Life is meaningless

When you think about it, there really is no point in doing anything. Probably you will die at 70 or 80 or even before. If you die before your spouse, you die knowing you are leaving them in grief and sadness with no way to console them. Even if you're lucky enough to live to 100, it's still such a brief period, and it goes faster the older you get.

After you die, a few people will remember you. But they will die themselves too, and the memory of your existence will be gone forever. It's not as if future people will ever be interested in your life. You and all record of you will just fade away. Even if you were famous somehow that only means your name might live on a decade or two. If you try very very hard, you just might be able to make an impact on your time or even the near future. But what's the point? That, too, will pass. It's not as if your body will lie peacefully in a green field next to your spouse eternally. Even if you made a giant impact, soon enough the world will be hit by an asteroid, or a plague, massive climate change, or some other great disaster.

Even if we manage to avoid that, in a cosmic eyeblink, the Sun will die. Maybe we will have escaped the solar system by then, maybe not. It seems highly unlikely given the laws of this universe. But even if we escape to another solar system, eventually the universe itself will simply end. There will be nothing left, not even the information that we ever existed. Our whole spacetime will end, or at best, loop. And even if, by some amazing cross-dimensional magic, the "human race" (whatever it looks like by then) has survived and figures out how to teleport to another dimension, no one will have thought of you personally for a trillion years and never will again.

It seems that trying to do anything really meaningful is just a waste of time. Nothing you can do will ever change the final result. Not only will we be annihilated, but the information that our entire universe ever existed at all will be gone.

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You're just a follower of the big bang cult. I don't believe in it.

you will die

baby's first existential crisis

and the last one too

Carve a stone with your name and something pretty you faggot.

for what reason?

the sooner you kill yourself the sooner i stop seeing your shit thread posted over and over

you will die

Wouldn't that be just as much of a reason to enjoy life more and do something meaningful within your life time? Or atlest to live happily and care free?


Who the fuck cares

so you might be able to say you left something behind since you wont be doing anything note worthy with your life. All is contex, if you want to be an enormous depressed faggot you will always find a reason to be so.

Did your parents die, Ikibey?

Why not?
He does present a reasonable argument for being so.


now you are young and healthy

by time you will get more health problems of which you have never thought before

it doesnt matter

they will die

the farther you look things from the more insignificant they seem, gee what a revelation for our german master of the obvious.

You're looking at it the wrong way. I was once like you, full of nihilism and whatnot, but eventually I realized that it's actually aweome that you can stop giving a fuck about anything, since everything is meaningless and temporary in the grand scale of things. The realization of the inherent pointlessness of our entire existence is the most liberating sensation one can achieve, because why should you even give a fuck about shit like people remembering you when you know that eventually nothing will be remembered at all.

man get the fuck outside and walk, you are making me sound like some happy ass edi murphy nigga

whats awesome about it?
you will not exist

We will all die iki, I know. I don't know if anything bad has happened to you, but I wish you the best

for what reason?

doesnt matter what happened
everyone will die

>baby's first existential crisis

dedicate the rest of your life into studying life extension

Exactly. So why even bother giving a fuck about existential problems? I don't know about you, but I like not giving a fuck.

Please don't be pessimistic, not everything is black and white

>do something meaningful within your life time?

Why? It's objectively pointless to do so and to tell yourself otherwise is to delude yourself

Because it feels good

didn't read that much but life being pointless is actually pretty cool.

Nothing I do matters so I can do what I want when I want.
on the other hand living as an asshole is pretty cringe and doesn't fill the void for me so I just try to make every day nice. Fortunatly I can also leave this worldview behind whenever I want.
Life is too short to be miserable all the time.

and the last one too

>So why even bother giving a fuck about existential problems?
i will die

you should read it all

lithuanian bro got the point of nihilism better than you did
I, however, am skeptical enough to not trust my own brain in that matter and decided to study life extension and live as long as I can to maybe eventually answer those questions you asked yourself

join life extension research mother fucker

So does jerking off. Is that meaningful?

>Sup Forums

it doesnt matter
read op again

>It seems that trying to do anything really meaningful is just a waste of time
>waste of time
>what are hobbies

we are living for fun, life is a joke.
It's your choice if you want to laugh about it or not.

every single human in the planet will die

you are a pompous faggot who would only be happy if you are remembered by everyone forever because you are a piece of a shit of an egocentric idiot, I get it
I'm just surprised you are not american

it does not matter what you do
you will die

>you will die
then join life extension research you piece of shit loser

i cant be remembered by everyone
everyone will die
read op

Cheer up ikibey, I know what will cheer you up.
How about you create a thread about Greece, I'll come post in it, threads about Greece always cheer you up.

it does not matter
read op


holy shit so kill yourself asap
what would satisfy you? be a god and life infinitely and be known by absolutely every being in existence?

get out of your house and fuck bitches

retards will spam trash and nationalistic shitskins will come to the thread to insult Greece
then they will die

tell me where you are so i can come to you and PUNCH you in the face GERMan SCUM IDIOT

it doesnt matter because i can never be a god

still, create a thread about Greece it always helps you cheer up and forget about turks and dying

after the punch you will die

turks will die

Life's meaning varies from person to person but why is there no point in doing anything? Do what makes you happy, learn new things, experience new things, live your life how you think it should be lived and be the person you think you should be.
You WILL die so why waste your life doing nothing? You only have one life, make the most of it.

so you can get some air, see some of that nice burka ass and grab a beer with some frends.

that or you can suck a dick, since you are probably a faggot.

>it doesnt matter because i can never be a god
lmao, holy shit
then I just diagnosed your sickness
>I'm sad because I can never realize my narcissistic fantasy

This may be true, but you're here, so make the best of it. Do something that is meaningful to you. And read about Indra's Web. What you wrote is just a perspective.

>You only have one life, make the most of it.
for what reason?
you will die anyway

i can do that all
and then die

im albanian and i cant die
read about skanderbeg

sickness or not
everyone will die

here we go

No get for you, faggot

it is true
you will die

every albanian will die

>it does not matter what you do

that's the punchline

here is what your nagging is about

>boohoo I will not live forever
>boohoo people will forget about me
>boohoo the people who will remember will die
>I wish I could live forever
>I wish everyone would remember me
>I wish humanity never ceased to exist so they could remember me forever

you didn't get beat up enough as a kid

so do it, happy to help.

my bullies will die too

What's the point of eating a nice slice of cake? You will finish it anyway.

If you had immortality what would you do?

Greeks will live forever though.

i accept death because everyone will die

you will die too motherfucker I just wish it happened faster

albanians never die though
when they die they simply become another albanian like skanderbeg
this doesn't happen to non albanians though, you will die and be dead forever
pic related

mind games are useless
everyone will die

nigger there is a shitton of stuff you can do if you live forever
you can take "I will do it later" to a whole different level

oh you're just shitposting, carry on then.

everyone will die

it doesnt matter what you write
you will die

That isn't an answer

Life is just minecraft with a better resolution. you are the one in charge of giving sense to your life.

your mentally challanged writing style makes me believe that you are a certain turkish manlet called Ikibey.

im not shitposting
what i wrote in op is the truth
are you stupid?

its like asking what i would do if 2+2 was 5
but 2+2 will never be 5
you will die

It doesn't matter that everything will eventually be meaningless, what matters is that it's meaningful now.

they will shut the servers down one day
you will die

it does not matter what you believe because you will die

i am invincible
i am albanian
you cannot beat me or demoralize me silly steppeman

until you die
then you will not exist anymore

Albanians are better than greeks.

I am Albanian

i was like you
but read op

they arent
and it doesnt matter anyway because they will die
you will die too

How do you know death is the end? The existence of an afterlife is unfalsifiable.

I don't get this shit. Who the fuck cares? You die, and you're gone. There you go. So talking about what happens afterwards with the universe and everything is stupid because it literally has no fucking effect on you.

So what're you telling us here, you just want to mope around and waste what little life you have doing fucking nothing? "Who cares, we all die in the end." Oh okay, might as well not ride a roller coaster because it ends. Watch a movie? Fuck that, it ends! Wanna play a video game? No you don't! It doesn't last forever! Fucking hell. Why even make this thread? It's just gonna 404.

greeks are not better than other humans you subhuman

I am Albanian

im not retarded

it doesnt matter what you make
you will die

Yes, everyone dies. But everyone does have an impact, no matter how small. Make the best of your time.

albanians are killing children for their organs and sell them to rich people in the west
then they die
the rich people die too

Yeah, that's my point though. Why did you make this thread?

it does not matter
read op

greeks are subhuman

i am albanian

yea but who cares
the only person who i can confirm to be real in this universe is me, and once i am dead, reality along with everyone in it will disappear and become nothingness

i hope that more people understand that life is meaningless so we can develop a cheap method to kill ourselves absolutelly painless

>im not retarded
Ah, a meme non argument response. Which shows I am correct in my belief that you aren't interested in discussion and just want to shitpost.

you will die

indeed they want our albanian organs, because with our superior genetics they will never die

you will die

there is at best a 50% chance that you are real