What are Sup Forumss thoughts on Christopher Hitchens?

What are Sup Forumss thoughts on Christopher Hitchens?

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>Marxist atheist jew

What do you think?

>inb4 he was le based because whatever

based on what?

I was about to challenge you on that but I've just found out he was. WTF why is everyone Jewish?

>based on what?

Pretty sure he is a Marxist or some kind of neoMarxist warmonger

>WTF why is everyone Jewish?

Really makes you think...

Who the fuck cares if he was a jew? His whole career was centered around his atheism.

>Pretty sure he is a Marxist or some kind of neoMarxist warmonger
He said throughout his life that he was a socialist (like his hero George Orwell).
However he supported the war in Iraq which ment those on the left accused him of being a neo-con.
I think had he not had died his political stance would have shifted to the right some not.

I just love the cut of the mans jib and can listen to him talk for hours. But I can imagine due to Sup Forumss right leaning juedo-christian "values" that they might have something else to say.

I know its that whole your 2nd cousin twice removed is a 1/4 jewish so fuck yourself shlomo but a lot of people I've looked up recently have some connection to the semites.

Harbinger of modern problems, contributor to the death of Western culture no matter how good a wordsmith he was.

Attacked the people who didn't want gays to marry so much he opened the door for the ones who don't want gays to live.

>make a career about attacking christianity
jew is an ethnicity not just a religion


he attacked all religions pretty fairly until islam started taking the piss

>Attacked the people who didn't want gays to marry so much he opened the door for the ones who don't want gays to live.
please expand upon this

listen to me and tell me this guy attacks jews to the same degree he attacks christians


Maybe you're right, but I think he went a bit soft before his death and you can see that he's not far off it.

He's smoked a lot of penis.

just leave the board dumbass

Shitty neocon cocksucker

He helped destroy christiniaty in the west and open the door for islam.

I like the debate he and his brother were supposed to have but it ended up being mostly them making fun of the people asking the questions.

Thoughts on his brother?

yeah I realised that bit but I'm asking how?
Through his debates and talks? Supporting the Iraq war? Going easy on Islam?

The Iraq War cenrtainly contributed to the clusterfuck with migrants happening right noe.

All communists should be thrown out of helicopters, no exceptions.

that's usually what happens.

I used to think he was a pirck but I've come round to him recently


too defeatist imo though

I'm not denying that but to say he's responsible is stupid. Blair and Bush made their decision and stuck with it, despite mass protests.

He was a cheerleader for that war.

He is partly responsible for it.

ONE of his great grand parents were Jewish.

He only found this out very late in his life.

If anybody has read God is not great you would know he was raised Roman Catholic.


Blood speaks stronger than creation. His lifelong support of Trotskyism was very Jewish.

He was a great formal debater; it is definitely worth watching a youtube video of one of his many debates.

While he was in favor of the Iraq War, he was also someone who openly disliked Bill Clinton's presidency and was against neo-conservatism before the Iraq War (thought of neo-cons as "temporary allies"). I think he's okay even though I disagree with his political stances somewhat.

One of the greatest men who ever lived. Was gifted with an unbelievable amount of talent. For me he's up there with Da Vinci.