If blacks are so lazy, why did WE make such great slaves?!

If blacks are so lazy, why did WE make such great slaves?!

> checkmate Sup Forums

There were certain "incentives" present then that aren't present now.

Are you arguing for restoration of those incentives? Is that the only way you people can get any work done?

Would blacks do better in school/on tests if there were guards armed with whips in classrooms?

You didn't, just easier than setting up a trade route to Asia,

You guys actually didn't make great slaves, thats why we got factory equipment to replace your jobs fucktard.



Only one way to find out.

>WE make such great slaves?!

The British had to import Indian coolies into the Caribbeans because blacks made such shit slaves

Jews build the Pyramids and nobody bats an eye.

some African slaves tend to some cotton and everybody loses their minds.

Welcome to east asia

You want to work under threat of whipping or death again?
Sounds good to me but I don't think you'd enjoy it.
Why not civilize yourselves or, even better, leave.


See here Sambo, I got 100 hectares of cotton fields that needs picking, all the chink niggers are trained in building railroads, it doesn't take much training to pick cotton now does it?


>T. Worst president in U.S history, basically responsible for the rise of ISIS along with george bush.

Nice try T. Alberto barbosa.

Its usually the inferior, weak people that become slaves dumbass. Also, your brothers in Africa are the ones who sold you into the trade.

thts why the prison system is booming user

blacks keep their cells cleaner and work harder than anyone else in there, its unfortunate.

I refused to work as a slave and suffered the consequences but they seem to enjoy it.

You were whipped and beaten to do basic work an animal could be trained to do. We ditched you niggers for the Chinese when it was time to build railroads

You literally just solved Americas education crisis.

You weren't great. Jews always bullshit about quality of their wares

> actually believing Jews built the pyramids

If we just bring in some nuns from shrinking catholic schools into public education we can get the same results without the moral dilemma.

Supply trying to meet demand after the invention of the cotton gin, bottle-necked production. We don't need you anymore, we automated the rest of the process.

Because you were cheap and the injuns kept dying of diseases because they didn't live ankle deep in pig shit like you guys

thats what the whips were for dummy

When you forget that the irish built the rails too

Should have kept the receipt.

every heard of a "whip"?
if white people still were crackas niggers would be 100 time more productive

you mean the chinks