Favorite Star Wars? Mine is the first one

Favorite Star Wars? Mine is the first one.

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Agreed. It had more depth than any of the other films, even if some of the dialogue was bad. This movie has the most world building of any film of all time, and the themes are incredibly deep.

I agree


Oh no, people disagree with you.

I defend the prequels, 3 was all over the place but ultimately had a lot of impact, and 2 was way more solid than it gets credit for, best pacing in the prequels imo, but TPM was just really bad. I can defend the dialogue and even tolerate jar jar, but kid anakin and the awful effects in a lot of it make so much of the movie excruciating

The dullest franchise Harry Potter guy needs to start posting in "Star Wars prequels/Zack Snyder DC films are kino" threads.

Why don't you do it?

Don't let your memes be dreams.

>actually believing the prequels are better

Mine is the one that everyone else doesn't like because I'm smarter and have better taste than all of you.

Do lightsaber wounds immediately cauterize? That would explain how Luke and esecially Anakin healed relatively easily. Because even in a space fantasy universe a man with both legs cut off would otherwise bleed to death in seconds. But if a person's throat is cut by a lightsaber, can they survive because they don't bleed much, or do they die anyway?

it would stop blood flow to the brain so it would kill them

Yeah right.

Not necessarely

Imagine that, after the crushing disappointment of Episode I, someone had told you that it would be the least terrible of the prequel trilogy.

Pretty sure blood can't flow without connected arteries and veins.

Gives me chills. That poster is pure genius

Just in case you aren't aware, Darth Maul is still alive in canon despite literally having been cut in half, and he could show up in episode 8.

Phantom Menace>Attack of the Clones

Just in case you aren't aware, he has a brother called Savage Opress.

It's amazing to realize after all these years people now recognize this shit as an actual good movie....when guess what it's not.

I actually enjoy the phantom menace more. attack is so slow until the end and has the terrible anakin and padme dialogue. Phantom has Qui-Gon and Maul

He's probably about to get BTFO'd by Obi-Wan

I like the Sheev spin one

not really since vader turned into a lovesick puppy in 6 anyway.

If you actually believe this you probably haven't got much going on in your life.

Agreed. The constant underpinning of mystery and the sheer amount of lore present in this film cuts to the heart of what Star Wars is supposed to be, even though the movie itself is a classic case of good ideas, bad execution.

If you've read the book The Making of Star Wars: The Definitive Story Behind the Original Film, then you know that a lot of ideas that weren't present until the Phantom Menace (the Sith, Anakin, even the maligned midi-chlorians) were actually ideas Lucas had from the very beginning, but were revised out of the final scripts of the original trilogy by his screenwriters. Imagining Lucas working painstakingly on thousands of years of history for his fictional world only to emerge twenty years later with this film is impressive. He may not be the auteur director he imagines himself to be, but Lucas is probably the idea guy to end all idea guys; even his worst ideas have become culturally iconic.

Again, I wouldn't actually call it a good movie but I almost feel as though The Phantom Menace benefits from how unconventional it is. The cause is bad directing but the result is a film where you never know what's going to happen next because it's unlike any other film ever made. The other prequels lost this sense of mystery because Lucas reacted to the criticism of TPM by making action films that you can't watch without rotting your brain, which IMO was the easy way out. If nothing else, The Phantom Menace really lived up to the grandeur of the Star Wars name.

When Lucas talks nowadays about how he's "making films for nobody but himself" or "films no one will ever watch", I kind of know what he's talking about. I think he's making more films like The Phantom Menace.

It's interesting how they begin with the Jedi boarding the federation, although this isn't elaborated on -- what were their options if they did seek to take it over?

We also lose track of Padme's thread where she's warning the Senate about Naboo's famine.


we never see the corpses on Naboo

>star wars with politics, intrigue and morally complex characters
>not muh star wars
>star wars with planets exploding, 1 dimensional conflicts, and metaphorical jibberjabber
>now this is podracing

What about the Freudian sexual imagery in ESB which leads to Luke's rebirth?

Force Awakens & Rouge One.

I can just imagine the anger in trump's face as he continues to be powerless as we enjoy awsome sequels with kickass female leads and multicultural casts.

Plus Rouge One spawned a new civil rights movement recently. That in itself comes to show how important & ground breaking this series has become in recent years.

>lovesick puppy
The refers to romance you fucking 90's born queer