We want David Lynch's audience

We want David Lynch's audience

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Actually Lynch is for plebs who think they are super kool for being into movies.

first post best post


And boy did they looking at the box office

that's Refn though

compared to lynch, refn's kinotism is off the charts

more like he wanted the refn audience and the refn audience was satisfied

>op gets btfo in first post
>better call them reddit.


>call him reddit 100 times that will show him.
Buddy only person here who has ever been there is you.


This has literally no similarities to lynch's filmmaking style

Will refn ever make a good film again?


Imagine having a daughter and having to see director abuse her in public in televised shows so she can continue getting roles to fulfill her "being a star" dream.

If I ever have children, which I doubt, I'll make sure to have only boys.

Sorry for bad grammar.

What a creepy weirdo

Pretty much this.

She'll easily have $100M by the time she's 30.

I'd agree to be spitroasted by Jewish producers everyday to have that kind of money.

You got it, friend!


Erm sweetie...

But Neon Demon is Refn's best film so far pusher 1 comes close

But seeing your daughter go through that must be extremely painful.

a broken record


For You

Elle is living the dream, man.

Every dream requires some sacrfice and the road isn't always pleasant. Some people do much more for much less.


>If I ever have children, which I doubt, I'll make sure to have only boys.
Yes that will save them from pedos ask Elijah Wood.

Why is Dreama embarrassed of that movie?

So, Refn, then?

Because everyone could see she has bolt ons

It's clear you've never seen a Lynch film OP. You're doing great.

Whatever, you know what I mean, it's """"weird"""" and """""random""""

fucking retard