What is your opinion of the american moderate?

what is your opinion of the american moderate?

Accurate, but as useful as an asshole on my elbow.

Iron Pill will always be the best pill.

merely a transient phase in political development.

Black Pill is better

Who here /Blackpilled/

fug thats me

I feel too crazy for normies, but not crazy enough for the 'left and right'.

Who /Newt/ pilled here?

what, the nihilist?

Exactly senpai. Nihilism, apathy and crippling depression and self awareness

>not being /nopill/ where you dont see the world through an ideological filter and simply form opinions based on the facts and real world outcomes

I consider it more Fatalist instead of Nihilist.
Nihilism is the Black pill for the weak
The strong choose Stoicism of existentialism

desu that pretty much describes me

>i am a perfectly logical being, far above you simple plebians with your biases and petty emotions

>form opinions based on the facts and real world outcomes
nice buzzwords

Posting pills.

Also known as "metalhead".

>Still concerning yourself with the political venues instead of ascending to Arcadia.
Holy fuck everyone's actually a robot beyond the veil.


>implying any of that is true

Just by the fact your native language is English you have an inherent ideological filter.

Russian uses a lot of collective nouns and people believe that was a contributing factor to the popularity of the Bolsheviks

He's a ridiculous cunt. It's impossible to be economically liberal and socially conservative, for example. One rules out the other. Can't be economically liberal without sweatshop workers and obese consumer pigs. Can't be socially conservative while letting them consume whatever the fuck they want. It falls short. It's inconsequential. Pick a side, moron. The needs of the many, or the needs of the few. There's no easy way out.


>tfw this is exactly me

>It's impossible to be economically liberal and socially conservative
Good thing that's not what OP's pic says then.

If it's not staunchly pro-white, it's shit. Libertarian faggotry is very short sighted.


>Will never fight and die for his nation because when survival is in the equation he pussies out
>Typically an educated but non producing member of society with weak resolution

Other way around, love.
Economically conservative and socially liberal.

Basically the original American. Everything that made this country great. If you aren't purple pilled go live in a theocracy or a secular socialist hellhole. Let America be America.

original americans never believed in equal opportunity faggot.

that brought me vague memories of that episode. what was the dude in the rubber hat called?

The other way around isn't feasible, either. It's like oil and water. The centrist high road does not exist.


I mean, I tried to see if he already existed but the most complete pill chart I could find didn't have him. the closest was tyrian pill and he already filled the role of "purple is the color of royalty"

A meek faggot who wants to go back to the 90s, but doesn't understand the concept of reaping what you sow.

They'll die slow painful deaths regardless of who wins, due to their impotent ability to actual do anything besides watch.


*tips fedora*

The dude that blinded Neo was purple pill.

Equal opportunities is a bullshit stance to have.
On the one hand, you can have equal outcomes, with a tightly controlled state. On the other, you can achieve greater things with your wit and skills, and reap benefits from it. Buying your sons benefits with your work should be a no brainer if you don't support equal outcomes. In which case, equal opportunity means nothing, as one's opportunity can be heavily influenced by the individual's upbringing and inherited status

It's difficult to explain in English, but the economy and society are actually the same thing. In the end, an economy is a means to structure society. If you change the parameters of one, the other will be hit with unforeseen consequences. That's why you won't find any idealists among economists.

>it's difficult to explain in english
like a german could ever explain how to run an economy properly in his native language

american extremists have taken over your country, I think they call that a dictatorship


We're doing quite well for ourselves, would do much better without the ponzi scheme that is democracy.


Sorry to hurt your fee-fees.
Essentially, you make an economy sing by convincing people to follow, to do as they're told. That's why Spain can't compete in the Eurozone, too proud to take orders. Call us cucks all you want, but our society is much more stable than most.

Russian here.

It's not about the terms but rather the connotations. For example diversity in Russian is inherently negative.

I think it's " *gasp* manray " in the show

These are the traditional pills

Also got this

Someone should add
>bread pill
>Texas pill

>no copy of SS under iron pill

Describes me quite well.

This is pretty much me, aside from the fact that I have mainly social conservative viewpoints and only a few socially liberal viewpoints.

right so check this out
right now, sitting in a car, probably stuck in a bit of traffic, you know big city living and all that

He has just finished work at a office or warehouse or supermarket it dont really make much fucking difference just trading time for money

On his way out of work he says goodbye to sara working at the front desk (a spicy little number)
he jokingly asks if shes got any plans for the weekend "oh not much just hang with the boyfriend i guess"

A slight chuckle is all he can mange as he turns to the exit , a rage so pure and intense like gouts of flame spike into his soul all he can think about as he walks to his car is violently beating and raping the stupid whore sara fucking dumb bitch ill fuck the life out of her he thinks has he brings his 1993 honda civic to life

he is on his way home now where soon he will lock all the doors, close all the blinds then put on his $10,000 usd pink and blue wolf furrie costume

and spend the rest of the night shoving bigger and more complex looking dildos up his arse, stretching out his urethra with a ballpoint pen and masterbating to child porn all live on webcam

this is the real world, people like that exist and worse they vote for hillary

all interpretation is lost just under the surface, can you tell the difference between a smile and a crocodile? are you sure? am not.

this is the real world, a world of illusions

So tinfoil, nazi, normie and three different flavours of extreme autism

>they vote for hillary
lost it

These are the values of the white majority. As soon as they no longer form a real majority, people like this will be relegated to the side as identity politics reigns supreme. It's already happening and no amount of "we're all the same, maaan" can stop it.

People who play it moderate and don't necessarily agree with all the reasons that their wife fucks other men are still cucks.

Big pussy faggot with no principles. Usually a new person every year.

"To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now." - James B. Comey, FBI Director

Related video that I really recommend listening to when you get the chance:


Oh shit, that's me.

With a shave, a new shirt, and some hairdye, I think he's the King of Card Games.