Was George W. Bush a good president?

Was George W. Bush a good president?

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>Malaysia caring about American presidents
For what purpose?

I swear this guys whole intent in becoming president was to invade Iran, and I'm really close to figuring out why.



Check my flag again.

No he made an ass of himself constantly. He's what gave the left fuel and caused Obama Hillary to even have a chance again

wtf I hate Bush now

i thought bush never really cared about being president and was like "cool, im the president now".

Gee user, sounds exciting. How close are you to figuring it out? Where are you based? Maybe we could meet up and I could help you get to the bottom of this!

He wasn't great, but he wasn't horrible either. Pretty mediocre desu. He regularly gets ranked as one of the worst presidents because to a leftist, having a differing opinion is a greater crime than genocide.


Nah I think it for his dad and uncles.

>invaded Afghanistan
>invaded Iraq
>both countries happen to border Iran
>Iran was in the axis of evil speech
>his uncle owned a company that handled large scale investments for oil companies around the time of the Islamic Revolution

I just need hard proof that they were in league with the Shah.

But user, I am CIA

He sucked immensely for making the wrong response to 9/11. Instead of reducing terrorism and attacking the root cause, he attacked the wrong countries and created more terrorists. All in the name of non-existent weapons of mass destruction. He should be locked away and his name purged from all historical records. He's the cause of the shit we're in now.

Depends on how you look at it.

Foreign relations?
Very good.

Military power?
Very good.

Domestic stability?
Not the best.

No, but he wasn't awful either; his biggest downfall was letting the left spin the narrative that he was the worst president of all time.
Regardless, I'd take 8 more years of Bush over one more day of Obama.

He made a mistake in treating Iraqis like shit. Had they gone in as liberators problems wouldn't have occurred. Also should've taken down Iran while he was there.

> foreign relations
> good

Errr, the US lost a serious amount of goodwill because of the war on terror and all thse interventions and invasions.

No, he lacked the intelligence of his father and allowed himself to be persuaded to go to war by a neocon cabal - much of the instability of the middle east is directly attributable to his decisions.

W was a "bad" President the same way Clinton was a "good" President. Clinton just happened to be President during the Dot Com boom and huge economic prosperity. W just happened to be President during the largest mass casualty event in American history since Pear Harbor.

The economy under Bush had 2 major problems. 1. During any kind of war or terrorist attack, the stock market goes down. Its just the way it is. 2. The housing bubble burst near the end of his second term because of policies put in place during the final years of the Clinton Presidency.

W's expansion of Med D plans is debatable. On one hand it drastically expanded the Medicare expense for the country. On the other hand 40 million seniors got medication coverage that would have bankrupted them had they not gotten coverage.

No, but I'd take him any day over Obama.

You're a clueless retard.

OP, Bush was one of the worst Presidents we've ever had.

>W just happened to be President during the largest mass casualty event in American history since Pear Harbor.
1) He didn't "just happen" to be President during 9/11. He was warned that it was coming, and he chose to let it happen.

2) Bush wasn't bad because of 9/11. It was his fucking retarded response to 9/11 that made him historically bad. That's completely on him.

Please help make lemons into lemonade.

Call the DOJ, put them on auto dialer, pay a neighbor hood kid a few bucks to call.
> pic related.

From everything that happened recently, there is no reason not to convict her for perjury. She lied under oath at a congressional hearing. No investigation is needed to provide proof of that. Her intent was to lie.

That's a felony. They won't convict her on email. Fine, help me play 3D chess. Call them and ask why she's not under charges for blatant perjury.

It's your right as a tax payer. Get involved, Carpe Diem. Do something other than complain.

Shit just copy pasta the fuck out of my post, if you don't want to do anything else. If WE don't do this, who will?
#rigged system


-Went to war over lies - very likely fabricated lies
-Military strategy was complete shit, occupation force was entirely too small
-Lose war, Iraq still in chaos
-Complete and utter devastation after being in office 8 years, the culmination of his fiscal policies
-Preside over worst recession in generations, fuck up any chance McCain had at winning in 2008
>Domestic affairs
-No Child Left Behind, well-intended but completely misguided, universally regarded as a total failure in education reform
-Administration failed to protect America on 9/11
-Administration failed to find and destroy OBL
-Severe damage to international relations, particularly among traditional allies

I could probably go on and on about all the mistakes he made, but I'll just stop. Bush will be regarded as one of the 10 worst POTUS and there's nothing you can do about it.

Sorry but you probably want to take the tin foil hat off. There is proof W had personal knowledge 9/11 was going to happen? He then said "naw its all good, let them have their fun"?

Your reliance on conspiracy theories kind of makes everything you say far less relevant


Bush contributed to all these situations. He chose not to address growing radicalism out of Saudi Arabia and an escalating series of terrorist attacks. Bush should not have gone to war after 9/11. This simply wasted trillions of dollars for the personal profit of his friends at Halliburton and elsewhere. He should have put pressure on all government harboring terrorists and worked with or against them to destroy terrorists.

The housing market is also the result of policy -- excessive deregulation and too little scrutiny of risky policies, like sub-prime mortgages. Australia didn't have a crash because of better policies and more safeguards. The US did because the president was too ideologically beholden to market liberalism.

He also failed as a ceremonial figurehead. He's too dumb and mangled his words too often. This made Americans an international laughing stock. He's been the worst president in my lifetime. Basic failings. The public knows it too, which is why he has no campaign value now, even for his own brother.

>There is proof W had personal knowledge 9/11 was going to happen?
YES! It's not conspiracy theory, you fuck. He had the memo. He was warned by the French. His administration knew this was going to happen.

He was a bro.
Too bad he ruined his friendship with Sadam

while I agree with the rest
>Administration failed to find and destroy OBL
please tell me you don't believe that obl was captured and killed during the obama admin. He had been dead for years, like benazir bhutto explained (and was killed for)

GWB was just as much of a puppet as Obama is. Bush just didn't try to shove social control like Obama is.

Please elaborate your tin-hat theory in detail with evidence and sources. I've never come across this one before and am intrigued.

>Lose war, Iraq still in chaos
Iraq was pacified and each stated goal was achieved. Iraq didnt "fall into chaos" until the troop draw downs under Obama.

>Complete and utter devastation after being in office 8 years, the culmination of his fiscal policies

The recession had nothing to do with anything Bush did or didnt do. It was 15+ years of a puffed up stock market. There is a reason economists refer to the 92-2002 time period as "a vacation from economic reality"

Hate him if you want, but at least have a real reason. His sunsetting of the AWB. His expansion of Med D. His total inability to tackle Social Security, etc

The Iraqi War fucked the middle east up even worse. Knocking down a dictator never works. That war caused ISIS to grow in strength and is likely the cause of the migrant crisis.

This is ideological nonsense. Iraq has been in chaos since 2001. America is responsible for this chaos. No solution has been found or victory achieved. They simply need another strict totalitarian dictator in place to keep sectarian interests under control and a strong arm of law and enforcement. This is exactly what the US took away. Still, the US has no plausible plan for establishing peace in the region. Both Democrats and Republicans are highly responsible for this, but greatest responsibility is with George W. Bush.

>He regularly gets ranked as one of the worst presidents because to a leftist, having a differing opinion is a greater crime than genocide.

Oh, i thought it was because he lied to his own people and invaded a sovereign country for no reason, attempting to "install" democracy in Iraq by throwing a lot of corporate capitalism at it and shitting it all up, leaving the place in a state of civil war and allowing terrorists to pretty much walk right in and gain popular support.
I thought it was because he changed the constitution and removed Habeus Corpus, because he was head of state during the largest illegal breach of public privacy the US has ever seen...

But hey, it's your country so feel free to stick to your in depth analysis burgerpal.

The US was actually warned by 9 countries. From "an attack is imminent" (Israel) to "they are going to hijack airliners" (Italy and the UK)

What is your point? Not a single piece of info said the time, the date, the method, the people involved, etc. Or are you faulting Bush for knowing this information, and not blowing every passenger airliner out of the sky on the morning of 9/11. The entire attack lasted less than 2 hours. For 50 of those minutes it could still have been a horrible accident.

Again, conspiracy bullshit makes you look like a whack job. Debate the actual information, dont expound on it by filling in the blanks with random garbage

he had jewish neocon cock up his ass

>lying to invade iraq meme
fuck off with this shit i'm so tired of hearing it. Bush was presented with information from the CIA that presented Iraq with nuclear warheads, so we invaded and the warheads weren't there. So either they moved them, or the CIA doesn't know what a Nuclear Warhead looks like. I know it's the president's job to take responsibility for everything but cut him some slack, he didn't fucking invade an entire country for his dad or his stupid fucking oil company.

He imported millions of nonwhites, threw us into enormous amounts of debt, made us a laughingstock around the world because of his neocon/israel worshiping agenda.

He is only trumped by Obama, who extended all of his worst policies and got rid of the best ones.

Clinton wasn't nearly as bad, and that's saying something. I have a feeling if Hillary gets in the white house, she will continue it all until whites are a minority in this country.

>The housing market is also the result of policy -- excessive deregulation and too little scrutiny of risky policies, like sub-prime mortgages. Australia didn't have a crash because of better policies and more safeguards. The US did because the president was too ideologically beholden to market liberalism.

Glass-Steagall was repealed under Clinton because the good times were rolling and there was no end in sight. Bush cant be blamed for the housing crash unless you equally vilify Clinton

>Not bad

>Was George W. Bush a good president?

One of the worst in history.

Ok. explain the patriot act now.
Retards right and left...
The last good president was Carter but he didn't fight Jew wars so he had to go.

Compared to Obongo he seems like a god.

But no, Bush doesn't compare favorably to the good presidents like Nixon or Eisenhower. Bush didn't personally fuck up the whole world, because it wasn't up to him... it was up to his masters.

But he could have prevented the fucking of the whole world. In that case I doubt his masters would have granted him a second term.

His real dream was to become a painter
In reality he wasnt much more than a puppet all the coke from his college days really messed with his brain

I'm happy to call both responsible, as there was little difference in the economic policy of both figures. Both policies were disgusting and contributed to the increasing wealth gap in the US and also the culture of impunity amongst speculative cowboy bankers. Shit is just disgusting.

Well he was either lying or too dumb to know he was being lied to. Either way, he's a fucking moron.

He wasn't alone

FYI fewer soldiers died in Iraq than people living in Chicago in 2008. There were less kidnappings in Iraq than Mexico in 2008. 50,000 American troops on every Iraqi corner tends to keep crime very low.

Things didn't go straight to shit until 2011 when the US cowtailed to the Iraqi government and withdrew all but an "advisory force"

You are retarded and off your meds:
>Obama is terrible and wholly responsible for his policies.
>George W. Bush was somewhat terrible but wasn't at all responsible because of a tin-hat conspiracy.

Do realize how inconsistent and retarded you sound?

>anywhere near good
Okay now I know you're retarded or a troll.
Carter's presidency was a huge fucking failure due to his care but maintain humanitarianism around the world, which is what caused the fucking Iran hostage crisis, which also caused more instability in the middle east.

The patriot act was intended to stop something like this from happening again. There were so and I mean so many warning signs of 9/11 ha penning it's kinda amazing how we didn't see the signs. Without the partiot act, it was extremely hard for any national security organizations to gain information about terrorist attacks before they happened. [spoiler]Unlike 9/11 the signs were everywhere[/spoiler]

War criminal along with Blair

He killed a bajillion sandniggers, so that's good

But he could have stopped the subprime morgage fraud, and did not. While that would not have prevented the 2008 market crash, it would have made it less bad

>soldiers in Iraq v. people in Chicago
>kidnappings v. a war zone

Did you know that there is more cheese in Wisconsin than whales in the Southern Ocean? This confirms that Syria necessarily fell into civil war.

Can you please fucking make some sense, user?

You're wrong.
Bush and Blair lied through their fucking teeth and presented false intel to justify the invasion of Iraq - They did so because they thought they were right, that lying was justified.

just google "cia and bush lies" - pretty fucking basic.

He invaded because jews wanted so

It's probably too soon since his presidency ended to really tell.

>muh conspiracy
>muh evidence
Is it that hard for you to accept that we were wrong rather than we lied?

No, he wasn't the worst but he was solidly below average, on par with Barry O' or carter

Bad president. Paved the way for Obama.

>Invading Iraq?
>Choosing not to balkanize the toppled Iraq?
>Democratic nation-building in Iraq?

He's a good poster child for everything that's wrong with the Republican Party.

Not even a good painter.

What do you think Bush should've done after invading Iraq?
If he put up a Dictator that would be way more controversial than just building a democratic system. Do you think he should've left Iraq, causing instability like Obama did?

No he ruined america and brougth it down to its knees.


Fuck off you Malay cunt.
We have a huge problem with Malays in my country - they contribute nothing but shit.

> he attacked the wrong countries
I'm not sure there's ever a wrong reason for dropping cluster bombs on mudslimes

Yeah, because you create unnecessary enemies who in their fury create vengeful chaos for you for decades to come. It's pretty simple! Don't shit on people who can shit on you back. And don't be a retarded bigot who likes creating enemies for no fucking reason.

>He was a bro
This. He'd be a president I'd want to ride horses around with on a Texas ranch with drinking some beers while doing some bumps and smoking some joints while shooting at things and talking shit and joking around.

>usa russian relations will never be this good again

>blamibng Busgh for ISIS

im all for bashing Bush that shit was Obamas fault. Who would have thought that a U.S / Turkey Alliance was a bad idea?

He was a decent man surrounded by indecent men.

look, just google it m8 - sorry to burst your bubble but the first 20 or so links are cia or bush admin people admitting the intel was falsely presented or an outright fabrication.

Politicians lie all the time, esp when they believe they are right. Bush was an ideologue for sure, believe the Neocon project was viable and for the greater good, that installing democracy was possible and in the interest of the US and the Iraqi people, that it would promote stability in the region while also promoting US power worldwide - if he'd pulled it off he might be known as less of a failure and a liar, if the project hadn't been such a failure the world might now be a safer place.
They fucked it all up though...


But he wasn't a bad president either. He was one of those forgettable presidents.

The failure of the Iraqi democracy is on the Iraqis for being stupid faggots. And obango for pulling out.

We went to war in Iraq because Iraq stopped selling oil in dollars. If other countries followed suit the petrol dollar would collapse along with our economy.

he is an open borders piece of shit.

educate yourself

It was a different time.

Yes, he was a good president.

Just not a popular one. Liberals hate him. Yankees hate him. Many Euros hate him (especially Belgium).

There was no right answer to the war on terror without going full Crusade against every muslim country.

There needed to be a decisive action. Iraq was an easy target due to UN violations and tangible proof that they had and used WMDs if you consider chemical weapons WMDS, which most do.

Before you start the whole they lied about WMDs, there is documented proof that Iraq had chemical weapons. They used them on the Kurds which is undeniable and several European companies and likely the CIA were involved in smuggling them chemical weapons and manufacturing equipment during the Iran and Iraq war. Just do a search, the evidence is overwhelming including invoices and people currently serving prison sentences.

And yes, pretty much everyone knew that the Saudis financed the activity. The Saudis finance almost every Sunni activist group so really not much of a surprise. Sadly the Saudis are one of our best allies in the region, pretty much shitty allies like Israel, but still cooperative to an extent.

Afghanistan intervention was somewhat of a separate issue.

For some reason western countries can't figure out that military intervention into Muslim countries is a recipe for disaster but still some military action was necessary post 9/11.

Bush has that Southern "don't give a shit" attitude and liked to make up words which drive the so called educated elite crazy. He did a good job, he just didn't give a shit about what you thought about him. Some people can't handle that.

And stop with Halliburton bullshit. Halliburton is not a huge monolithic company. They are an oilfield service company and not even the biggest. Schlumberger is the biggest.

Wasn't the worst president but likely was one of the most criticized.

Much better than Obama.

>8 more years of Bush over one more day of Obama
This may hands down be the dumbest thing I've ever read on Sup Forums.

Fuck off Malaysian parasite.

This. For God's sake, lads. It was a NWO move. The Bush family is pure globalist elite.

Saddam had lots of chemical weapons which he refused to hand over despite previous promises. They were poorly maintained or guarded and would have ended up with taliban or al queda or who the fuck knows. He was also a shithead tyrant. Fuck his sovereignty

How do you know he's Malyasian

It's pretty logical my liberal friend. Conservatives would rather have a conservative president than a liberal president.

Liberals would rather have a liberal president than a conservative president.

I would much rather have had Bush for 8 years than Obama. As a conservative, I think it would have been better for the country. I guarantee our relationship with Russia would be much better.

As a liberal you likely disagree.

Not really all that hard to understand.

decent, yet random as fuck banter.

Why the fuck would Malaysians go to your shithole nigger country?

it is explained pretty good with "kitty history" by that one guy from whitest kids you know

Bush also started the initiative to subsidize loans to niggers who couldn't get any, seeding the housing and loan crisis of 2008
Let's not forget that

I'm not even malyasian.

I mean I'm a kike, but not a malyasian

None of that matters. There was stability. Now it's a shitshow, migrant spewing hole that the real Iraqi patriots can't retake because Islamic militancy is fueled by the globalist commies.

Clinton seeding the economic crisis of 2008 even if Bush helped it.

>Clinton just happened to be President during the Dot Com boom and huge economic prosperity.
Just a pure coincidence, I'm sure.

they came as slaves and bread with the coloured communities.
they're muslim parasites like OP

nevermind the major collapse of the financial system that happened in the last year of his presidency.

>inb4 muh its all clinton and barney frank's fault

If we pulled out and the country fell to shit immediately, that means the country was never truly politically stabilized and we failed the mission. People were plotting behind the scenes the entire time, and biding their time.
They would have been antsing to start a revolution against the Military Police we put there.

Things would have been better if we never went to the Middle East in the first place. This is Bush's fault.

Get rid of Iraq entirely. It was an artificial state that shouldn't have existed. Sunnis, Shias and Kurds can't coexist in a single, democratic nation, without one having an overwhelming majority.

That wasn't the case with Iraq.

Sure balkanization and 3 different secular dictators would have been a PR disaster, the entire damned thing is a PR disaster. There's simply no positive spin that can be put on it.

Regardless, when dealing with the Middle East you're stuck with

>Secular Dictators
>Islamic Radicals.

Western democracy simply cannot exist in any real form over there.

Well, it could work, but it would have required our presence for decades. Freedom for foreigners isn't worth an American life or dollar.

bush sr. sold this country out more than any president before him. we never should have allowed/should allow another bush/clinton in office.

the only thing i'll say positive for Dubbya is that he at least wasn't shit tier when it comes to culture. soft bigotry of low expectations and whatnot, compared to the chime-in nigger we have in office right now.

>Economic crisies happen due to presidents
And I bet you think hoover caused the great depression you dumbass