So how did you come to love Japan?

So how did you come to love Japan?
You can talk in detail.

Via food, then history, then technology, then via anime.

This don't get you a citation

video games and literature

History and culture

It was the incessant "Do you love Japan?" threads on Sup Forums that made me fall in love with Japan.

first the anime and manga
later the women
now I just want to learn the language

history, food and culture, I'd love to move there some day but your work ethic, while producing fantastic results in a lot of cases, would kill me

I despise J*pan with every fiber of my being!

loved that nukige

I really don't get that so many foreign anons affected attracted to the fact in the pic. Is this so intriguing?

yamaguchi saved you from becoming like europe is today

But the lefty man in the right was actually filled with sincere loyalty to the emperor and in the first place his first intent in his youth was to be a military officer in imperial army.
Otoya-chan was merely a poor alt right errand boy who are likely to be exploited by cunning adults in any place and any era.

I hate almost everything I know about Japan.

And tell me of your exceptions.

Your women, language, culture, general atmosphere. hope I can visit sometime

>general atmosphere.
>>hope visit sometime
How could you even know the atmosphere of a place where you haven't ever been in...?

i came for the anime, hentai, and nintendo games. i stayed for the art films, punk/avant-rock, and the history.

If you just gave me a fucking passportu I would have learned your goddamned language and everything. But no. Fuck Japan.

Seems not a few anons here are in favor of Japan's history, So what portion of history in this cunt is intriguing you? Could you give an instance?

Kys gook

Dont come japan zainichi

Feel sorry for you for some extent but hey imagine imagine, What would happen to be if our government give citizenship to all babies who got born in this place even when their parents might not have those, citizenship?
And I presume ordinary Americans are relatively to feel free when getting on this island.

The popular culture, like video games. Then I learned about the old history, and now I'm interested. Might even learn Japanese.

Japan is a strange country. It is hard to reconcile modern Japan with the Japanese Empire. You went from slaughtering Chinese babies and raping Korean women to making anime. Although I do like some parts of Japanese culture, I cannot help but feel that a lingering darkness still exists within Japan. How can I trust a people capable of such evil?

I heard a story about East India Company and had believed it for more than 15 years, which is that those British conquerors hacked thumbs of Indian textile worker off so that their fabric manufacturing industry became impotent.
I, of course, got totally riled up and had had totally evilest image on Brits.
But a couple of years ago I knew the fact that the story was in the first place based on the uncertain indictment by British man who got fired by the Company.
So What I recommend you is any time we heard excessively terrible historical episodes by hearsay, we shall not react to it so instantly but rather have intention to confirm it by our own perception, I think.

the nanking genocide was the most heinous and utterly barbaric act to ever occur in human existence

The problem is that the Rape of Nanking, the Bataan Death March and Unit 731 isn't hearsay. After doing extensive reading on these events, I came to the conclusion that the Japanese were far more evil than the Germans were. The Japanese make the Germans look like Saturday morning cartoon villains in comparison.