Just your daily reminder that if in 20 years you can't speak Mandarin you'll be flipping burgers

Just your daily reminder that if in 20 years you can't speak Mandarin you'll be flipping burgers.

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Pretty sure you meant tossing noodles.

I'm trying to learn Japanese, how close is it to Chinese?

Besides a few cognates, not at all.

soon every girl in america will be WANGED

Mao makes Andrew Jackson look like Ronald McDonald. WHen are leftists gonna call for a change on chink currency?

how can a currency partially pegged to ours be a good alternative

>Russian economy
my sides

Are you high?

hes just brazilian

i know this is really shiity b8 but i mean seriously, what the fuck is china going to do? when it comes to foreign policy they put the iso in communistic isolation.
pretty much all of their military innovation comes from the US, which they steal 99% of the time.
they have a billion people, 80% of which are probably peasants and all of their students come here to learn, not vise versa

oh yeah and they're sitting on probably the biggest housing bubble of all time.

face it, china isnt doing shit. period

>shit you predicted months ago and people called you an uneducated retard for are coming true

Feels bad actually.

No, I just speak both.

Its incredible when you realize that economists judge the future in China on every metric but human horsepower

Don't worry bud, its my national language.

hahahaha this has GOT to be bait. Everyone knows that China NEEDS the U.S. You really, honestly thing that America is going to pay back the billions they've loaned from China? Morons. Morons, everywhere. China, Russia and India are shit.

And Australia's too. You both are more than just shitposting buds.


Sure OP. Keep on making economic predictions based on a single tweet.



Wow such an amazing feat. Might it have anything to do with the fact that the Japanese characters are literally (with very few exceptions) Chinese characters, having the same meaning most of the time, which greatly facilitates learning both? Or with the fact that the "few cognates" are actually thousands of cognates?
Pronunciation and politeness levels aside, they are obviously very similar, which is why a Chinese can read a Japanese article and understand at least the topic and viceversa most of the time.

Yeah, people were saying the same thing about Japanese a few years ago and see how that turned out.

Nip in the Russian Far East here.
You should have let us alone in the WWII after you defeated Germany. By now, you would see fully genocided Asia to zero. How did that work for you, western pigs? Now Europe drowns in niggers and arabs, Asia is overpopulated by subhuman races, Jews control your societies. Tell me, western pig, did it worth it fighting the Axis?

Good think I'm learning mandarin. Studying in China in a month. Wish me luck, boys. Gonna go get my dick wet and contract Hepatitis C in Shanghai!

Worthless shit tier language, there's more Chinamen learning English than non-chinks learning their unnecessarily complicated as fuck runes in the entire world.

like french is to english

some(most?) kanji words share roughly same meaning. A chinese would be able to roughly get the gist of a document written in kanji, and vice versa. But they dont have the pronunciation when spoken.

thats about it

no one here supports our involvement in WW2

You have to go back, Pablo.

>dont have the same*

I never said I can read those languages. I am Sino-Brazilian and I grew up in São Paulo's Asian neighbourhood, which is predominantly Japanese, so I can speak both. I was taught Portuguese in school, so no writing. But I can tell you this: there is 0 mutual intelligibility between both. And yeah, the cognates are very few. You are an ignorant idiot who thinks that just because the Japanese use the same character to write a word, they must pronounce it similarly. Most Japanese words have many syllables, most Chinese words are monosyllabic. Read up on it.



>wasting your short life learning shit tier moonrunes that will be not as used by the time you dominate them


> they must pronounce it similarly.
You can't even read English, can you? I said
>Pronunciation and politeness levels aside
Guess what, I know Japanese. And not in the barbaric way you do either.

*Or Hindi

Thanks for admitting I'm right.


And I have a STEM degree.


>it's totally the same language
>except when you try to speak it

>20 years

Wasn't everyone saying this in the 80s

China’s increase in debt is massive and unsustainable ...
Jun 20, 2016 · China’s economy continued to chug along through ... and it is now also a massive repository for ... The recent increase in debt is unsustainable, ...

I can tell you're a leftist because of the massive stupidity.

Never forget, Chinese eat eggs boiled in urine.
Think about that the next time you feel sick to your stomach.

Aside from a looming great depression for China, robots are going to be flipping the burgers.

China is fucked. They industrialized too fast and their meme government doesn't help. Neither did their cultural revolution. Don't expect much to change with them as long as The West buys their junk.

>mexican saying mandarin is shit tier language

you cant even speak the words of your ancestors, but the ones of the foreign gringoes. Either that or you're probably a mud blood

Daily reminder that China will collapse and balkanize in 20 years.

Wait for that guy to finish the one with yellow text. Black wanged makes no sense.

im the guy

In the '80's, Japan was going to own everything.
In the '70's, it was the arabs.
In the '90's, it was the third-world in general.
2000's: BRICs, Brazil, mumble, India, China.

All these predictions are made by morons like OP.

I'll bet you $10,000 she believes in global warming, too.

>it's totally the same language
I never said that. I said it's not "not close at all". Compare it with this, I suppose, Russian thing I took randomly from wikipedia.
>Издáтeльcтвo — пpeдпpиятиe (гocyдapcтвeннoe, oбщecтвeннoe, кooпepaтивнoe или чacтнoe) — мeдиa-кoмпaния, кoтopaя paбoтaeт в oблacти литepaтypы, иcкyccтвa, мyзыки или нayки, и пpoдyкция кoтopoй мoжeт вocпpoизвoдитьcя и pacпpocтpaнятьcя.
This is an example of something completely different from any language I speak. I can't tell shit. Meanwhile, with some knowledge of Japanese you can easily understand the subject and object of what wrote in Chinese. How exactly can you say they are not close languages at least in some respects?

Oh, yes, bitch. I know the Chinese are terrible.

I'm one of them.

Chinks suck a English though. A college educated Chink speaks worse English than an uneducated Filipino.


The '.com' on yellow is impossible to make out. Good job though.

I love you.

Japones da Cara chata come queijo com barata!

Shut up you damn dirty Mexican.

But don't Chinese business men already learn English?

Go have your eyes checked, I'm clearly a potato nigger.

Still too bright. It isn't as sharp as the Blacked.
-Try yellow letters, thin white outline, yellow BG
-Try a lighter, but pastel/flat shade of yellow to improve legibility

- Kebabed.com should be white letters, brown BG

-Try "Wanged.com" with the yellow letters, not gold, but this time make "Wanged" smaller than ".com"

Once again we are unable to tell the difference between Italy flag and Mexico

>their meme government
They are actively exterminating mudslimes while we have Trump vs Clinton.

Russia on a brink of cold war with west, no wonder they want to diversify



>believing news that comes out of the prc


I wish Japan ended up owning everything.

Lao-wai da Ribeirinha, solta pum e sai farinha!

He's right tho

Bullshit tbqh, French and English are extremely close.

Pretty much. China is missing the innovative aspect.
They sure know how to dedicate their life to something and put work into it, but they will never be a leader because that would take vision and ingenuity. Both of which they are missing.

They have the perfect culture for riding on another one's coattail and uplifting their own standard of living by doing that. But they will never surpass them.

He's not though. They are very close as far as writing goes. That's not to say they are French-English close like that other guy suggested. But obviously if one can understand a Chinese written sentence to some extent while only knowing Japanese, the two languages must be somewhat close in that respect. Compare it to languages that really aren't close, like Polish and some niggerspeak from africa. You should be able to see the difference.

how many english speaking people can read actual francais? not talking about shit like bonjour, bonsoir etc

but a chinese speaker can read kanji and a japanese can read chinese

>China is missing the innovative aspect.
>riding on another one's coattail
Literally what people said of:
Germany in the late 19th century
Japan in the 70's
US when the Brits still had their empire.
It's just history repeating itself.