Why do religicucks keep using "muh feelings" when defending their beliefs?

Why do religicucks keep using "muh feelings" when defending their beliefs?

Religion is a poison to the mind.


because their mind is curesd with the cancer of religion, they're not free thinkers, they're merely serving their "god" like the sheep they are. They're illogical and hate reason

Because there is no evidence for God or their religion so that's the only thing they can resort to.


because religion is based on feelings. religion is not a rational concept.

Can somebody name a successful society that wasn't influenced by some form of religion?

lol at all the actual amount of fedoras in this thread

I dont. Well i wouldnt call myself a religious person because im not an active member of any religious group.
But i have stopped being an atheist because i realized that 99% of them are leftists determined to destroy western culture.
Christianity is the only way to save the west.

>implying religious influence isnt the worst thing that can happen to a healthy society

>how's that progressive society doing for your national identity and culture
>oh wait you don't have one anymore

Religion is basically philosophy.
It doesnt need empirical evidence any more than Existencialism or any other philosophy do.

when will you also stop being a conservative because 99% of them are loonies?

Everytime I see these threads I'm beginning to notice more and more that atheists are genuinely, and not in the meme-sense of the word, autistic.

>I can't understand anything that doesn't follow logic simple enough to put into a tweet
>I'm smarter than everyone because of my inability to understand non-concrete philosophy

This is the problem with leftists. You assume anybody that disagrees with your political opinions are abnormal. The smug superiority complex you people have is so insufferable.

islam is the only problem there is to immigration. you sure as hell arent making any arguments in favor of religion matey

>lol xd u were funny hat lol i win ur argoment invalids xd

Io sono tradizionalista. L'ideologie moderniste non centrono proprio nulla con le mie convinzioni.

Trump shall win

get shall get

CIinton shall cry


Literally no excuse.

>Islam is an excuse for mass immigration so the EU (an organization run by secular jews) can get more votes for their policies.

I can't tell who's more bigoted me for being a catholic, or you for assuming that all religions are cancer
>inb4 some retard quotes the old testament

Find me an argument in this thread that isn't just "religion is dumb."

Literally can't take even a watered-down version of what you dish out.

For all its evil, religion is a moderately positive contribution to the species.
For all the nutcases killing each other over it, there's significantly less stupid people questioning the insignificance of their lives.

Because human beings experience emotional events.

Not to know the one true God?

Wow using the current year as an argument. Totally not taboo. This is a pretty big statement coming from a country like Brazil

i know right, how can people who believe in a higher power congregate together and worship the divine entity while following the tenets of a holy text when THE GREGORIAN CALENDAR YEAR IS 2 0 1 6 ?!?!?!?!?!

Based on what? You never named a successful society that wasn't influenced by religion.

Kek wills Obama third term

>current year

you've proven yourself intellectually superior friend. You can not retire from the argument.


>Implying you can even know what is good or healthy without God.

You can do good thing without God, but it's nothing more than a game of copy cat.

Not today Obobo

Because it deflects the conversation away from facts. SJWs learned to do this too. Can't have an intelligent conversation from anyone anymore.

like trump is any better
trump and shillary are both equally as shitty and bigoted

all, religions are the same shit, especially the kikerelated ones. but yeah, keep believing in unicorns idgaf, ill stick to sciene.

You're thinking of the liberals, you dope.

People cry about "muh feelings" over everything these days, It's not just religion...people in the old days didn't get offended like they do know, if they got offended they would defend their beliefs instead of saying their insulted and believing that's some safe word for people to ease up on them. You have to understand the reason a lot of religious people are sensitive children is because that's the climate of our modern world right now. At my college there's a ton of anti-religious people who talk about "muh crusades" and "muh mean Christian parents" but I don't cry about it because I'm not a pussy and those same people who bashed Christianity would cry about "muh feelings" if I bashed atheism or liberalism.

nice bait

>I can't make an argument so I'll just call it bait

Your next line is "But I was just pretending to be retarded"

getting better

>ill stick to sciene.
And the majority of scientists throughout history will stick to their religion :^)

> the actual amount of syntax errors, and misuses of commas you make is what I would expect from someone trying too hard to be edgy. I thought you were an edge lord fedora lover, why are you not making valid arguments, rather you say stupid comments comparable to ''religion is cancer hur durr, richard dawkins told me so".

yeah but back then they didn't live in the jewish hell we have now

Jesus christ fenoxo chill the fuck out with those descriptions