I do not get why you're a MONSTER if you post on Reddit

I swear, the community on this board acts like fucking children, who don't know that other websites exist besides their beloved Sup Forums.

You're free to browse any website you wish however don't treat this website as Reddit and I won't treat Reddit as Sup Forums... think you could do that?

Go reddit, please.
You shit up this place.

Because you can almost taste the limpwristed faggotry of a person who gets social gratification with upvotes and virtual pats on the back, coddled in knowledge that mods will save you if something hurt your feefees.

Reddit is virtual liberal college.

le upboat 4u m'lady XD


Please die reddit scum


>1 post by this fucking faggot ID

I post on Reddit. (Non-political stuff)

Just do not treat Sup Forums as reddit, and do not treat reddit as Sup Forums.

Because reddit's userbase are mostly cucks and dumb faggots who think that everyone must agree with their opinions. This is also related to different game subreddits.
My friend once said that reddit is like one big fat typical american. :^)

Browsing reddit occasionally is semi-acceptable.

Having a reddit account, posting stupid circlejerk shit to get internet points attached to your name and feed your narcissism is degenerate.

Subhuman sites where every one acts.
Only on Sup Forums you see once true face.
True opinion and the only true discusions.

Now fuck of beta orbiter.

Mostly everyone who uses Sup Forums has grown up with Sup Forums. They started with Sup Forums and then branched out to different boards. Conversely redditfags come from reddit directly to whatever board they saw in le so funni screencap. They dont understand the culture, they come from a place where you have to wait 10 minutes between posts where your posts are linked to your identity where you get banned for saying fag.

Its like some degenerate faggot who frequents gay bars and the comes to a normal bar ( Sup Forums). You dont belong. Stop shitting up r9k

>I'm a true user because I only go on Sup Forums.org, everyone who uses other sites should be banned, there should even be bans for using Google because they're Jews, real Anonymous like me doesn't have an account anywhere, doesn't have email, there's only Sup Forums
>By the way I'm the biggest fan of Sup Forums. I have a Sup Forums hat, Sup Forums scarf, Sup Forums shirt and Sup Forums mug

If you post on a hobby board at reddit you're ok. The website moves at a pace that's good for that kind of thing. It's also a good place for local stuff. But if you discuss current events or make memes on reddit you're shit.

as well as
-hedging your opinions and meeting others halfway whether you want to or not lest your comment be downvoted out of existence
-being locked out of site features unless you pay money or make an ebin enough statement to get a paid upvote
-paid upvotes exist, which means people will pander for money instead of voicing what they want to say

its not a good system for social development

Posting this logo here should qualify a instant ban

>shilling for a site where virtually all of the boards don't allow "hate speech" and their userbase is okay with that

kill yourself, faggot.


Tbqh senpai really makes you think

Same with Le 9gag Army. Pol le bullies us to much

Because you're encouraging that sort of site

Upvoting and down voting is subtle censorship

Rampant mod abuse nobody really cares about

The way it earns money is cancerous

Same thing applies to clickbait

Tolerance and ignorance are typical of children. We already know where websites like plebbit lead, we've seen it. We chose to stay here because we know more than you, not less

So, what I get from this, is that having a bit of experience, magically gives you a right of passage?

Calm down, it's just an opinion.

I vehemently believe in the old adage that "Reddit is cancer "

I earnestly wish all Reddit users who knowingly use Reddit would stop using Sup Forums and plaguing our community.

Reddit at its very core is the antithesis of everything Sup Forums is and what it stands for.

>Making users register accounts to interact

>Comments are upvoted by how much ass you kiss, not by the content

>very restricted freedom of speech

Not to mention Reddit only exists as the meme filter for normies.

They actively, shamelessly steal our content and repackage and a liberal friendly consumer type of way.

I used to browse it on my phone

then phone was kill and haven't used reddit since, it really sucks browsing from pc

>downvoting a comment who doesn't agree with you hence your comment is now hidden
>Comment to a thread after 5 hours and it will be like you don't even exist
No thanks

In other news, the sun rose today, birds can fly and OP is a faggot. What's new, Sup Forums?

Never really thought of it like that. I see it as go to appropriate board for interest/hobby, read stuff about said interest/hobby, then voice a bit of your own opinions on the topic too.

top post on r/runitedkingdom
>Blessed (Mubarak) Eid to all those celebrating it.

top sticky post on r/untiedkingdom
>EDIT: Also, Eid Mubarak if that's your thing.

top comment on GBP/USD value thread
>Of course, the falling pound does also mean my partner will be able to save the minimum to immigrate to the UK in shorter order than otherwise

>Go on Redditard
>Go on well known subreddit and have an unpopular opinion
>Everyone downvotes you because thier butthurt faggots who don't know what an opinion is
>Make a joke about how much of a faggot everyone is
>Get banned by mods for saying a meanie word
>Come back here immediately
I would appreciate mods on thier shitty website if they did something other than ban people all day and didn't get so much control over everyone.

You have to go back, newfriend.


People here will circlejerk about muh degeneracy, muh white race, muh culture, muh western civilization, etc. but they don't donate to any of our causes, they don't go to any meetings/conferences, they don't have a youtube channel, they don't write articles, they don't do any kind of activism. Many of them are unemployed or poor, are unmarried, childless, don't own land and a home. All of this, and then they don't even have the minimal fucking initiative to shill for our cause on reddit & twitter. Some of you people are just really pathetic slime. Miserable people that don't actually care about our civilization, our culture, or our people. Just lazy layabouts that want to sit here and complain.

While it is true that mods of different subreddits get carried away, sometimes the Sup Forums users who visit can get carried away too. Usually when we see new previous Sup Forums users, they will sometimes attack innocent people for their opinions as well. There are some pretty nice previous Sup Forums userz, but we don't expect too much of them.

Means you're either new to Sup Forums or Sup Forums in general and have no idea how ID'S even work.

Shit opinion.

Because you make stupid bitchy posts like this one, please kill yourself

I don't know about college. I would say its more of a daycare, filled with man children and women who haven't set foot out of their mancaves/womencaves for weeks, desperately trying to find some gratification in a life that, up to this point, has failed them. Oh, and if you are from plebbit, don't fucking say so. You'll just make yourself look like a dumb shit for doing so.

You were new once, too. Don't give me that "LURK FOR A YEAR" bullshit either. You just got a little upset over the fact that an unpopular opinion was stated. Doubting you've been on Sup Forums for too long either, it's pretty ironic to say that.

>they don't do any kind of activism
Fuck off.

I go to reddit to post funny memes of pictures with wacky animals in a bold impact white font.

It's really hard to point out exactly what is wrong with these two posts, but they just don't sound like anything that is normally posted here. and we have a wide variety of posting styles.

As someone who goes to reddit almost exclusively to see the Trump subreddit, yes, the site is 99% complete garbage. Also

>who don't know that other websites exist besides their beloved Sup Forums

How can we hate something that we don't know about?

Reddit is just a massive echo chamber for cuck politics. Not only have they been rigging mod teams for years now, and censoring all stories about muslims or other minorities committing crimes, but they literally rewrote the voting system just to prevent Trump stuff from dominating r/all.

Some Sup Forums users did go to reddit, and when they did, they were harassed and had the rules changed, despite them doing things completely within the rules. I see more diverse ideas and arguments on Sup Forums on a daily basis. Reddit literally sells out to leftists bidders and pushes their agendas for them.

At least on Sup Forums you can basically say anything you want. R/news was removing posts asking for blood for the orlando victims because they were censoring that hard.

>defending reddit
Checks out
Kill yourself

Reddit has its uses for mobile games, good luck trying to talk to Sup Forums /vg/ about mobile games, its just not going to happen, only in rare circumstances has discussion ever been allowed.

Sup Forums is just a big hug box just like reddit and tumblr. No difference


source on gif?


Source PLS

>No difference

perhaps that is true in the way you stated it, but the huge difference between those sites and non-tripfag Sup Forums is that we don't have identities.

identities lead to cliques, clubs, gangs, fans, gurus and all that shit that goes along with it. I've played that game and it's addictive, but once I gave it all up to shitpost here I enjoy posting for itself, and not for what effect it might have on my friends or enemies or fans or mentors.

tripfags are the worst thing about Sup Forums. God I hate boards where tripfags are treated with respect.

Most of these replies just prove how hostile this board can be towards unpopular opinions, not commonly shared between their loosely-knit community.


have an upboat.

How can anyone stand Reddit? It's a huge echochamber, where people downvote you based on your opinion, even if it's factual and people upvote the most ridiculous things.

I don't give a shit about internet points, but downvoted comments get buried into oblivion.

Guess you should go back then, huh?

Yep, Reddit's activism is obviously much better than ours, I mean, look how our respective candidates did!

>Most of these replies just prove how hostile this board can be

you are either a terrible troll or you actually do need to lurk more.

you fit in about as well here as I would fit in at reddit if i went in a thread there and started yelling insults at everyone. stick around and you will learn the language and culture if you are smart and open minded.

all of the replies, including yours and including theirs, are allowed to be posted and to remain for the life of the thread

reddit actively censors unpopular opinions whether it's through mod action or below threshold bullshit from a bunch of echo chamber faggots who don't even want to SEE counter-opinions, let alone discuss them. that's the great thing about the hacker known as 4chin.

Anyone who's been on Sup Forums for longer than sixth months to a year can tell who a redditor is by the way they post.


>I don't get why people think I have shit taste for eating shit when there's cake right next to me or putting a little shit on my cake
It's not a question of being a monster, user.
Also, slide thread

Search Natalie Grey, sister videogame or something like that.

>I swear

No one cares.
Fuck off shitcunt

The major difference is that Sup Forums doesn't censor posts/users if they go against the hugbox.

Pretty much this

Very well thought-out post.

And that hostility somehow threatens you? If your arguement is good, it will stand on its own.

There's nothing more hostile then just outright banning or removing comments. They just shift the discussion somewhere else and aggregates to the monstrosity you see here on 4chinzzzz. Leddit can't handle banter so it's no surprise that they're disillusioned that the Right is gaining momentum and that Bernie isn't as popular as they thought. Banning, downvoting won't make thoughts go away. Thoughts have to be challenged for them to have validity and the Left has yet to comprehend this.


shit OP just look at this name faggotry.
>feel the ridicule and own it.

They only censor phrases if they get used too much like w.apanese, t.b.h., f.a.m. and cuck used to be censored.

>Most of these replies just prove how hostile this board can be towards unpopular opinions, not commonly shared between their loosely-knit community.

Aw, do mean comments offend you? At least you can still post here which kind of puts a hole in your "le Sup Forums is a hugbox" meme.

I had a reddit account and used it for lurking and shitposting on certain subreddits but guess what? Apparently that offended the tight-knit communities of nu-males and anti-trumpers. I was banned for posting to OTHER subreddits, I left the cucks alone and they still were offended! How thinned skinned are they?

At least Sup Forums can stomach different opinions without banning people left and right.

Yeah, because your shitty lyric chains, pun threads and jokes about LE BROKEN ARMS DAMMIT MOM LOCH NESS MONSTA are so much better.

Just fuck off faggot.

memes kek cuck

>he literally put "user" as his name
Holy Christ, Reddit users are fucking stupid.

>Very well thought-out post.

you continue to fail. that sort of limp-wristed sarcasm does not succeed here.

anyway, you are either a lame troll or a fairly stupid person who thinks they are a special snowflake. bye!

At least you get to say your popular opinion without it being downvoted for not meeting the 'group' requires of what is 'good' and 'bad'.

The comments in most threads is just puns and people trying to extend jokes.

The most upvoted comments are mostly one-liners and everyone is just fucking retarded.

Nobody gives a shit about where you post your shitty opinions on, my friend. You're getting told to fuck off because nobody cares if it's plebbit, 4cuck, 8dick or 9fag.
Even if you posted on the most "alt-right" fascist Christian dictatorial website, anons shouldn't give a fuck because anonymity colours all our dicks black like the filthy niggers we are.
If you seek approval for your anonymous posts, you've come to the wrong site.

I remember I got banned once for telling someone I was 17 a few years ago on one of the porn boards, but that was only because I broke the rules.

>whaa whaa mean comments
>meanwhile, on the site you're shilling for pic related

feel free to go back.

>donated all your money to Bernie's failed campaign
>trying to validate poor decisions by

Many of the people on Sup Forums do those things, but they are intelligent about it. Doing stuff publicly and linking to it on Sup Forums is a good way to get a journalist to report on it and have your life ruined. Anyone who isn't a retard isn't going to publicly share what they do.

>Many of them are unemployed or poor, are unmarried, childless, don't own land and a home.
Source? /r9k/, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums aren't Sup Forums. Posts by those boards aren't posts by Sup Forums.

Everything in that image is objectively true.

>mobile games

Might as well off yourself

fuck off, shitcunt
i got banned for shitposting few days ago

you have to go back

Desu pls

>he plays video games
you have to go back

fuck you, I'm literally a non-racist old school leftist, don't post this fucking shit on the site

That sounds kinda legit though. You weren't banned for having incorrect opinions or for giving another subreddit attention. It's that shit that pushes me away from reddit and appreciate the freer and chaotic Sup Forums.

Furthermore, Sup Forums board projects are so much fucking better than the weak shit Reddit tries to do.

people from reddit are so easy to see, you all talk with the same cringey style

the same with women btw

>>>/reddit/ and stay there you cretin. You plebbitors are why Sup Forums turned to shit

If i wanna know something like how to get into music production or some shit, then i will maybe check it out.
But having a account and upboating shit on stupid subs is... I cant express myself here but HOLY SHIT GET THE FUCK OUT PLEBBIT


Bernie? Linking public stuff to Sup Forums? What the fuck are you talking about?

I'm talking about lazy fucks that post on this website, while doing nothing whatsoever to connect with the wider world.

I've shilled thousands of posts on reddit and twitter against Marxism, race denial, democratic Fabian socialism, cultural relativism, Islam, Jewish globalists, and the traitorous Neocons. I've engaged with all manner of people: SJWs, moderates and cucked conservatives. I'm telling people on this board to do more than shitpost here and circlejerk with our memes. Engage with the wider world, or you're not worth anything to us.

You ever seen those episodes (or chapters) when the MC's love interest comes face-to-face with a rival two faced calculating and manipulative bitch? And you know how she acts perfect around the MC but as a total psycho cunt when alone with the other girl trying to blackmail her or shit on her or just generally fuck her up to have the MC to herself? And throughout the entire episode we're just waiting for the MC to catch her redhanded revealing her true colors?

That bitch is reddit.

Fake, saccharine, hypocritical, and dying to be more virtuous and poignant and meaningful than she actually is.

>shitting up r9k
>shitting up

So like everyone one else that thinks Google means Internet, huh?

women and tumblr have the same style too
just talking nonsense and shit