What is the best way to debate and redpill liberals?

What is the best way to debate and redpill liberals?

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Through lord kek.

Learn the logical fallacies image stickied at the top of the board and use it to cut down any they make. They may bail, but at least you'll frustrate them and make them think.

The irony of course being that any Sup Forums certified post violates all of them at least two times per sentence.

Try to get them to explain why libertarianism is stupid or why their ideology is logically or morally superior; they can't.
So they'll either be libertarian, or keep moving right and go full trumpoid

Question their logic. When they fail to prove their point, inject redpills.

The Bible. Its way more effect than you might believe.


Can't be done, unless something absolutely horrible happens to them, which is a direct result of their wrong opinion. Even then it still might not go through, just look at the rape victims.


In all seriousness, it seems that attacking the base of their knowledge and injecting common sense into the conversation is the most effective way, if I'm correct?

How much harder is it to debate for the volatile females and numales?
These are all very useful suggestions, so far.

By not doing it. Why are you trying to help them? Why aren't you evacuating urban areas and allowing their society to collapse upon itself?

Send them to countries that are socialist, nigger run and Islamic. Not a holiday, take their money and let them try survive. They'll end hating the people there if they live

Expose them to fags, jews, niggers, and what happens when cunts get power over an enterprise (it crumbles).
If that doesn't work then just ignore them.

eaisy, you dont debate or argue you teach(i redpill race and welfare before i guage again with the person). you start with evolution, i like to explain the differences between dogs in behaivor and inteligences and how it correlates with humans, i explain skull and bodyfat distubiton and the such for humans, something light and relateable obesrvations.

then i get into murky water and talke about the feather indians and germans about the differences in addiction and notable examples of how it looks like, ciggie dispensers on the streets and selling land for firewater and the opposite of how they treat it within there respective cultures and i tie that back into the dog evolution explaintion to form an analogy, this this gets the ball rolling if you do it right and with verbatim knowledge i do talk about fighting dogs and german shepards about how they where trained and how they act without training.

then i move on to welfare and how the difference of blacks and whites are based on enviromental factors(i blame the enviorment only not the race) and i talk about how the lack of wheels is similar to welfare on top of how competion and prepration of the cold made white people adapt to what we are now...ect

your goal to switch people over is by teaching them and saying its fine if you dont know and im always here to help, you never start from the top down and expect them to know or reason

Understand that much of their thinking comes from the Frankfurt school. Basically, they focus on "innate knowledge", or how people feel, rather than facts.

You have to slowly feed them facts which are then proven to be true in time, either through personal experience or global events. You have to destroy the narrative they have in their heads which allows them to apply their "innate" sense of knowledge. There is no reasoning with them.

The fight will have to be done over a long period of time and through multiple events. There is no overnight cure for their brand of stupidity. Destroy the false narrative in their head and, over time, they will come over to the side of facts and reason.

I need to save my family.
My dad is slowly becoming redpilled, but I'm hoping the rest of my bluepilled family can be saved in time.

>That feel when browsing Sup Forums for two years
>That feel when still liberal but just avoid blacks more

The problem is Sup Forums as a whole is right for all the wrong reasons and thats what turns people off, ultimately at the end of the day people want to live their lives and help one another.

if you could redpill liberals there wouldn't be liberals

Tell them Hillary defended a guy who raped a 12 year old, blamed her for it, got the guy off, and laughed about it.

>When they say she was just doing her job

Yell at them:
>The Auschwitz guard defense? Just following orders? It is the current year!

where blaming the side effects of the jews instead of the enviroments the jews themselves create, and it would take eugenics and a lack of any assitance for the black man in america to be even close to us whites , my guess is 10 generations to fully correct this genetic disparity and id be easier to clean off africa on top of that


its all about altruism do we save everyone(liberials) or do we save ourselves(consvertives) that is an underlying arguement to all of this

>dat no true scotsman
>dat ad hominem
Irony, indeed.

Muh genes isn't particularly a good argument. I feel like a lot of people on Sup Forums expect too much from people who were living in mudhuts 50 years ago.

Than you get into the whole "Muh Jews" stuff in which case any sane will just tune you out.

Aren't most economist liberal?

well i never bring up the jews with my friends i just say the bank and give notable examples(quotes from stonewall jackson is great) on pol i dont filter out any of it

as for the africans in reality they should be cut from the gene pool entirely but for the average normie faggot you have to get there hopes up that things can be figured out with science and reasoning but the only thing to solve most of the worlds issues was and will always be violence, like who owns the land and who has the right? i tell them violence and explain gang terrioty and the such to expland upon upwards

With pictures of AWOOOOOOO

You hit them with this youtube.com/watch?v=njbHy7tFcko#t=5m47s

Argue in favor of social libertarianism, free speech, and civil rights. This more than anything else will get them to hate the far left, who are currently against all these things.

Expose them to the fact that most people live in a bubble where they only consume media that reinforces their political views. Get them to leave that bubble.

If people are easily swayed by say, bullshit unscientific studies, often the only way to really get them to see the light is to teach them how to do things like interpret statistics and read scientific studies. If people don't have the tools to determine between what's bullshit and what's not, they will just believe whoever supports their pre-existing political opinions.

Show that the benefit of right wing policies is having more money for left wing programs. Smart immigration practices allow the people in the country to have as much money as possible to fund healthcare and education and such. Economic growth allows you to have a higher tax base for when you "cash in" with left wing handouts. It's pretty impossible to shove somebody from far left to far right, but you often can push leftists into centrism, by espousing pragmatism.

If somebody counters logic with an emotional argument, realize you cannot win that argument, because you can't convince somebody that a conclusion they reached through emotion is wrong by using logic. Stop pressing whatever issue you're talking about, counter with more emotion, or take a different tack.

Realize that left-wing arguments are more intellectually sound than you might realize browsing Sup Forums, because Sup Forums mostly attacks strawmen. Some left-wingers are really smart. You really have to understand left wing arguments, and what arguments are compelling for lefties, to convince them.

Try not to feed people conclusions, just drop redpills that allow people to come to their own conclusions.

One last thing, some people are always going to be lefties, and often they'll always be lefties for rational reasons.

Like I legitimately know the mother of a retarded child. She campaigns to get people to stop saying "the r-word", because it upsets her son who really has no ability to defend himself against harassment. She regularly promotes the left wing politicans that support social programs for her son and others like her sons, while the right has consistantly ignored her. That is somebody I can see, is always going to be a left winger, and has real reasons for being a left winger. She may be able to intellectually realize the right wingers have a point that the left can drive the economy into the ground, but she feels that if she doesn't support the people actually looking after her son, nobody will. She feels if she rewards the right by giving them support when they don't care enough about people with disabilities, she will be encouraging them to continue to neglect people with disabilties.

Her special interest is what's most important to her, and because of that, she will never be a right winger. She's a single issue voter.

this guy gets it.

It's pretty hard honestly

It's like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are the pigeon will bring its friends along shit all over the board and strut around like it won.

My opinions are liberal. Redpill me.

>Genocide is defined in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to
members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part 1; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and]
forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

>There are about a billion people which may be considered "white".

>Hitler only killed 6 million Jews as a high ball estimate.

>You are over 150 times as bad as Hitler.

Calling out informal fallacies shows only proves that you are an ass with no argument of your own.

I've always been curios when pol talked about white genocide.

1.If this is deliberate, who is perpetuating it? The jews? The cultural marxsts? And to what end?

2. How is it preventing you from breeding? There is no forced sterilization and you can reproduce with members of your own race by your own free will.

3.Why should I care? In the grand scheme of things, how am I affected at all?

I'm seroisly interested in what you guys really think.

Completely ass backwards approach. Getting into a debate with somebody and then spouting latin at them that they don't understand and declaring victory is the least effective way to redpill people. It's an effective way to make you look socially inept though.

Teach people what logical fallacies are if you want to redpill them. Once they can see the fallacious arguments in their own ranks, they will get curious about people with other political beliefs that don't make as many fallacious arguments.

Also never cite the name of a logical fallacy when arguing. If you must, explain why somebodies argument doesn't hold up logically using plain english.

Through Smug Anime Girls.jpg

Ridicule. Don't take them seriously, don't get angry at the things they say, just ridicule them.

Had a debate couple days ago with a libitard acquaintance from college days. He was full-on "Whites needs to pay back reparations for their treatment of blacks", "nationalism is a disease" and "white people are hording all the money from minorities".

I started off with explaining what the federal reserve interest rate was and why it was basically destroying the middle-class and minorities' incomes through inflation, no ability to safely save in banks and how stocks are hyper-inflated, giving way to "fake" wealth built up in the 1%'s hands. He didn't know what the federal reserve even did until I explained it to him. Definitely made some progress there.

Sadly, at this point, I went a little too far and started dismantling his #notallmuslims shit with quotes from the Quran and how they beat up gays/women in Saudi Arabia. His liberal white guilt kicked in and basically called me racist (lol, muslim = race?) and that he'll vote Hillary out of spite towards me.

I learned my lesson from this experience and will try to ease it more slowly with libitards next time. I'll start off with issues that affect whites & niggers, like the federal reserve and NAFTA/TPP. The "true" redpill will have to come much later, I suppose.

He is of German descent, if that gives you any indication how much white cuck guilt he has in him.

>made it increasingly easier for minorities to immigrate
>made it easier for them to get benefits/aid compared to whites
>made it beneficial for them to have kids, and get more benefits per child

I think muslims are a trap, most people have never had their lives directly affected by muslims. It's just not an issue most people can personally relate to.

If you live in an area that has been flooded with Syrian refugees maybe it will hold more weight, but most people just don't give a shit, and have trouble contemplating why people that pretty much never interact with muslims directly give so much of a shit. A car accident or heart disease is way way more likely to kill them.

>most people have never had their lives directly affected by muslims

This is incorrect and grossly underestimates the power of the liberal spin machine.

Most Americans have, in fact, had their lives directly affected by Muslims. But, as this image depicts, they only see the "peaceful" side, when muslims are an extreme minority. It skews their perception about the message about Islam's barbaric past, because most people are unable to question their own surroundings.

>What are you talking about?!! That muslim store owner was so nice me yesterday! How can you describe him as some homophobic bigot?! He could NEVER be like that, I saw it myself!

It's classic deception at its finest, and should not be underestimated. Still, I agree that it is very hard to convince people of such dangers when they cannot forsee it directly in front of them.

Emotion. Take a note from trump, keep repeating catchy phrases over and over again. You will never break their mind conditioning thru logic.

Still though, how does this hinder you from reproducing? Those policies encourage a minority group to reproduce but do not discourage whites from doing the same.

this right here is why Plato and Aristotle will stand the test of time.



so simple, yet so hard.

huh, that's weird. I meant Socrates. But I suppose Aristotle too.

If you're talking about muslims, the approaches I would talk about is

A: Informing people about Sunni Wahhabism. This allows people to see there is an actual group of Muslims that overwhelmingly does violent acts, this excites the SHIT out of liberals because it lets them believe #notallmuslims, but simultaneously lets them acknowledge that Muslims do make up a disproportionate amount of terrorist attacks. Say how they pull out quotes using a literal interpretation of the Quran to justify their acts. Say you have specific issues with this sect of muslims beliefs about women and terrorism. Tie this in with the United States being an ally of Saudi Arabia, and how Saudi Arabia promotes Wahhabism. Now they get to jerk over how the US, and by extension white people, caused Islamic terrorism.

This seems counter-productive, but you have to start redpilling people somewhere. If they say #notallmuslims, don't argue with them. Just inform them about how Wahhabi Muslims justify themselves using religion, and how violent religious beliefs are being aggressively spread. Give them redpills that are easier to swallow.

B: Point out rapefugees have a significant percentage of ISIS sympathizers, and while you weren't against muslims generally, you were concerned that a significant amount of refugees had not denounced extremism when ISIS has directly told Muslims in western countries to attack said countries.

C: Speak out against partisan censorship of media events, like Muslims attacking a group of people. Say the public must be trusted to judge these events fairly, media overlords shouldn't decide the public can't handle the truth.

D: Get them to read more media sources. Get them to read more media sources. Get them to read more media sources. Left wing media never reports muslims causing any problems, ever, so when you come up to them and start talking about how muslims cause all the problems in the world they will just assume you came from stormfront.

liberal here,

engage me rationally, without memes, without logical fallacies and try to stick with one topic at a time

"To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now." - James B. Comey, FBI Director

Related video that I really recommend listening to when you get the chance:


Question them, make them prove their ideas. Once they realise they have no evidence for what theyre saying they will swap sides, given you provide them logic and thought as to why the redpill is the best pill


Coax them to the top of a slippery slope and then latch onto their ideas and go for a ride.

This is very informative and helpful, thanks. For once, you weren't A FUCKING LEAF, but a based maple syrup.

>Informing people about Sunni Wahhabism. This allows people to see there is an actual group of Muslims that overwhelmingly does violent acts, this excites the SHIT out of liberals because it lets them believe #notallmuslims, but simultaneously lets them acknowledge that Muslims do make up a disproportionate amount of terrorist attacks.

I especially like this, because it's like a move from the Trump's playbook. Work up the opponent's emotions and confirmation bias, before dismantling it and throwing them into a perpetual cognitive dissonance.

explain the case for Equality.

Use the socratic method.

Or simply: ask why over and over again until you get to the base root of their belief. It will be something like, "I believe x because y is bad"

ask why "y" is bad

>Because UGH it just is!


>I dont know--

insert redpill. Granted you make it this far and they havent ragequit already.

something tells me this guy here is influenced by him.

To add to his question, I'd like you say if you think everyone is *truly* equal.

I'm not implying anything about race, nationalities or other specific demographic.

I'm asking if you actually think everyone is born equals.

I prefer numbers. Cold, hard numbers. Numbers and pictures. Things you can see.

And then you combine it with things like this.

You keep going further with things like this.

Add some damning anecdotal.

>mfw met this guy in real life
Fellow Central FL fag?

The best way is to not debate them, they will start screaming and throwing a fit and using their orbiter friends to gang up on you.

The best way is to get them to.. do.
>be a high school gym teacher
>60 or so miles away from a large city
>liberal history teacher always trying to get me to see things her way
>i say no time and time again and keep going back to my own thing
>one day she gets so angry I cant see things her way she throws the biggest fit in the lunchroom
>tell her this whole acceptance thing goes both ways and I will get back to her
>later that day:
>call inner city school
>they are hiring teachers
>ask for info
>get back to school the next day
>pull in
>school board meeting
>history teacher looking smug as fuck
>they wish to dismiss me
>I told them what I told her, acceptance goes both ways
>hand her the information of hiring a teacher for the inner city school
>she looks confused
>I tell the school board whats up and follow up "If she can last 6 months teaching over there to those underprivileged mostly black and hispanic kids, I will quit no questions asked"
>she goes through the whole transfer business and accepted almost right then and there
>in a week she is packed up in her nice blue prius
>2 months later
>taking the kids out for jogging and baseball
>rusted and broken down brown honda car pulls into the parking lot
>the history teacher comes out and makes all of 2 seconds of eye contact and goes into the school
>she gets her job back
>never bothers me again

Logically walk them through that it is a global problem.

yea. But I haven't met him in person yet. Too poor to go to the cities he was in during his tour.

If this story isn't true I will come to your house and kill you

This is a mostly fantastic graphic but the "So What If Blacks Left The USA" numbers are questionable. For instance, blacks might score 5.5 ACT points lower than whites, but there is no way ACT scores would raise 5.5 points if they were gone. I don't know if the person who did that section was adept at math.

I guess he never actually intended to tell us. Let's hope he's not being disingenuous and just taking a long time to type his answer.

Well cold hard numbers is what redpilled me. I was pretty normie and believed the egalitarian meme that it was mostly culture.

I can't say that anymore. The numbers are too damning. I'm not a math expert, but I was good enough at math to know that if the 'we are all equal' meme is true, that there should be at least one black city on earth where the crime rate is lower than that of whites.

I still haven't found one and keep challenging liberals to find me one. The convo ends there. I've had a few successes in turning people at least.

You don't redpill liberals. Every one and one million liberal can be swayed by a logical argument, but a majority of them do not. I believe they physically cannot process a logical argument; don't waste your time. Aristotle wrote in Rhetoric that "for argument based on knowledge implies instruction, and there are people whom one cannot instruct."

You speak the only language that they understand: shame and manipulation. Scorn, contempt, mockery, social ostracism. Laugh at them, mock them, do not include them in your circle of friends.

Don't waste your time with logic, you'll do nothing but frustrate yourself and sully the name of reason. Most people find this suggestion distasteful, however, I don't think there is a greater thing you can do for liberals and to shame them into their proper box again.


reminds me of the part in Gorgias where Socrates is talking about the pastry makers and the doctor trying to convince the group of children which one is better.

Top fucking kek, way to show her a lesson user. Doing god's work.

This is god tier if true.