The Japs could've scrapped their clunky kanji system ages ago like the koreans

>the Japs could've scrapped their clunky kanji system ages ago like the koreans
>this never happened

Why can't you just use Hiragana?

Other urls found in this thread:ürk's_Reforms

The usual excuse is that their language has too many homophones.

The japanese language is extremely limited in the number of sounds it can make whereas Korean is the opposite.

That sounds absurd to me because they can communicate to each other through speech just fine.

So that dirty white piggu like you wouldn't fuck glorious Nippon

But they do that regardless.

I know nobody would believe but Chinese were proudly people in the past

They have different pitches, brasiLeirro.

That probably could be represented through writing. Vietnamese has tones and it uses latin script


What what
I mean they were influential in old time

If kanji was inconvenient there would have been a movement to abolish it, but we continue using it because it's convenient.
On the other hand Korea abolished kanji for nationalism that they wanted to get out of China's cultural and spiritual influence even if they sacrifice of the convenience of it.

Is stroke order really that convenient and important too?

because we need very short time when we read sentence.

Nothing wrong with being a homophobe, I also hate fags.

there's also bopomofo for mandarin

could be pretty easily modified into monosyllabic character blocks like Korean

I thought Japan was super nationalistic too.

nobody hand writes anymore these days
EVEN THEN, stroke order is easy as fuck to learn once you realize there are only 200 or so radicals and they follow a predictable pattern with some exceptions. Seriously you could learn this shit in a week.

Read this it's super easy


pitch has nothing to do with it.
Real fact is that you can generally discern homophones in speech using context. Japanese doesn't have THAT many homophones.

And given the possibility that you were actually not able to discern the homophone, you could ask the other guy which one he was talking about.
He might draw the kanji in the air, he might tell you more common words the kanji is used in, or he might define the word. This is in order of difficulty.
As you can see, it is objectively easier to have kanji as opposed to not having kanji.

Imagine having to ask "Can you use it in a sentence?" all the time.

If anything, Japan is known for not being nationalistic.
One of you guys can probably find a survey indicating that Japan was second from the bottom (dead last being Germany) in the percentage of people who said they would fight for their country in a war.

In spoken language, homonyms are avoided and there is almost no problem.


They keep the Chinese characters because they look aesthetic.

I have the feeling that using Kanji because of homophones is like using a bazooka to kill a mosquito.

chinese characters make you smarter, which is one of the reasons korea has a stupid and shitty culture

Unlike the japanese language adopting latin characters would be impossible for chinese because the chinese language is actually composed of various distinct dialects unified only by the literary system.


so 愛 is katakana


Imagine removing Latin from the English language and speaking only Germanic Anglish

Keeping Kanji in the language allows more flexibility and deeper linguistic abstractions.
What OP is proposing is essentially turning Japanese into Newspeak.

The Koreans did it successfully.

Explain to my monkey brain how comparing a writing system to words coming from a certain origin is a valid comparison.


So did the Imperial Japanese. You have to keep in mind that there needs to be a motivation behind every undertaking. People don't change things just because the alternative may or may not be better, as long as what is available happens to work.
t. hundreds of thousands of muh metric threads

The writing system is inseparable from the language.
The writing system was taken from the Chinese.
The Japanese have an immense amount of loan words from Chinese.

Prettys pretty easy

you're suggesting removing kanji because it makes learning difficult for foreigners. all japanese are literate. korean is actually much more difficult to learn because they don't use characters.

Taking away the writing system wouldn't take away the loan words, man.
What you're talking about happened with Turkish when Ataturk removed arabic loan words from it. He also removed the arabic script.

What are you talking about? I learned Hangul in like 1 week. It's easy as fuck. Japanese on the hand...
Japanese people need 10 years to become literate!!!!!

>kids need 10 years to become literate
we all do, my macaco

read a page of japanese that's exclusively hiragana and that same page with kanji then ask that same dumb question

That article only seems weird because people don't know the words.

Hangul you can learn in a few hours. Remembering hundreds or thousands of words is a lot easier when you have characters which you automatically recognize for its meaning and which help forms associations between words with connected meanings, or words made of compounds of characters, and so on. learning characters is a much more efficient way of memorizing the words and understanding the language.

You don't understand a word of Japanese, do you? Kanji makes reading so much easier.

Using another language (especially a dead language) to create new words decreases how crowded the language is.
I could use the word "coalstuff" to refer to coke, ashes--even anything gray and powdered. Yet the article clearly refers to Carbon, which would confuse anyone attempting to learn the topic.

By characters I assume you meant kanji characters so I agree to disagree.
Japanese people have to write this monstrosity to mean "police":
This monstrosity to mean "firefighter":

I mean, man. If we don't know a word we can read it and check the dictionary very fast. If we hear it we can know how it will be written. You only need to learn a few letters and that's it. I saw a video where Japanese people don't know symbols for words that are basic shit in ours.

You're an idiot. Try actually learning some Japanese, and you'll be glad Kanji exists.

I did and I saw that you have to write this 医者 (isha) to mean "doctor"

Don't you mean 医者

Yes, and all Japanese recognize the word instantly and also anyone who has learned the language. Too lazy to learn something that's difficult? That's your issue.

Meant to say 医師

I don't know much.

>Both these words mean doctor.
医者 is usually used in daily talking. 医師 is the name of profession.



That is the same sentence written with kanji and hiragana. Tell me which one's easier to read.

Debunking the myth that there's only dialectics instead of multiple languages trapped inside the "Chinese language" will solve the problem

For those who already know it the former but spaces would help a little bit in your example.
ゆうめい な はいゆう は こうつう じこ で けがしました

But a writing system like hangul would be better but you know they won't ever change so this arguing is pointless :P

hanzi make it much easier to read if you understand the character, you recognize the shape of the word in any language when reading. each character has a history, a reason for it's shape, the ideograph or the combination of sound and meaning, etc. once you learn the etymology it helps vocabulary and recognition. Literacy in china and japan has actually always been higher than the west, it is because the writing system is easier to understand.

the latter obviously

>This monstrosity
消 extinquish
防 defend/protect
士 warrior
Firefighter, because they are warriors who defend and protect people by putting out fires.

There are no spaces in Japanese writing. So you want to remove kanji and fuck with the spacing. Any other changes?

those actually aren't "monstrosity"
if you understand the etymology you can read it and understand without even caring about pronounciation. it's much easier to read than seeing the hiragana.

I know they are diferent languages just used dialects because it's easier to understand.Don't you think that the unified writing system is useful?


so is japanese rebus writing?

You say that like it's a rule sent down from god and set in stone. Koreans abolished hanja and invented a new writing system from scratch. What is putting some spaces between words compared to that?

Ataturk was crazier than that. He abolished LOAN WORDS and the arabic writing system.ürk's_Reforms

It's trapping the people from Shanghai to Canton inside an identity they don't belong. They are much better without the rest of their "fellow countrymen" dragging them behind

If autistics like you had their way we would be using nothing but programming languages.
Human languages are meant to be creative, deep, complex and emotional. Fuck off with is desire to strip it down, stupify and optimise. It doesn't work. Languages don't work that way.
Japanese is far too different to Korean, so you and every other fuckwit really need to stop bringing up hangul, because it is not analogous.

Why should they change anything? They obviously learn it perfectly fine. So do lots of foreigners. Sounds like the problem is with you.

but there is no reason to except removing chinese influence, but japan's entire culture is a snapshot of chinese influence so you would have to destroy everything to do that. hanzi is much easier than hangul.
t. learned korean and chinese


Hey guys. It's just my opinion. I think language is sound first writing second. Writing is just a tool. No need to get hostile. I have no influence on the japanese people.

>Koreans abolished hanja
what? no, who told you that
broseph, koreans still learn their hanja, they just don't need to know them in super detail anymore. your average korean knows at least 1,000 basic hanja, educated koreans usually know all 1,800 hanja taught in school, and potentially hundreds if not thousands more depending on what they study

also you're acting like kanji is sooo difficult. kek you learn joyou list in six months

writing is a storage of culture since it was created, try reading english from 1500s and try reading chinese from warring states from before christ, you can't understand if they were speaking because language has changed so much, but you can read and understand because the characters don't change.

yeah, they feel triggered and extremely insecure. hmm i wonder why that is...

>hanzi is much easier than hangul.

for literacy and learning vocabulary, hanzi is much faster to recognize than a korean word

Prefer a writing system that look like a computer chip and is easy and accessible for plebs.
Instead of the far superior and more challenging moon runes.
Are we supposed to the be brainlets?

Learning kanji isn't hard. Just time consuming.

Then it should be 火士
Would be much simpler

Japanese language doesn't have word spacing so it'd make it way harder to read and recognise words without kanji unlike Korean. Kanji serves to tell a word apart from other words and it also helps people prevent from getting confused by homonyms

The Koreans scrapped the Kanji because it makes absolutely no fucking sense to use them in the Korean language and they invented an objectively better system.

>for literacy and learning vocabulary, hanzi is much faster to recognize than a korean word
yes, and rindaeg tihs is ismopbisle in Esilgnh bsuacee I'm a fiwkcut and need to raed erevy lteter idlnduilviay

Learning a language is nothing but time consuming.
If a language is more time consuming to learn, it's more hard to learn.

The Japanese should of course eliminate kanji in their language, they'll invent new pronunciations for homonyms. It's well worth the trouble since it'll help them break away from East Asian tradition further.

Also nationalists across East Asia who believe in one variant of Pan-Asianism or another will suffer a heavy blow from it. It'll further the cause of independence for captured countries like Manchuria and Catonia

Hangul has too many homonym anyway. Let's see.
童貞(Virgin) 同情(Sympathy) 동정
有機(Organic matter) 遺棄(Abandonment) 유기
史記(Shiki) 詐欺(Swindle) 사기
顧問(Adviser) 拷問(Torture) 고문
郵政(Postal administration) 友情(Friendship) 우정
火傷(Burn) 画像(Image) 화상
風速(Velocity of the wind) 風俗(Customs) 풍속
戦死(Killed) 戦士(Soldier) 전사
数値(Numerical value) 羞恥(Shame) 수치
新車(New car) 新茶(new tea) 신차
犬食(dog eating) 見識(Discernment) 견식
烈火(Intense fire) 劣化(Deterioration) 열화
読者(Reader) 独自(Originality) 독자
停電(Power failure) 停戦(Cease-fire) 정전

救助(rescue) 構造(structure) 구조
諸国(Nations) 帝国(Empire) 제국
意識(Consciousness) 儀式(ritual) 의식
声明(Statement) 姓名(Full name) 성명
全員(All members) 田園(The country) 전원
全力(One's best) 電力(Electric power) 전력
捕鯨(Whale fishing) 包茎(Penis phimosis of foreskin) 포경
課長(Section chief) 誇張(Exaggeration) 과장
地図(Map) 指導(Guidance) 지도
初代(Founder) 招待(Invitation) 초대
駅舎(Station) 歴史(History) 역사
反戦(Anti-war) 反転(Reversing) 반전
武士(Samurai) 無事(Safely) 무사
連覇(Successive victories) 連敗(Series of defeats) 연패
祈願(Prayer) 起源(Origin) 기원
同志(Fellow) 冬至(Winter solstice) 동지
紳士(Gentleman) 神社(Shinto shrine) 신사
首相(Prime Minister) 受賞(Winning) 수상
市長(Mayor) 市場(Market) 시장
映画(Movie) 栄華(Prosperity) 영화
歩道(Pavement) 報道(Report) 보도
お腹(Stomach) 船 (Ship) 배
日傘(Parasol) 量産(Mass production) 양산
主義(Principle) 注意(Attention) 주의
団扇(Fan) 負債(Debt) 부채
大使(Ambassador) 台詞(Dialog) 대사

諸島(Islands) 制度(System) 제도
定額(Fixed amount) 精液(Semen) 정액
インド(India) 引導(Requiem) 인도
対局(Play) 大国(Large country) 대국
無力(Powerlessness) 武力(Military power) 무력
電車(Train) 戦車(Tank) 전차
発光(Luminescence) 発狂(Going mad) 발광
充電(Charge) 充填(Filling) 충전
代弁(Representation) 大便(Feces) 대변
朝鮮(Korea) 造船(Shipbuilding) 조선
反日(Anti-Japan) 半日(Half a day) 반일
柱石(Pillars) 主席(The president) 주석
防火(Fire prevention) 放火(Arson) 방화
防水(Waterproof) 放水(Draining water off) 방수
地方(The provinces) 脂肪(Fat) 지방
駅舎(Station building) 歴史(History) 역사
検査(inspection) 検事(prosecutor) 검사

Even words about math
素数(Prime number) 小数(Decimal) 少数(Small number) 소수
異常(Abnormality) 理想(Ideal) 以上(More than) 이상

quite a few of those words aren't commonly used as both definitions, though.

And more complicated,

首相 prime minister
水上 aquaticwater‐surface
受賞 get a prise, winning
授賞 give a prise, award
手相 palmistry
随想 random thoughts
All of them are one homonym「수상」

事情 Situation
私情 Personal feelings
査定 assessment
射程 shooting range
射精 ejaculation
All of them are one homonym「사정」

Even if you may read by each sentence and get a meaning , that's shit and defected as language.

T.jealous English teacher
汉字Pride worldwide

Sure, but nobody in Korea actually uses 수상 to say prime minister, water surface, palmistry, or random thoughts.
And that's just one example.

電気 electricity
電機 Electrical machinery

伝記 biography

前期 the early part
全期 Full term

戦旗 battle flag
戦記 a record of a war

転記 transfer posting
All of them are one synonym 「전기」

How about this math words?Even if you can avoid the words and get meaning but there is too many homonyms.
It's shityy as an language.

But that would be a 士 that uses 火.

This whole discussion really hurts my 心 tbqh familia.

It's to keep low IQs from learning it like Chinese.


I didn't believe it, then I decided to start studying Korean, it's surprisingly easy to memorize.

Japan because super nationalistic when America shelled their port to open up their economy to foreign goods. The then government of Japan embarked on a nationalistic modernisation which produced fanatically devoted troops to the emperor.

Not so. In fact we don't like our country and anti Japan is the main educational system of schools.
Also we are the same as French or German or Italian or those people about nationalism.
We just likes some of staff and culture of Japan and that's all. As the same of others,
We are Asian so people sees differently and sees emphasis on us.

The history of modernization can be summed up as non-Western civilizations using one form or another of authoritarianism, often plagiarized from the dumpster of the West, to fight against the relatively liberal West and got beaten their shit out of.

I'm offering the entire Sinosphere a way out. Not that I believe you're gonna listen, there's something wrong in your genes.所以我挺喜欢人类的多地起源论的。世界其他地区的人是一个物种,汉族是另外一个物种,能解释很多事情

Obtaining freedom through secession, ensuring security by allying with the Americans(王师永远正确,分裂保障自由), that's what will finalize the modernization of Sinosphere. Accept it, then there won't be bloodshed and the bulk of China will become developed nations. Refuse it, Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan is waving their hands from graveyard, and the end result is still the same: pic related