English premier gay

>english premier gay
>english gay league
>gay premier league
>gay britain
>Engaylish Premier League - Powered by Homosexuals

what did they mean by this?

it means that you have done a bad job cleaning toilets


how do we make england and /espee/ less homophobic?

>using gay as an insult

holy shit lads it is almost like I am a 13 year old in the mid 2000s again

By removing the faggots like you who need to go back to r*ddit.

It should be an insult. Mental illness should be used to shame idiots.

less muslims?

Fucking degenerates.

Fucking hilarious seeing all the Africans and Muslims crying about it. If you get triggered by this you really need to sort your life out

Fucking gays. I am

t. Gaylord

ditto seeing a need to make an affirmative inclusion action in football that is not excluded in any way

Stop sucking dicks so much

Your post is gay

I get a feeling people like these must be insecure faggots themselves, no one in their right mind can be bothered so much by homosexuality
Though I will admit those who constantly try to show off they're gay for no reason are just obnoxious

Sup Forumstards and muslims seem to have a lot more in common than they care to admit.

It's funny seeing the asshurt arab bandwagon shits angry in all the replies to the major clubs. If 2 men want to suck dick let them my man, got fuck all to do with you

Most people aren't "bothered" by homossexuality. They are bothered by this constant pandering to degenerates, and this agenda pushing in a fucking football league logo.

>sucking dick is totally cool and normal, guise.

this, nobody gives a shit who you fuck or hold hands with

What are you? Gay?

Triggered drumfs and pakis, good by me

Yeah gotta agree to that, shoving in homosexuality in any kind media just to be progressive will always feel forced

wtf i hate eplel now