There's no bias in the mainstream media. What are you fuckers talking about?

It couldn't be more "fair and balanced"

Good job posting comedians you dumb fuck.

Still the MSM, you dumb fuck.

millennials get their news from comedians and Buzzfeed.

Donald Trump

>Jimmy Fallon not having a drink in his hand because he is an alcoholic

Props to Jimmy if that's true. Honestly out of that bunch him and Conan are the least offending.

Do people legitimately think this?

turns out that when you look at things without bias, virtually everything you alt-right SJWs believe is so retarded that it isn't even worth including in a fair discussion.

alt-right sjw? You have your terms confused.

Rate them /teevee/

Larry W
John Oliver
Gut sitting next to Fallon
Fat Guy

you're confused, friendo. the alt-right are basically just SJWs now, running around nonstop JW'ing their own brand of S values. the behavior is virtually identical.

Except polite society despises them while SJW's are embraced.

It looks like they photoshopped a bottle into Colbert's hand.

they do this. they reappropriate words. it's alinsky tactics

SJWs aren't embraced, and you don't put an apostrophe to pluralize an initialism, dimwit.

ANTIFAs triggered...



fat guy
current year
larry w

t. radical centrist


It's actually just noticing common denominators and pointing out ironies, not everything is a "memorized" tactic. That's you projecting your stupidity and lack of creative thinking onto other people.

an SJW is somebody that won't shut the fuck up about whatever social issues they're concerned about. just because you invented it to attack liberal SJWs doesn't mean that conservative SJWs don't exist. a conservative that shoots up an abortion clinic is just as much an SJW as any blue-haired bull dyke raging about the patriarchy.

Yeah, over half of them are Jews yet Jews are only 2% of the total US population.

It shows how stupid people are that anyone even contests this at this point. What will be le downvote count on that dear white people trailer if i go check? 500,000? Probably still not a single alt right SJW saying "wait a minute guys, this show isn't actually anti-white people at all, but uniformly critical of identity politics." If anything, alt rightists have stolen the SJW distinction from the liberal kind.

>SJWs aren't embraced

Seth Myers, Bill Maher is half Jewish. That's over half? Sounds like you need to go back to arithmetic polerina shill.

>an SJW is somebody that won't shut the fuck up about whatever social issues they're concerned about
>"I don't know what SJW means, I mean sure conservatives love social justice don't they?"

Conan has been shit for years user. Unless he's made comeback and I failed to notice, that shit does happen every once in a while, at which point I'm sorry for doubting his power levels.

Oh wait, Seth Myers isn't even Jewish, he has a grandfather who is. How fucking embarrassing for this crying pol neckbeard piece of trash.


Jesus, you can really tell how ugly Bill Maher is when you put him side by side with other humans

All complete shit

If you watch any of these regularly you're a gigantic faggot who should remove himself from the genepool

he's right and you're wrong, they're both sides of the same shit coin with different ideas of what social justice should stand for but complelty convinced their version is the only correct one

>SJWs aren't embraced
Only in your sad little world. Have you been to a college campus, ANTIFAg? Alt right's frog post in Sup Forums, nothing more.

Except they're really not
"Social justice" =/= "I get inordinately outraged by things I don't like"

you have to go back

Colbert - Feeds of misery and hate, eats babies on air at 11:35 / 10

Larry W - fucking dude doesn't have a job / 10

Conan - Hasn't been alive in 10 years / 10

Bill Maher - 420 /10 blaze it faggot

John Oliver - Current year / 10


I'm black and I downvoted it.

Craig Ferguson was the best

social justice = everyone should confine to my vision of societal norms and share my opinions on social issues

conservatives rabidly fighting against social issues like abortion, or gay marriage, or the War on Christmas, or getting triggered about every kind of media that they think promotes "cultural marxism" or an unjust attack on white males, and on and on

yeah these people are definitely not promoting their own brand of social justice are they? only le libtards care about that stuff amirite

The difference still exists that the ideas spouted by SJWs are pretty much implicitly accepted by academia, the media, and government while those of Sup Forums...aren't.

The only place where the influence of both are semi-comparable is the Internet

Why doesn't Fallon have a drink?

Look up the definition of social justice anons, it's not "a person's views on social issues"

Yes, he was. Now he was fair and balanced!

this apparently

Talk about off base

Yeah I'd say you're off base. SJW would push for things like diversity in media and workplace. Company X doesn't have enough black people. Company X needs to go out of its way to higher more black people and avoid hiring white or asian people.

On the other side would be "Hire whoever is best for the job." If a company hires the best people and it happens to be 70% white 25% asian and 5% black then so be it.

Look at the issue of gay marriage. Gay people should not be able to get married. Is the U.S.A. not founded on separation of church and state. How could there be a law legalizing gay marriage? If churches don't want homosexuality because it's a sin in their religion then tough luck faggot. Civil Unions were still a thing that allowed people to reap all the benefits of what a married couple can. It was just for social justice and equality.

Not the user you're replying to, just chipping in to say there is no such thing as "half-jewish". You're of the people or you aren't.

Alright, I looked it up and still think SJWs and the Alt-Right are extremely similar.
Now what?

Define alt-right.

>Look at the issue of gay marriage. Gay people should not be able to get married. Is the U.S.A. not founded on separation of church and state. How could there be a law legalizing gay marriage? If churches don't want homosexuality because it's a sin in their religion then tough luck faggot.

You know people get married without any connection to religion, right?

Gay marriage being legal would be proper handling of separation of church and state since marriage should strictly be a legal document and have no connection to any religious beliefs in the eyes of the government.

You're retarded. Is it about genetics or not? Doublethinking cunt SJW.

What's with all the homework?
Why don't you just make your point?
Explain how different SJWs and the Alt-right are.

Who are the alt-right?

I would define what you said as a civil union. I am curious for the origin of the word marriage. I know the U.S. tradition is very Christian in origin. If 2 people want a civil union that's fine. But a man can't marry a man because by definition of marriage is the union between man and woman. Marriage is consummated through sex involving a man penetrating a woman. It just doesn't make a lick of sense to say two men can get married.

In the eyes of the law, civil unions and marriages, while similar, are different things.

By not allowing marriage between gay couples, separation of church and state isn't being upheld.

The definition of marriage you're using is like you said Christian in origin, so wouldn't you agree that it's a problem for law to be based on it if there is supposed to be separation of church and state?

By not allowing marriage between gay couples, separation of church and state isn't being upheld.

I disagree with that statement as Thomas Jefferson said "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.

The issue is that the state gives benefits to married couples. This issue could have been changed by allowing civil unions to provide the same government benefits as marriage.

I enjoy how Jimmy doesn't have a drink in is hand like he's trying to fool us into thinking he doesn't have crippling alcoholism

SJWs to conservetives are Alt Right.

But here's how it works

SJWs claim they are on the good side because supposedly they freed slaves. Made women unraped and care about the poor poor people.

But those SJWs will also tell women to STFU when they are raped if it's a migrant and are fine with white people being hurt

Alt Right go crazy thinking everything is anti white/make and cry about it and are sometimes actually racist while others aren't

But fuck it. The Alt Right make good points. White/Western/Europeon culture does deserve to exist and last and anyone who actively wants to destroy that for Islam or some Marxist cuckery is a fucktard

So SJWs are still worse. Though alt rights shouldn't gain too much power outside of having western culture not cucked by niggers

Pretty much this.

Civil unions are recognized by the state, not the Federal government, hence the major government benefits that come with marriage. The only reason civil unions exist is to allow people in those states to get at least "semi-married" even if the Federal government won't allow it.

There's no appreciable difference between the two things otherwise. They're just about two people saying they'll be with each other forever and probably live together. In no part of the definition is it actually demanded that the couple procreate, have P in V sex, or involve religion in any way whatsoever.

For some reason you seem to be implying that by legislating gay marriage, the government is what... forcing clergy to marry people? Forcing you as a Christian to recognize gay marriage in your metaphysical worldview? How is the legislation affecting your religion at all?

Marriage, the legal status, doesn't actually belong to religious institutions. Atheists get married all the time and it's legal. You say a non-religious wedding is a civil union, but that's just your feelings replacing the facts. Those non-religious weddings marriages. I'm about to get married in May and the Federal government is going to give me and my atheist girlfriend a marriage license and all the perks that come with it. The entire semantic of your argument is just all fucked up user.

To the original point, some conservatives have a huge problem with this. They think the government is oppressing them and their religion. It's an issue of social justice for them, the same as any liberal would be mad at the government for oppressing gays or blacks or whatever it is.

>"Those non-religious weddings are marriages."
is what I meant to write there obviously

do you think the government is forcing priests and rabbis and shit to officiate gay weddings or something? you do realize that weddings can be officiated by practically anybody, including Elvis impersonators, your sister that got a 1-day license to officiate, the local judge that does the marriage certificate, etc.?

removing the heterosexual requirement is effectively the last thing that needs to be done to separate church and state in this situation. legislature surrounding gay marriage is about legal status and has nothing to do with your personal recognition of the marriage or your church's. you can go ahead and continue to view their marriage as illegitimate under the eyes of god or something, but legally, secularly, they're married. and i think it's telling that the only people who give a shit about it are religious people. there's no pragmatic secular dissent coming from the guy that thinks it's the government's duty to encourage heteronormative family units for utilitarian purposes. it's just religious folk acting like they own the word and somehow it's being taken from them.

conan and bill are pretty cool guys 2bh

current year man has a well researched script but terrible jokes and unfunny reading of it

does not even attempt to hide his strong liberal bias, openly mocks conservative values and beliefs, but occasionally has thoughtful discussion with ideological opponents.
Clearly has a liberal bias but does not let it interfere with his comedy. Never really humiliates or mocks anyone for beliefs, Trump from Conan are easily the least insufferable
Does he even talk about politics? Does anyone even watch this guy?
Again, pretty obvious liberal bias but doesnt really delve into politics that much, dont really like him but i understand why lots of others do.
Absolutely reeks of extreme left wing bias. Him and the other correspondents on the daily show make literally no attempt to research or even basically grasp the talking points of the other side.
Can be funny ocassionaly. Show is absolutely unbearable now since every fucking episode is tired ranting about Trump on and fucking on. I get it. He sucks. Please talk about something else. Literally anything else
Thank god this colossal moron got his show cancelled. By far the worst of the bunch in literally every way
inoffensive. The only one that pretty much anyone regardless of political standing can enjoy. He can be a little grating at times, and when he goes off script its really hit or miss.
Of all the extreme liberal bias in this picture Maher is the only one who can at least defend himself when questioned without resorting to virtue signaling, although he does a shit job of making sure his guests do the same. He isnt totally beholden to liberal ideals just because he's a democrat, as he frequently calls out liberals for being idiots about the refugee crisis and Islamic law.
Just like Oliver, its just trump trump trump over and over again. For the love of god move the fuck on. He was pretty good as the anchor for SNL weekend update so i dont understand why he is so painful to watch

I guess you love final fantay and hate Mexico.

>polite society despises them
Trump is president why do you think you are still the victim?

you're showing obvious bias here so why should i care about anything you're saying

what does this have to do with televsion

>tv goer doesnt believe theyre leftypol






It's really only a matter of time until fags start suing churches that refuse to marry them though