Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie? I fucking loved Atlas Shrugged and Objectivism is god-tier ideology...

Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie? I fucking loved Atlas Shrugged and Objectivism is god-tier ideology, but the movie of Atlas Shrugged sucked.

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no, because its a book filled with long winded speeches

Ideology is cancer.

people who want to adapt this arent creative enough to pull it off

This is such a fucking terrible book by all measures that I legit can't think of any one over a certain age liking this.

Even if it wasn't such garbage, it's preachy without being good.


I think focusing on the ideology is what ruins it. If it just showed the characters doing their thing, it would be entertaining. A train ceo dealing with a conspiracy sounds like a fun tv mini series.

>Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie?
Never. Too little sex in the books.

Regarding Randyan objectivism here's a bit from Eddie Izzard: "Pedigree dogs are all inbred, you take their grandmother and nephew... And they're all next to each other in the genetic pool. They look good but they just go, "Er...woof." "What do you think about the latest doggie situation?". "Er...w-woof. "I like meeting other dogs."
Whereas the mongrel, with a black patch on a white face, furry on top and sleek below because a lion shagged a whippet, that's the one. That one nicks your credit cards and drives to the Bahamas."

In other words: The utopia where smart elite create the ultimate society leaving the mongrels behind will be shit, for a current example see: The US medical industry.

>le dog breed analogy xd

collectivists get dumber and dumber with their trite every time

That's the dumbest shit I've read in a very long time.


ayn rand is just an illiterate stirner for dumb jewish burgerstanis

Tbh I want a Socrates movie based on Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and Phaedo. Obviously it would have to take some artistic liberty to be an enjoyable film experience but I think it could be done.

Ayn Rand died on welfare

end yourself

"Reeee muh welfare meme"

If you're forced to pay social security why would you not draw on it when possible? You're literally getting back the money that was stolen from you.

Who makes sure you're getting the money you paid into it back?

Why are you getting angry at me because your libertarian hero leeched off the government?


Objectivism is dumb and selfish and not how a society should function.

Ayn Rand was hypocritical and entitled and created masturbatory text that have long been forgotten by the mass media for a good reason: because its shitty and has few lasting ideas

I think the only good thing even closely related to or influenced by Rand is the first Bioshock game.

the truth behind Atlas

Is there a bot posting these threads?

Also The Master sorta counts for a Ayn Rand movie.

How can you be a secret cabal of prodigies if your graphics are so bad

Who cares what she did? Don't judge a decent ideology by the hypocrisy of its founder.

I'm saying why would you not take from a system that takes from you? If we lived in an ancap society the notion of taking welfare would be nonexistent. In the current system where even you income is taxed I cant see a good reason to not draw money back from the government. I'd rather me as a productive white man get money than incentivising the breeding of unproductive nonwhites.

Plus if the system goes bankrupt itll be people like me that come up on top :)

More Scientology L Ron Hubbard tho

>objectivism is bad cause of muh video game

>and Objectivism is god-tier ideology,

In all seriousness, it's literally "I'm a special snowflake, unlike those damn normies": the philosophy

Stirner's Egoism had the right idea in that field, Rand fucked it up with fantastical drivel

>too little sex in the books

You must have missed the part in The Fountainhead when the protagonist breaks into a woman's mansion and rapes her bc he's a capitalist ubermensch.

Because her principles are against it. And if she doesn't have the strength or conviction to stand by her own philosophy I think that shows how stupid that ideology is.

Pretty hard to shill your gay philosophy, which I might add is basically utilitarianism, when the founder can't even do it properly

>objective aesthetics
lol women philosophers

Theres enough ridiculous sci-fi coming out these days.