I bet some wh*Tes envy my skin tone

I bet some wh*Tes envy my skin tone

You're white

ugly pasty grey?

grey? wtf?

ugly greyish white

moldy eggshell white

There's a difference between shut-in brown person who never sees sun and actual white. You will never be one of us and it's visible. You just look sickly while we radiate our natural Anglo brilliance


Lol my hand has seen a lot of sun. My biceps are even whiter.

lol anglos are the most cucked people of the white race

literaly the worst skin color there is, you look like a corpse

Show us your white biceps then tough guy. Your bussy too

who /med/ masterrace?

fucking wogs

The are Australian muh heritage post

whites don't envy white skin though, they even tan themselves intentionally

i was to thailand recently and our guide warned us to be careful with the local cosmetics because it had some whitening effect, lol

I'm not wh*Te though

Fuck off ya woggo cunt go back to melbourne you faggot

We know, you’re a monk*y

>Tell that to actual asians like japanese, Korean and chinese
>Getting skin advice from asia trannyfactory

No matter what label you attach to me. I know what I am and my capabilities.

the guide was russian too
she just warned us using the local cosmetics could affect tanning because thai like to whiten themselves

Keep going m*nkey boy

If you're not pink you're grey.

>good food
I hope you're talking about Italy and not Greek or something. French people made quiche too...

>the local cosmetics because it had some whitening effect, lol
Explain yourself better next time.gopnik

rate my body h*man

That's grey not white. Get some sun

I'm a relatively a rich monkey. I'm ok with that. As a monkey I can learn other languages and I can be rich than most of my countrymen and probably most of the NEETs here. I don't care about labels. I care more about the true reality of something.
I think I'm more of yellowish than grey

how more clear could it be? don't you think i called our guide "it"?

get some reading comprehension

here is the full phrase

> our guide warned us to be careful with the local cosmetics because it had some whitening effect, lol

It's a beautiful tone. Don't lie. It's not pigskin.
I'm not wh*Te but my skin is closer to true white then the typical pigskin

Relax, I checked it again and realized I got confused with whites get tanned part
You won this duel
>Tips fedora

Wnat people define as "white" is actually pink skin

Another shit race baiting thread from some faggot shitskin

If your shit looks like my skin I have to ask you if you're shitting milk or something.

tanned and beatiful olive skin >>>>>>>>>>>> pasty dead cumskin