
Malinche edition

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I'm a grimes supremacist

>mfw he actually delivered

How do we stop Jewish terrorism?

Québec forever Canadian.

hate all you cretings

I'm going to write "Ohayou" to her in the morning

Show us your garbage
Show us your trash


Dick pic or bust

Niggers aren't people.

Today was garbage day so I'm fresh out.

Let me reiterate on my previous post, the only side that did anything wrong at Charlottevile were the red army attacking People who wanted to do a speech

me on the right

terronigger on the left

Looks like you missed a bit

the bad guys are people i disagree with

They have accepted their place

only good post you've ever made

Long life to white mexicans.

There were only losers in Charlottesville: white supremicists

>clack my ass

Hey that shit's 3000 clicks from here. Don't look at me.

Which one of you saltskins has my charger


Beep beep

Don't shirk this responsibility


Good thing they got the plate number

Why Canadians IRL apologize every 3 phrases?

Going to be real funny when he walks free

>*record scratch*
>*freeze frame*
>you won't believe how I got here

they are beta cuckolds

quads lol

It's literally how we say "what?"

He didn't do anything wrong. The right-of-way was obstructed

People don't really mean it, it's like when some asks how are you.


Charlottesville girl would have been wife material if she had her weight under control

I like toads

Unfortunately it killed her.

There was another 3400 lbs in the equation

Very nice toads?

False, the car hit another car that bumped into her which sent her into a heart attack

tfw no gf

She should have been strapped in

my 13 year old dog has stopped eating the past two days
i guess she will die soon

whites should all get the bullet

Say a prayer

>whites should all get the bullet

Poor guys are already biting the bullet considering the demographic trash being let in their countries

>how do we stop jewish terrorism

Fuck off dick sucker

>>how do we stop jewish terrorism

Jews did nothing wrong. No angle to even attack this argument

>James Woods
I guess being on the plane during the 9/11 dry run would make anyone more conservative.



Jews can be white, though



>i am anti-semitic

She's right, though. Whites have proven time and time again that they're systemic villians



Tashlin is an Arabic surname

How to filter the spic kysposter?

Trump-tier solution


Who here fugged a cute Amerindian girl? How are they?


He isn't posting anymore

She'll gum your dick for a 6 pack while her kids cry in the other room.

what did you mean by this? did he get perma-rangebanned?

No, he just hasn't posted in a while now. No mexican has itt.

>it's a "PLEASE FUCK OUR WOMEN ESE" thread
Beaners are so fucking pathetic.

Did you report him?

Spics and Pajeets always do this, how much of an inferiority complex can you have that you actively try to get white men to want to fuck your women?




send more tanks

Sorry, not my /cum/ department.

send more battalions

Susan Sarandon is the most attractive 70 year old in existence

just did a cold shower

>tfw been working out everyday

Ask the Americans, our military is mostly for photo ops and one special forces unit.

The American battalion is in Poland. Task Force Latvia is being lead by Canads

our military is woefully underfunded for equipment

we have some of the best trained in the world but our equipment is shit so it never gets displayed

Oн пpизpaк,
Дeнни-пpизpaк, Дeнни-пpизpaк, Дeнни-пpизpaк....
Дeнни Фeнтoнy шёл пятнaдцaтый гoд,
Кoгдa пpeдки coбpaли cтpaнный пpибop,
B пoтycтopoнний миp oткpыв пpoхoд,
Oн вceх пoбeдит, вeдь oн Дeнни-пpизpaк.

Пpибop нe зapaбoтaл и взpocлыe yшли,
И Дeнни внyтpь зaглянyть peшил,
Яpкaя вcпышкa вcё измeнилa,
Пepecтpoйкa мoлeкyл зaвepшилacь.

Пpизpaк, Пpизpaк....

Oчнyвшиcь, oн пocмoтpeл нa ceбя,
Ha вoлocы кaк cнeг, зeлёныe глaзa,
Hayчилcя пpoхoдить cквoзь cтeны и лeтaть,
Bтopoгo тaкoгo нa зeмлe нe cыcкaть,
Oн cpaзy пoнял, чeм дoлжeн зaнимaтьcя,
He дaвaть вcяким твapям в нaш миp пpoбpaтьcя,
Зa нac c тoбoй oн бyдeт дpaтьcя!

Bceх пoбeдит, вeдь oн жe Дeнни Фeнтoн,
Bceх пoбeдит, вeдь oн жe Дeнни Фeнтoн,
Bceх пoбeдит, вeдь oн жe Дeнни Фeнтoн.

at least youre literally funding the whole town of Ādaži by just eating there

Are you implying the whole world doesn't fear the sight of 50 year old helicopters, a navy with zero functioning submarines, and armoured units with only light tanks and APC's?

Our military is very good, Trudeau and Harper agreed.

we have some leopard 2s, but everything else you say is true
*devours sklandrausis*

Yeah everyone flees in terror of our sea king helicopters
because they don't want to get hit when they die and crash

>tfw we used to be a military powerhouse

>tfw we had the 4th biggest navy in the world at one point
The most pathetic thing is the Navy, we border three oceans and have zero real defence or presence in any of them.

I think I've read a few times that Canadian pilots are REALLY good at their jobs because they're forced to worth ancient birds like the Hueys

makes sense

we could probably reequip our military with all the money we spend on aid and refugees

>Canadian pilots are REALLY good at their jobs because they're forced to worth ancient birds like the Hueys
That goes for most things in our military, our mechanics have to fabricate parts themselves for some of our equipment because it's so outdated nobody makes them anymore.