Runaway train never going back


this show has descended into preachy liberal bullshit far quicker than expected. it was always there under the surface but this season has gotten ridiculous.


I laughed so fucking hard the first time I saw this scene.

One of my all time favourite episodes.

I'm calling a lot of people bozo now, it's like my new thing

Frank > mac > Dennis > Cricket > Charlie > The waitress >>>>> Dee

Really? I voted Trump and haven't found this season to be preachy. Grow a thicker skin.

JESUS CHRIST this is one of the shittiest opinions i've ever seen, get the fuck out

>strait mac
>gay mac

Drunk Dee and Charlie are the best. The really nail the scuzziness of being shitfaced.

>watched 3 episodes of season 11 and stopped caring

Season 12 is better, right?

>it was always there under the surface
oh fuck off

This may be the worst character ranking for sunny I have ever seen.

this is A+ man.

Season 12 is pretty good so far, but I'd skip the premier.

the guy can't be old AND black. that's two things


I think it's the worst season, so far. If you like Sunny, you many have a different opinion.

>The sweet dee urination scenes in this and the trapped episode

It's better, but skip episode 7

ponderosa > Everyone > Waitress

Dennis > Charlie > Frank > Dee > Mac

>I eat stickers all the time


>dee will never splash her piss jar all in your face
Feels bad lads.

Also, missed the last 4-5 episodes of the Mick. How've they been? Keep in mind that I unironically liked the first 3 episodes I saw.

>it was always there under the surface but this season has gotten ridiculous.

This is true unfortunately. Going through the series again and I discovered this is true from the very first episode.

Open your eyes

blah blah blah can't have a thread about anything without self important tinfoils leaving their turds of wisdom all over. get a fucking life

holy shit this is an awful opinion

Frank > Charlie > Dennis > Mac > Ponderosa > Jack Kelly > Dee > Cricket > Waitress