What's your opinion of my local town, Sup Forums?

What's your opinion of my local town, Sup Forums?

Aren't you in Netherlands?

Why did people just not care at all about what happened there?

Because people don't like hard truths, they just came up with some "not all Muslim" bullshit.

Does St. Quentin, France have an untouchable gang of South Asian rapists too?

very vibrant and multicultural

The main reason is that about 98 percent of the people that got abused were in some sort of "care" system, which basically meant they were from heroin addicted mothers and lived on the streets most of the time.

None of them had any sort of home life and were ignored by their schools, if they bothered to turn up at all.

I've heard you have a lot of problems with Asians running around putting their yellow dicks into everything.

Why doesn't your care system take care of underaged girls in vulnerable positions? Shouldn't it be easier to spot sexual exploitation of minors when said minors are under the care of the state or some other institution?

the population breakdown in the area goes something like this

75% lower class whites, of whom a good 30-40% are on welfare
5% middle class white conservative voters, who are of the "silent" type
5% middle class labour and lib dem cuck voters
10% pakis
5% eastern yuro vermin, mostly roma filth

it is a overwhelmingly labour area, a decent number of whom now vote UKIP, except labour controls the council. labour is obviously pro-shitskin, the media across the country is pro-shitskin, our police force is and will continue to be completely incompetent, and because the only loud right-wingers here are lower class the media can easily demonize them as uneducated bigots. the paki community shelter the rapists, and the media and council will never interfere in their community matters so the rapists basically are immune to any reaction from the council or police.

most people cared a great deal, but there is nothing they could do to make the council listen except vote ukip hence the surge in votes in recent elections. there are a lot of cucks here and a lot of shitskins and welfare scroungers who still vote for labour, so they still control the council.

when you say this it makes it easy to ignore how incompetent the authorities here are and how much protection the pakis get by virtue of being non-white. in many cases it was the fault of the parents, but that still leaves hundreds of kids where the parents knew about it but could do nothing because the police weren't interested, they were afraid of being accused of racism etc.


Are you a town rapist?

just another day

Typical of towns with a high muslim population.

You get the spare chromosome this week lad?

Is there ever going to be a backlash? I agree that the parents are at fault, but there should be some retribution for the girls against the pakis.

Coventry here.

Rotherham, Rochdale, Derby, Oxford

Bristol had 2 different groups doing it

No one cares, you'd be called a racist for bringing it up and you won't find groups of whites to fight them these days

the only ones are football fans but they wouldn't risk a banning order over it

Ficky Ficky


>tfw i'm actually from Rotherham

I would not be welcome: I pronounce the h


there will be a sham trial for the pakis they've arrested already, the rest will go free and the abuses will continue as nothing as actually changed. it's going on right now, as it is in every city with muslim populations of a few hundred or above.

jeremy clarkson once did a tv shit post against rotherham, it was the most exciting thing to have happened there in decades

It's just an oversized car park for Meadowhall.

That most of you are spineless, welfare leeching cunts who would vote Labour if Tony Blair personally raped your kittens. You may be an exception, if so I hope you make it.

Of course he did, he's a Donny lad.

The rotherham romances were vital in ensuring a multicultural future for Rotherham

Wtf why isn't your town paired with a German town, if it isn't then it clearly is insignificant to a gentleman like me

How does it feel that the EDL was founded in your home

alright, Thurnscoe lad here

>born and raised in Rotherham
>escape the shithole as soon as possible
>dad asks me if I ever miss it
>fuck no
>he gets all sad and quiet

What's to miss?


he's a pretty based guy and unlike every other brit has a sense of humor

How there weren't riots in the streets and kabob shops on fire is beyond me.

After seeing the reaction (or lack of) after the uncovering of all the rape gangs, I pretty much lost all hope for Britain.