didn't know where it was so I just circled the pacific islands). And everything that is not circled is difficult for me t group

> What does Sup Forums think?
This is some kind of bullshit, lol. There are so many bullshit on this map I don't even want to waste my time explaining everything.

North America is circled by the same colour that Russia is, it's just hard to see.

Don't think Greenland was inhabited before the Scandis settled. Not sure though.

Madagascar is related to the Melanesians which share a lot of DNA with Africans.

Aboriginals and Melanesians sure, but Samoans, Tongans, and others look a lot more like Maori people.

They resemble Filipinos.

And really, the it's that hard to group the Middle East as its own category?

I tried to fit everyone into the standard racial categories. The middle east has had such a long history that I'm not sure where their native people came from. I mean of course they originated from Africa but how would you classify them? White? Or as a separate group along with the Mediterraneans?

>Madagascar is related to the Melanesians
They are descendant not related. Fucking Malagasi is an Austronesian language. Madagascar was populated by Austronesian people first. The African admixture is the result of very immigrations and colonialism.

Why is it that the Chibcha have any more similarities to Mesoamericans than say Incas according to you? Also if you're going to include Uto-Aztecans with Mesoamericans that area should extend further into the USA.

Most Middle Easterners are descended from Yemenites in Southern Arabia

No, most Arabs are which isn't the same as cultural "Arabs" outside Arabia proper.

No, you don't know shit about the Middle East, Jose.

Stick to Mexican history

Nice well sourced and reasoned argument Cleetus


I'm not White, you fuckwit.

I'm Syrian-Lebanese.

Seriously, every time I make a post about Middle Eastern history YOU keep fucking adding your two cents.

And it's always the same bullshit argument/misconception.

t.Eritrean diaspora.

Some say we came from Syrians tho

No, you must be mistaking me with someone else, the only Arab I've ever discussed Middle Eastern ethnicities with in this board was an Emirati who denied Yemenese origins for Arabs, and more specifically any relation with the horn of Africa.

There is some SSA in all Arabs, but it varies greatly, from

Eritreans are based.


No. There's no other Mexican faggot that keeps adding his worthless two cents into every Middle Eastern discussion.

You are not Middle Eastern and you will never be. So fuck off my people's history. Stick to Mexican Inca/Mayan/Aztec bullshit.

Im not an expert or anything, but im pretty sure the south indians are pretty distant, in terms of genetics in comparison to a north indian

We are genetically far from Russians.

No. FST is a shitty measurement because it's affected by our genetic drift. Finns are much closer to Russians in IBS. Also you see it on PCA's.

Igor, you have to go back.

Balts are obviously the closest, but then comes various Russian areas. It only makes sense because we all got the same Indo-European roots.

kek, this thread isn't about the Middle East and no one here considers it good to be thought of as a Middle Easterner, what deslussional, fantasy world do you live in? Most people here would consider it a shame to have any relation with your "people" dumb fuck.

You want to strawman this argument fine, I don't have any problems conceding you were spawned by niggers.

Every fucking study so far shows that we have nothing in common with you thieving Russians.

We know it's an ongoing effort trying to lump Finns together with Russians genetically and trying to dimish our resistance and make us look bad. You can just fuck off with your fake bullshit.

Yeah, it's not like we created civilization while you disgusting spics have done nothing but hop fences.
Disgusting indio spanish rape babies.

You're not even worth as much as a flip flop.

You obviously have some issues with Russians, but I'm just talking about how it is. You do not derive genes from the same Corded-Ware/EHG sources and somehow aren't closely related.

And one more thing,
don't ever talk shit about Middle Easterners when

a) You spend hours of your day obsessing over the Middle East, spewing utter nonsense and misconceptions about us


b) You and your "people" quite literally worship a Middle Eastern Semite and name yourselves after him. 90% of your names are Middle Eastern in origin, as a matter of fact.

So yes, you fuckers DO want to be like us which is why you have such a blatant inferiority complex.

No you're not, Iwan. You're not welcome in Finland. Fuck off. We are genetically far from Russians as can be seen from everything. You are murderers and thieves, we are not.

No, Arabs were desert savages, they conquered other semites who had civilizations then imposed their death cult on them. Your only contribution to the world is a "religion" that threatens every single civilizational advance made by humans.

Arabs were ever only good at lying to appropiate those things amde by others and you're triggered you were called on it.

Oooh you got me there, Pablo Escobar de """"Jesus""""

He called me out, guys.
This mexican rat knows more about the Middle East than I do.

kek, I don't care about your shit people, I'm not who you think I am and I'll damn well write about whatever the fuck I please dumbass sandnigger.

Yes, I read books other than the Quran Abdul

>the level of butthurt and inferiority complex

Feels good to be an Arab Middle Eastern Semite and know that I'm descended from Phoenicians, Sumerians, Saebeans, Babylonians

You're the prime example of what happens when your dad's a dead beat and your mom sells crack.

Lol that PCA is using oversampling. Here's how it looks when it's on Jews.

No idiot you're descended from desert rapists and cammel fuckers, that's about it.

not even Muslim lmfao



I think that's a contradiction. You niggers couldn't even develop your own writing system LMAO

Western Eurasia PCA.

Just because you were born out of a lineage of llama fuckers and crack addicts doesn't mean my history is shitty like yours.

I genuinely feel bad for mexicans and niggers. At least whites got their shit together in the past 400 or so years.

But to know that I am a descendant of the first conquerors, warriors, poets, empire builders, etc. is pretty terrific.

Mexico actually did dumb fuck, one of only four places in the world known to have uncontroversially done so. You on the other hand lie to appropiate the culture of others, if there's anything of Summer and Egypt on you that's only because your ancestors stole it by force, and destroyed theat culture to replace it with dumb blind fanaticism.

Get fucked Iwan. Pics which are made by professionals, not by Russians like you, will be correct. Like I said every time the researchers come out saying we are far from Russians.

We have no connection with the Russians on any level.

You are a liar and ignorant to boot, there were no llamas in Mexico nor coca plants dumb fuck. Your people built no civilizations, only buried them.

And where is that writing system now? Up your ass, right?


Mexico now uses the Latin alphabet, which is a direct descendant of the Greek alphabet, which in turn is descended from the Phoenician alphabet.

It all comes back to my people at the end of the day.

Sorry Juan but when it comes to ancestry you got the short end of the stick.

Listen here, you little egotistical Arab shit. Mexicans are also Middle Eastern, whether you like it or not. If you look at historical migrations, you will notice that a large number of Middle Easterners, particularly Syrian and Lebanese, moved to Mexico.

Do some more research before making my country look like a backwater uneducated cesspool.

There's nothing wrong with the pic posted, it's just using oversampling. They surely mention it in the actual study if you look into it.

Your people are bedouins abdul, your culture is the culture of Saudi Arabia, nothing more.

Who gives a shit if there were llamas in mexico or not.
Either way you're still a donkeyfucker

Mexicans are not Middle Eastern.
Are you high like our friend juan here?

Better than a goat fucker.

Again, wrong country on the donkeys ass, you're so uneducated it's ridiculous.

Fuck you too, we are not Middle Eastern

Nah, Iwan, I'll just listen to what they say. Fuck off with your shitty propaganda. You got blown the fuck out even with your measurements pulled out of your ass (SVR).

Which is better than a dogfucker, I reckon.

Look I honestly don't give two shits about mexican history because there's nothing worth talking about.

You had some niggers living in mudhuts until the Spaniards raped the ever living shit out of them.
Now you guys are running around destroying the US with your border hopping 10-children-per-family welfare grubbing shitheads.

I've yet to see a mexican who actually passed school or wasn't pregnant by the time they were 15 by some creepy 24 year old cholo.

Strong denial there. The problem with population genetics is always people who have huge biases for themselves, and you are one of them.

No u. You just want to make us look bad by putting us together with you Ruskies. For every other nation FST too shows close relation when it is there but now you just take out your fake charts and start bad mouthing us.

Again, nothing but sore lies, the literal niggers are you, the people wirth no history other than pillage and rape are you, your culture is nothing but a sick religious cult.

> the people wirth no history other than pillage and rape

sounds like mexicans to me

didn't you just admit, and certainly demonstrated, you knew nothing of Mexicans? Are you going to go snackbar if I hurt your feelings?

It's not about "doing what makes you look bad" or whatever. There is no bad in science.

You yourself actually think like a Russian, because Russian geneticists (and Chinese for that matter) always pull for the home team like ignorant third worlders. We should be better than them and look at the facts.
Finnish low pop & isolation for 2000 years affects FST. That doesn't remove the fact the sources of the genes are mostly the same.

I've seen all I needed to know about mexicans.
Generally very dumb people that are popping out kids at 14 and 15 years old.

And now, I won't go "snackbar" if you hurt my feelings, but I will do other things to you. Honestly I'd probably fuck you up the ass.
Maybe have you wear a wig and a skirt. I like that ;*

Slaavit and baltit ovat luonnollisesti lähimpänä Suomea. Me ollaan väestöakselilla itäeurooppalaisia eikä länsi-.

You're the Russian, Iwan. It's about what actual scientists say when they explain their results. You should listen to them sometimes.

Yeah, just like it does with Norwegians, Swedes, Danes and other low pop countries. Oh no, it doesn't.

And if there was isolation for 2000 years it simply means we couldn't have had no connection to Russians since they didn't exist 2000 years ago.

Now fuck off Iwan.

Häkkinen on nimenomaan kumonnut yhteydet ryssään.

Mulle on ihan sama mitä muita valheita täällä levitetään suomalaisista, kunhan ei ryssän info-opseja. Muulla ei ole merkitystä

Thanks.I learned.

These accusations are just sad, because all I want to do is recognize the reality of situation. You can't neurotically shout me down like you do with your mother, this isn't something where getting the last word matters. Only saying the truth matters.
>Yeah, just like it does with Norwegians, Swedes, Danes and other low pop countries. Oh no, it doesn't.
Northwest Europeans all descent from Bell Beakers. They are the most hyper heterogeneous group in Europe and had constant connections with each other. That's why it looks like a big blob on a PCA and idiots confuse that for the "whiteness centre."

> DodecadOracle("Finnish_D",k=100)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "Finnish_D" "0"
[2,] "FIN30" "2.3495"
[3,] "Lithuanians" "9.7514"
[4,] "Lithuanian_D" "11.2765"
[5,] "Russian" "13.0836"
[6,] "Russian_D" "14.4945"
[7,] "Belorussian" "15.8811"
[8,] "Russian_B" "16.4945"
[9,] "Mordovians_Y" "16.86"
[10,] "Mixed_Slav_D" "17.4766"
[11,] "Polish_D" "19.1288"
[12,] "Ukranians_Y" "21.2481"
[13,] "Swedish_D" "28.7263"
[14,] "Chuvashs" "29.3177"
[15,] "Norwegian_D" "32.3503"
[16,] "Hungarians" "34.5265"
[17,] "German_D" "36.0061"
[18,] "Dutch_D" "41.326"
[19,] "Mixed_Germanic_D" "42.3493"
[20,] "Orkney_1KG" "42.8836"
[21,] "British_Isles_D" "43.2662"
[22,] "CEU30" "43.5249"
[23,] "Argyll_1KG" "43.6704"
[24,] "English_D" "43.7164"
[25,] "Orcadian" "43.878"
[26,] "Irish_D" "44.3859"
[27,] "Kent_1KG" "44.394"
[28,] "British_D" "45.7694"
[29,] "Cornwall_1KG" "46.5708"
[30,] "Romanians" "49.8098"
[31,] "French_D" "50.694"
[32,] "French" "51.3337"
[33,] "Bulgarian_D" "51.5453"
[34,] "Bulgarians_Y" "51.8886"
[35,] "N_Italian_D" "63.2629"
[36,] "Galicia_1KG" "64.2676"
[37,] "O_Italian_D" "64.3134"
[38,] "Cataluna_1KG" "64.7353"
[39,] "Portuguese_D" "64.8616"
[40,] "Extremadura_1KG" "65.4177"

>Häkkinen on nimenomaan kumonnut yhteydet ryssään.
Häkkinen vetosi siinä nimenomaan FST:hen ja se muutenkin sekoilee monessa asiassa. Häkkisen vanhoille ideioille nauretaan nykyään suomalaisissa yhteisössä. Lue muinainensuomi.

Now that's just a projection of your own situation, Iwan. The reference didn't surprise me knowing the single mother based society you have. You haven't even denied being a Ruskie. You haven't said anything truthful yet.

All I see is you going against what researchers say. Who actually have legit background in this which you don't have. They all say Finns are far from Russian, on top of others. I don't give a shit about whiteness. Has zero meaning to me. All I know we have nothing to do with Russians, just like research says. Otherwise we couldn't even be this successful.

Yes, they descent from the same group and match in FST, yet somehow Finns are the only group where one must force some other methods just so we could be tarnished.

Fuck off Iwan.

Toki, toki. Pitäis olla lähempänä ryssää. Harmillista kun ei ollakaan.