It's ogre: All been decided

Anyone else have that nagging feeling that the election for POTUS has already been decided? Propaganda networks keep spewing forth distractions and drivel. The nation is divided as it has ever been. Race is brought into every story and line of thought.

Wtf happened to us? The internet? Social media? Are there just too many people?

It just seems like we have only an illusion of choice. People are so busy bickering and infighting, we just don't see that we've been duped. Is it "the system" that failed? Or, is it us?

Degeneracy is at an all-time high. Are we doomed?


20 threads about dead African-Americans.

Kansas City Shuffle - Engage

i feel you burger
i've been following the last 6 months of murica news and it's pretty sad
I believe its the media, that twisted it's purpose from forwarding information to influencing information in the last several years (even here) and thus leading to a brainwashed population.




u get the point
i think at first this was to slightly influence the mindset of the younger generation thus making them vote left
But I guess after some time they just lost control and the media got full retard. Then the alternative media sources started, but some of them are on a ridiculous level of redpill so noone takes them seriously.
So anything going against the mainstream media is crazy rightwing propaganda.

If Trump wins, what can he do about this?
some kind of media laws maybe? (those made a big european scandal when made here)



I honestly don't know if anyone can fix this. Too much red tape and beaurocracy exist...

Yes. there are too many people. Too many people born into poverty because there are not enough resources. Because they are born into poverty they are often poorly educated and easy to manipulate. That is why there is so much infighting, in my opinion. Too many people and not enough resources.

Seems non-sustainable.

Despite McDonald's throwing away enough food to feed millions every year (and how much food waste we Americans toss), we "could" feed everyone. It's just not profitable. Doesn't make much sense either.. to feed those who are able but choose not to work, all on everyone else's dime.

Imagine that. Women and minorities actually MATTER.


who the fuck said they dont?

Women and minorities.


On the world scale, which race is the minority? Also, yes - women and minorities matter.

it seemed decided for a long time desu

I'm still convinced Trump is a hillary plant.

No real issues. The millennial generation has nothing obvious to rebel against, so their need to rebel (the same need all generations have) is directed at things the media tells them to be upset about. The socialist experiment has come and gone, gay and women rights have been achieved, all minorities are equal under the law... The real issues today are economic, and things that lurk beneath the veneer, but those require thought and investigation. People are motivated by the rewards they get for rebelling, and most of those are social. With social media, and the fact that the real issues are hard, people just spend their time raging against things no one agrees with, against boogymen that don't actually exist, so they can get the virtue signaling points on Facebook and Reddit.
The youth is lost in their narcissism, the working class is struggling to survive, and the elderly are too out of touch. Ours is the generation that witnesses the collapse, it will be some hundreds of years before western values can rise again.

Are more people waking up to this?

Beyond shitposting, what's an user to do? You're far more likely to see an impact in local government than in, realistically, any change on the federal level. Right? Local government seems like "real people".. beyond that, it's money? Money to buy influence?

If it's all bought and paid for, then why go along with the fallacy? Votes mean fuckall. Or do they? Brexit happened.

Well said.

The way it has been and always will be sadly

We're fucked but not direct because of what you think.

Mass immigration killed The US. The immigrants will pay for the future meme will fail. Government services don't go away when the beaners die, they actually get worse. And we won't just be economically fucked, we'll have a nation of beaners to deal with.

Enjoy the ride, it's only begun.

>when the beaners die


Not to be rude mah burger but ur country was kinda founded on imigration so the usa kinda doesnt have a choice in the matter cause its gonna happen one way or another, legally or ilegally

the meaning of the word immigrant isn't the same as it was in the 19th century
it didn't mean living off government assistance force the purpose of deflating wages and funding social programs for the next few years. It meant being poor and living with indians in the desert.

Clinton being exonerated by the FBI and Justice Dept. has laid bare for all to see how absolutely corrupt and unsalvageable the entire American system is:
>blatant corrupt criminal runs for POTUS
>feds let her off the hook for crimes less powerful people would have been crucified for
>media covers for her
>yes work within the system that absolutely destroys any hope for meaningful change if you want meaningful change
America is fucked, justice is dead, and it's every man for himself

also South and Central American immigration was never like this before 1965, it was non-existent. So it is preventable as it's been done in the past.

If we were a nation of immigrants why do we de facto favor Central Americans over other equally valuable immigrants from other countries?

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"

"Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me"

True that but keep in mind that terms like that tend to change over time , and the definition comes to represent somthing compleatly else , what was once a getaway for prosectuted christians to start a new life is today basically moving wherever you wantbso long as you have the cash and legal loopholes to exploit

A statement that is meaningless today.

Can you read? As you know, most Americans read below a high school level.

But if Hillary was black, she would've been shot and killed by police now.

Worrying so much isn't good for your health, user.
The zeitgeist has been recently tipping in favor of nationalism, which is lovely. I'm hoping that trend continues. Working men (and a few women), the backbone of our society, economy, and culture, have begun to find their own voice.
Trump is just an added bonus. There may well be somebody better, but he was the first to see the writing on the wall.
I think this empire has some life left in her.

It's been decided and then Mr. Trump came along.

Do not lose heart, you cuck.

Australia not now mate
I know it's easy to meme and shitpost when you don't live here but for gods sake man have some tact?!

this sounds about right to me

I think a lot of people feel this way. Some people are untouchable. It's a circus.. a distraction.

What we're doing, day in and day out, sure doesn't feel like living. Running in circles for scraps from someone's big table. Vanity and greed poisoning everyone.

Who decides which old written things are no longer meaningful or valid? Slippery slope.

Yes, I can read. Thanks for caring.

though you are largely accurate, not all people of this generation are like you generalize.
I refuse to take this sitting down and give up hope and let the (legal) criminals get their way. and I know I'm not alone.

I ve told you many times, Hillary is the winner ;^)

This is why Donald Trump is my man. When everything is SHIT, you have to vote for a man who is anathema to everything and everyone. There's a beauty in that, yeah?

My heart is in it. I just feel like we have no choice. My vote feels fake.

Cool buzzword, btw.

No it is retarded and obviously a joke from the beginning.

Society has been progressing forward to a steady direction, conservatives might have had a chance to win if they had a sensible intelligent looking candidate that could abuse people's worries delicately.

But instead they have an extreme joke that is connected too often in extrimist stuff.

So there is no way he ever had a chance to win and isn't just a joke with some kind of different goal like ruining GoP ;^)

But Sup Forumsyards are too emotional to ever see that


notice how all the little trumplets have been quiet lately?

fucking this x1000000000000

>conservatives might have had a chance to win if they had a sensible intelligent looking candidate that could abuse people's worries delicately.
Kek, like who? The Cuban cupcake who wants "muh metadata," the goddamn brain surgeon who's hopped up on enough ambien to tranquilize a bull elephant, or the Canadian rat who can get up on national television and make a crack about "making sand glow"?

You don't want to abuse them delicately, in any case. Delicacy is why the right has been fucking LOSING.No narrative control, no charisma, no strategy.

Trump has none of these faults. You can say what you want about polls, because they have fuck all to do with what the average American is going to be taking in over these coming months.

>siding with hillary on foreign policy


It is a concern. You really have to think about what $700,000,000 can buy.

>$700 million
>for free
>all she had to do was become a Democrat

Brexit has won, above all odds and speculation of a fixed election. That gives me hope.

He's made it a hell of a lot further than anyone wouldve ever believed he'd get.
>tl;DR: Much like Brexit, I don't think the Dems would risk political suicide to fix the elecrions. The Republican party, and really many enraged citizens will not let that happen.

>implying they need to fix the elections


You're making my fucking point for me, you Kangaroo cunt.
Fun fact: all four of the presidents preceding Obama owned ranches. Why do you think that fucking is?

*tips tinfoil hat of correlation and causation*

see you in novemeber, kid. enjoy your hillary.

Does our country really think that another "borne into politics" drone will right this ship?

>tinfoil hat
>saying that a president needs a good public image is apparently a conspiracy theory
I think you caught some rare brain disease on that little island of yours.

Your thread has put into words my feelings exactly. Whenever something happens now the first question is whether the perpetrator is black or white.

>The nation is divided as it has ever been
And I imagine the same will happen in 2018 elections here in Brazil.

God save us all.

they sure hope you feel that way. that way there will be no outrage when theres clearcut rigging

>Still mad about your hung parliament, so you gotta bring it here?

I can't wait until they fuck your Great Barrier reef for coal mines, and you selfish cunts end up like Greece.

Trump has narrowed the gap between Hillary. And it all falls for her at the debates. Trump will win by 20+ delegates


that butthurt and denialyou're gonna feel really dumb once you realized you've been duped so hard,


>less free, fedora aussie bantz

I'll still be American if she wins. What will you be?

living in a 1st world nation

Good luck to us all.

Career politician is not the answer. They've done a bang-up job thusfar.

All the best ones owned plantations.

>australia is 1st world

As will I, m8.

I get it, you're a leftist. Unfortunately, you're down unda. I'm over here in freedom land - attempting to engage in meaningful dialogue which realistically affects us all.

More bantz, or do you think you're being subverted as well?



don't just wait and hope for others to fix all the problems, put your skills to use here:

Rigging how? Doesn't everyone trust their government to do right by them? I mean, regular people are the government.. right?

I heard about some petition to have UN oversight this November. Is that better, or worse? Does it even matter?

And that is only going to get worse. It is already so much worse than when I was young. When I went to a prestigious university in the western US, I got in with a 3.9 GPA, a little advanced placement stuff, lame SAT scores (I get major panic about standardized tests and muff them every time) and only moderate extracurricular achievements (I'm pretty shy, not a joiner/social/leader type.)

Nowadays, kids with like 4.8 GPAs, perfect SATs which blew everyone else's scores off the grid, who've been championship football players, bestselling novelists and Presidents of smaller Latin American countries in their spare time whilst winning sixty-seven Olympic Gold Medals and the Pulitzer Prize and the Nobel Prize all by the age of 18 can't get in to that same school. They're not good enough. Nor could they afford it anyway. It was cheap when I went. And I'm not even that old.

Population pressure, kids. It's building. The competition is making people more and more frenzied. I'm worried.


>not even that old
>I'm worried

Those feels.

Simple. You picked a horrible candidate. Trust me, the establishment tried to choose for you, but you said "nope, I want a global real estate tycoon to champion my attack against globalism and big business." The establishment wrote a great script for the Republican party to win, just look at Hillary's ratings. But nope, you doubled-down and lost.

> Implying establishment republicans and democrats aren't the same
What the fuck have you been watching? There would of been no difference between foam boy and Clinton.