I sometimes wonder what it would be like if the Confederate States of America had won the American Civil War...

I sometimes wonder what it would be like if the Confederate States of America had won the American Civil War. How would the state of things be in the world today? Would the Confederates have joined Germany in WWI? Would they have allied with the Fourth Reich? Would they have already built a wall on the Mexican border a century ago?

A man can dream...

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They would have made slavery illegal and become Brazil-teir.

The real problem with America is your picture. Why run away in the modern age?

And to comment on your question, I would think the same method with handling runaways would be the same, crush their ankles so they can not run next time.

lol why?

>fourth reich

I thought niggers were strong fighters... He got his ass beat by that Moonman.


I know you cucks are doing everything you can to keep it from happening, but come on.

We're already brazil tier anyways.

I seriously doubt the confederates would've let it get to this point.

you have to be a complete fucking idiot to think that the CSA would side with nazi's. the main reason for the civil war was an overreaching federal government. fascism would not fly in the south.

Theyre terrible fighters, and resort to fighting in packs like feral dogs.

slavery would of only lasted another decade or 2 if the south had won the war general Lee and general stonewall Jackson were both against slavery it would be a multicultural but some what of a segregated country sort of like in the 60s-80s south Africa


they would have likely sided with their traditional allies England and France against the United States

>2 men, one of who was killed during the war

Even if Lee was elected to the presidency I really doubt he would have had the political clout to abolish slavery. Fuck, the entire war was more or less fought over the southern states' rites to own slaves. They're economy and culture was to a large extent based around it, at least for the southern aristocracy.

>against the US

u wot mate?

Stupid it's the same as saying white america... It's just not real

>the entire war was more or less fought over the southern states' rites to own slaves.

t. Murifat education

I'm ashamed.

>Fuck, the entire war was more or less fought over the southern states' rites to own slaves.

There are people who still genuinely believe this.

Educate me then, fellow Murifat. I guess my liberal college professor brainwashed me when I took that Civil War History course.

>captcha: Select all the food

Because slavery is uneconomical, furthermore the black-white ratio would be obscene. The Confederacy would become an apartheid nation. All it would then take is some communist agitators to rile up the black masses and revolt against the white ruling class.

Same thing that happens in any Communist shithole. It works until the little guys start thinking they're special too, and dissent against the Great Leader.

Literally what happened to Ft. Sumter, tried to secede from the Confederacy and got BTFO by them. More counties and cities were trying to secede and rejoin the Union too, and each one of them would have been slaughtered for the ego of King Jeff Davis had Lincoln not intervened after the first example was made.

the aristocracy would of supported some pro slavery candidate Lee could of and would of appealed to the poor and middle class and slavery would of been abolished remember Andrew Jacksons win it would of been similar to that no doubt since we are dealing with a hypothetical situation if stonewall would of lived there would of been no chance of slavery continuing and I doubt Gettysburg would of happened like it did .

>american education

The CSA would have failed. They had rebellions occurring within their own territory during the war.
> Non slave owning whites could be drafted
> Slave owners could not
Pissed a lot of people off.

And the primary issue for secession WAS slavery. Read the declarations of secession, the interest of maintaining the southern slave owning way of life was often the top of the list.

The south got btfo in that war. Hard. They were literally at a disadvantage in every aspect of warfare except for the fact they had more high ranking officers. Plenty of which joined the north.

> There are people who buy into the southern revisionism

>Literally what happened to Ft. Sumter, tried to secede from the Confederacy and got BTFO by them.

lol what the fuck am I reading? Fort Sumter was manned by US Army who refused to surrender. How the fuck does that mean they tried to secede from the Confederacy? My brain is full of shit now because of your retarded post.

>More counties and cities were trying to secede and rejoin the Union too
Southern Unionists were no different than British Loyalist during the Revolution.

>Hitler told to the Mexicans to attack USA.
I dunno

Pretty shit, because slavery isn't a very effective means of production or innovation.

Should have never accepted jews selling niggers in America and should have let Lincoln deport them all to africa, but nooo, had to go fuck it up letting jews and their niggers in, and so here we are.

That initial draft was their biggest advantage at the beginning of the war. Pretty shitty, but name a single war in history where the poor WEREN'T used as political and cannon fodder for the ruling class?

As far as the South getting their shit pushed in, that didn't really start until the very end with the disaster at Gettysburg. Up to that point it was a pretty even game. No doubt Grant was the superior general though.

lol tell that to the romans, greeks, egyptians, persians and literally every other ancient civilization.

If you want to entertain this thought, read "How few remain" by Harry Turtledove.

In this series, special order 191 isnt lost to the yanks, and thus the northern push isnt undermined, and the south wins.

The series then chronicles the events after up to WW2. First with a large Mexican land purchase, an CSA/Commonwealth/French push to defend the CSA from the USA, then WW1 and WW2 with Germany supporting the US through out- the European front and the American front.

Its a very interesting series to read.

> Mississippi
Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world

> Texas
Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated Union to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquility and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution, under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery-- the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits-- a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time.

> Georgia
The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery. They have endeavored to weaken our security, to disturb our domestic peace and tranquility, and persistently refused to comply with their express constitutional obligations to us in reference to that property

thanks, I love alternate history

The north heavily suffered in the early years from poor leadership. Again, the top generals were in the south. That is why Lincoln kept having to appoint new generals.
The south took an early advantage by being aggressive, fighting offensively rather than defensively.
They couldn't maintain this however, their population was much smaller, their industry was low being that they were an agricultural economy. Their infrastructure was piss poor compared to the north. Add to that, the north naval superiorty. They literally surrounded the south.

Rome and Egypt were technologically stagnant, Sparta with its majority slave population was culturally completely outranked by Athens, etc

Rome in particular had centuries in which tens of millions lived in peace and prosperity with no major technological advance occurring. Who would bother coming up with new ways of doing things when you can just throw another ten slaves at it?

Hindsight is 20/20, and people are easily blinded by virtue signalling.

1. Most slaveowners thought of their slaves as immigrants, rescued from the horrors of cannibal tribes and given a better life in Christian civilization, made to work only until their contract was up, and then freed and granted citizenship.
2. The first slaveholder in the USA was black, a freed former slave who sued to be awarded the right to keep his own slave for life instead of releasing him when his contract was up.
3. You can still read Confederate propaganda, and it even uses many of the same statements pro-Refugee propaganda in Europe does.

The Confederates honestly believed slavery was a good and noble way to integrate desperate savage Africans into civilization, as much as Bernouts believe in socialism (and were just as horribly wrong).

Yeah, the anaconda was basically just a giant fucking siege / blockade. Add to that Sherman's march which just desolated morale, supply lines and any real counter measures the CSA could hope to muster at that part of the war. Sort of like the failed schlieffen plan though, if the South hadn't lost it's moment there's a very good chance they would have won the war.

This is all you need senpai. It was made to be a tongue in cheek look at a dystopian future but while watching all I could think about is how badly I wanted it to be real.

These dindu execution videos are the closest the modern American will get to being able to know how awesome it was during slavery times.

Are you retarded? I'm just curious, because everything you said is fucking stupid...

Good stuff

It's not, but you are a american.

>a american.
I'll let that grammatical error slide since you're Portuguese. It should be 'an American'.