Wonderbread amerifats talking about their heritage

>wonderbread amerifats talking about their heritage

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Why does Arabic Sicilian Island get its own flag?


Maltese people and even sicilians are still whiter than americunts like you.

I hope no scandinavian heritage americans roleplay like this

I haven't seen a truck bomb in Boston yet.

I'm afraid to say what I'm descended from since people just mock it. Americunts enjoy their shitty imitation of european culture and then have the balls to say theres more cultural differences between new york and california than there is between russia and spain.

I once asked why amerifats had a handegg team named after Vikings and they replied to me that in Minnesota or whatever they have scandinavian heritage and are more pure vikings than actual nordics :DDD

I am 1/420th Irish. I'd like a black and tan and an Irish car bomb. I love alcohol and the color green! Happy St. Paddy's!


this image is probably older than Sup Forums itself

I met an American in Belgium that said she was Swedish even though only her paternal grandfather was Swedish and she didn't speak any Swedish and had only visited Sweden three times.

That day I learned muh heritage was real

I don't know if it is a good thing there is no french-americans or not because of this

>tfw when descended from north italians and lombards in milan
>tfw when pol says i'm not white

lmao he's so fucking autistic

ours are either descended from French Canadians and identify with them in New England, Cajuns, or Huguenots who have been assimilated and mixed for so long they don't identify with France in the least

I mean he's not wrong

Tbh the IRA got a lot of funding from their plastic paddy brethren in the US so they have to tolerate a little muh heritaging, it's only fair.

this sucks but at least there's no dumb lost western french mutts that pretends to be the real french

I love the Irish diaspora

So angry!

Why is he so aggressive? You'd expect a guest in another country to have some degree of respect.

Hairlet rage

yeah if only europeans visiting america believed this

especially germans, literally the worst fucking people

he's the only guy in his direction and the other has tons of people behind him waiting.
Are every americans this stupid?
Also he's a guest in a foreign country, he should behave better. Love how he thinks the guy speaks english too, kek. So fucking full of himself he thinks he owns everything because he's an american and that people should obey him.

americans, everyone...

I hear you. Don't get me wrong I'm not harping on Americans in particular, the American tourists I've met in France and the UK have been very nice people.

I'm sick of you Danes telling us Danish-Americans what a real Dane is. I've been to Copenhagen and Aarhus and you're nowhere near as Danish as us in Minnesota or Wisconsin. In your bars I've witnessed you watching ice hockey and listening to Swedish bands, with not a Carlsberg or a Danish flag in sight. I think Denmark is too near Sweden, so come to Minnesota to be reminded what being Danish is all about. It seems you've forgotten true Danish pride.

Maltese people do have a very high proficiency in English, it's an official language there unless I'm mistaken so he wouldn't really be wrong on that point.

This is why no one likes your country. It's almost as annoying as hearing people in new york say "i'm italian" when 99% percent of them have never been to italy and can't even find it on a map.

>it's an official language
yes indeed, I did not know that, I just saw it on Wikipedia
apparently it belonged to the British before 1964

Irish americans are cringe worthy

Letting in the Irish was a mistake.

>be muh heritage american
>get laughed at
>be american making fun of other muh heritage american
>american number 3 shows up out of nowhere and shits on him because he doesn't get the joke