If man made climate change isn't real, what would be the motivation behind lying about it?

If man made climate change isn't real, what would be the motivation behind lying about it?

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Carbon taxes.

Money, always money.

Our dude weef lmao faggot and various retard provincial politicians are doing this to us.

It's not gonna solve shit it's simply more money for their slush funds or useless programs we don't need

Send help

Control, Power, Money.
You're welcome.

That seems like an awfully specific industry to target. Couldn't they think of anything better?

>Implying everything you do or buy doesn't generate carbon emissions at some point down the line

It's basically a VAT tax for absolutely nothing.

It is real in the sense that we as humans are changing (and generally fucking up) our natural environment.

It is fake in the sense that interested parties have blown this negative influence out of proportion in order to profit, change legislation and control industry and economy in general.

While you faggots are busy choosing a side and arguing like children, the elite takes a truth and spins it to their interests.

Now you go ahead and argue this post. You can choose any of the two sides you've been (((shown))).


the motivation behind most big lies is to funnel money and resources into a useless enterprise.

>into a useless enterprise.

In this case?

True to a certain extent, but I don't really care about environmental damage being "overhyped" (if it really is in some cases.) The simple fact is that continuing to cling to non-renewable resources like oil is fucking stupid. Switching to alternate energy sources like solar is something we should be doing ASAP anyway. Maybe if we got away from oil then Saudi Arabia wouldn't have the US by its balls anymore.


taxation, and a vehicle to over ride the sovereignty of nation states.

It's the crown jewel of globalists and the new world order. Very important to them to keep the scam going.

How do you know this?

Political power by fear mongering.

>There's man made global warming
>What do we do if "country A" won't stop hurting the world?
>Let's develop a ruling body to over ride their bad decisions.
>New world order and no national sovereignty

"ALL OF THE ICE WILL MELT IN 5 YEARS", says increasingly nervous man for the 18th time this century

Yeah, its a total lie! *facepalm*

>the climate changes
as it always has


The problem isn't the climate changing.
The problem is the climate changing to the extent that it makes things really fucking shit for us humans.

The issue is rate of change, and the fact that we are forcing change in a whole new way that may mess with the standard earth cycles.

maybe but just maybe its the speed within it happes that is dangerous... its true that warm ages are very seldom, but they can be as dangerous as a ice age.

You know who thrives in hot climate?
You know who's a reptile?

This really. To control the world, you have to have a problem that requires "the whole world" to fix. We're all in this together, right!? This is OUR world. WE need to fix it. Just give US the power to save you!

>makes things really fucking shit for us humans.

How are things shit for humans ? Were fucking humans, its our job to adapt.

The only people "suffereing" from this are dumb ass niggers who decided it was a good idea to live in the desert.
The more they die off the better.

and u know where israel should have been build up? yes, in german territories.

>there are people who don't know major climate change occurs despite human interaction
>there are people who want to neuter their biggest job companies because muh global warming
At any rate we deserve what we get

the climate change is real, but saying that it is solely because of humans is retarded as fuck.

>If man made climate change isn't real, what would be the motivation behind lying about it?


According to the latest satellite data the Earth is cooling. This however doesn't fit the stated goal of the IPCC to impose wealth redistribution on Western countries to third world nations.

The Left loves 'climate change' because it is the excuse to wield it's authoritarian sword over the masses.

The problem isn't what it's like *now*, though the change in weather patterns is a pain in the ass. The problem is the possible future. And as I've been saying, getting off our addiction to oil is a good thing we should be striving for anyway. It's just another thing for the Sauds to keep the US by the balls with.

Also, I don't know about you, but I quite like having a breathable atmosphere, and being able to grow plants without specially built greenhouses. If the temperature and climate gets fucked around too much, that means no food, not just for niggers in the Sahara, for you too.


Everyone uses energy.

Sure, they can have austria for all I care

Global 'problems' need global 'solutions'. It's the Hegelian dialectic on a global scale.

"We need to stop global warming!"

*the globe stops warming*

"We need to stop climate change!"

I can't believe that some of you chumps fell for this shit. Fuck off.

The US is playing the long game, for once.

There is more oil in North America than the Middle East. So we use up all the Middle East's oil, then we are the only ones left with oil to sell.

If you think Dubai is impressive, wait till you see the cities that Canada builds in the middle of the tundra 100 years from now.

The strong arming of government policy and the movement of vast sums of money into "green" energy because people like to feel like they're doing something important and good.

The reality is green energy is inefficient, costs more (while being heavily subsidized by government incentive programs), cripples first world economies by crushing their hopes of re-establishing industrial sectors, often isn't as clean or environmentally friendly as people would have you believe (seriously, wind farms kill birds in the thousands and solar panels generate less energy over their operational lifetimes than is taken to create them) and it all uses climate change as a scare tactic to keep the whole scam in motion.

You'd be surprised what a scientist will tell you when they're trying to obtain or keep funding. Pic semi-related, it's an eyesore but still cheaper and more efficient than mining millions of tons of nickel and cadmium out of the ground to make NiMH batteries for electric cars.

A remark from Maurice Strong, who organized the first U.N. Earth Climate Summit (1992) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil revealed the real goal: “We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse.”

Former U.S. Senator Timothy Wirth (D-CO), addressing the same Rio Climate Summit audience, agreed: “We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.” (Wirth now heads the U.N. Foundation which lobbies for hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to help underdeveloped countries fight climate change.)

Also speaking at the Rio conference, Deputy Assistant of State Richard Benedick said: “A global warming treaty [Kyoto] must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the [enhanced] greenhouse effect.”

In 1988, a former Canadian Minister of the Environment told editors and reporters of the Calgary Herald: “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change [provides] the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

In 1996, former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev emphasized the importance of using climate alarmism to advance socialist Marxist objectives: “The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.”

Speaking at the 2000 U.N. Conference on Climate Change in the Hague, former President Jacques Chirac of France said: “For the first time, humanity is instituting a genuine instrument of global governance, one that should find a place within the World Environmental Organization which France and the European Union would like to see established.”


to instill guilt for having a 1st world lifestyle (house, electricity, refrigerator, automobile). with the idea being to make you desire to lower your living standards so that brown people around the world can increase their living standards. it's a globalist, open borders, share the wealth white man... kind of world view.

daily reminder that Sup Forums is always right


nope. Jesus fuck this man has a fucking degree in science and he posts this graph as if it means a single fucking thing.

>According to the latest satellite data the Earth is cooling.

Two months? This constitutes a fucking trend to you?

So far the only thing these climate policies have accomplished,
is shuffling around a little wealth and limit the capabilities for the developing countries
to expand their industries.
Selling off carbon quotas is an easy way for a third world leader to get money for another golden toilet.

Jesus the trigger keep coming.

Look at this fucking graph. IF. that is IF the 'cooling trend' continues from June to December then 2016 WILL MATCH 1998 (I can't even capitalise this enough here) for the HOTTEST YEAR ON RECORD.

This graph. My fuck this fucking graph. Somebody needs to put a bullet in that senile old coot's head. We're approaching dangerous levels of stupidity.

Wir Österreicher leiden halt nicht am Deutschland Syndrom und können mit dem 2 Weltkrieg umgehn. ;)

This time around it's humans that are the cause.

IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer, speaking in November 2010, advised that: “…one has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth…”


Notice the red line. Notice that it peaks at +.65? Now look again at ZOMFG THEY ADJUSTED IT. UAH BTFO.

>Ottmar Edenhofer

>First of all, developed countries have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community. But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore...
Read more at: azquotes.com/quote/1223144

Nice editing though. He is talking about making the biggest polluters (coal and oil) pay their fair share, for future and past emissions.

Ah. Well you see, those kinds of assertions need to be proven. And we don't have any proof. Just cherry picked scientists saying they think it's the case. Meanwhile throwing out any scientific research that disagrees with the opinion.


What proof do you want?

Human activity leads to accumulation of co2 in the atmosphere

which increases the greenhose effect

which absorbs and re-emits IR

which causes the atmosphere and oceans to heat.

which we observe and call global warming

Tax revenues
Management of emerging economic powers (India, China, etc)
Generation of new industries (green energy, carbon capture, etc)
Downward pressure on oil producers (pootin)

>Exaust all funding for study of south american yellow spotted tree frog habitat
>Get funding for study of the effects of climate change on the south american yellow spotted tree frog habitat

Humans live in every single environment on Earth, we'll do fine. Climate will always change. The planet is always in a state of change. People are panicking because they don't understand the future.

It's like being afraid of dying and spending your life trying to figure out how to cheat death, you just can't. Just like we can't stop climate change.

Even if we supposed we could, and managed to do something significant like the fools trying to make our atmosphere reflective with chemtrails, what happens when the Sun goes into a cycle of less activity? You do know that every planet in our solar system is experiencing warming right now, not just earth? What happens when the Sun stops putting out as much solar energy and we freeze up because we turned our atmosphere into a mirror?

Dayum y'all niggas is dumb.


January 2000 Dr. Michael Oppenheimer of the Environmental Defense Fund (in a NY Times interview) on mild winters in New York: “But it does not take a scientist to size up the effects of snowless winters on children too young to remember the record-setting blizzards of 1996. For them, the pleasures of sledding and snowball fights are as out-of-date as hoop-rolling, and the delight of a snow day off from school is unknown.”

1969, Lubos Moti, Czech physicist: “It is now pretty clearly agreed that CO2 content [in the atmosphere] will rise 25% by 2000. This could increase the average temperature near the earth’s surface by 7 degrees Fahrenheit. This in turn could raise the level of the sea by 10 feet. Goodbye New York. Goodbye Washington, for that matter.”

Michael Oppenheimer, 1990, The Environmental Defense Fund: “By 1995, the greenhouse effect will be desolating the heartlands of North America and Eurasia with horrific drought, causing crop failures and food riots…”(By 1996) The Platte River of Nebraska will be dry, while a continent-wide black blizzard of prairie topsoil will stop traffic on interstates, strip paint from houses and shut down computers…The Mexican police will round up illegal American migrants surging into Mexico seeking work as field hands.”

June 30, 1989, Associated Press: U.N. OFFICIAL PREDICTS DISASTER–entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels if global warming is not reversed by the year 2000. Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of ‘eco-refugees,’ threatening political chaos,” said Brown, director of the U.N. Environment Program. He added that governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect.

Within a few years winter snowfall will become a very rare and exciting event. … Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”
David Viner, Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, 20 March 2000

This is a case where both sides of the argument are fucking dumb. Yes global warming is real and human activity is having an effect, but if dumbass cucks think they can actually make a difference by switching to an energy efficient light bulb they are delusional. All efforts are worthless unless the main source of the greenhouse gases are reduced, mainly the big factories in places like China. And that probably isn't going to happen.

>Saudi Arabia wouldn't have the US by its balls anymore.

They don't, though. Wake up and smell the shale.


There is no correlation between CO2 and temperature.

Power and money

Environmentalists want power and money, fear is a powerful motivator

Media wants to sell papers and ads, fear is a powerful motivator

Scientists want research grants, fear is a powerful motivator

Not really. Historically, abnormally warm periods have been a good thing.

Apparently the government who's inept at everything else are so good at creating up such beguiling reports the scientific community is tricked into believing them.

And a trillion dollar industry is also completely innocent and in fact are the good guys who have stood on the sidelines despite having a vested interest in keeping oil as the main energy source.

You mean money that becomes government revenue and which the politicans don't actually get, having a fixed pay
Versus shareholders who get the profits of their companies

see You can even test it for yourself.


Now are there other factors that can affect the temperature? Sure. Does this mean that co2 doesn't affect temperature? Of course not.


Oh goy your car isn't climate neutral we pass a law that forces you to buy a new one from our business partners or pay a shitload of taxes on your current one ....


“Earth Day” 1970 Kenneth Watt, ecologist: “At the present rate of nitrogen build-up, it’s only a matter of time before light will be filtered out of the atmosphere and none of our land will be usable."

“Earth Day” 1970 Kenneth Watt, ecologist: “The world has been chilling sharply for about twenty years. If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.”

April 28, 1975 Newsweek “There are ominous signs that Earth’s weather patterns have begun to change dramatically….The evidence in support of these predictions has now begun to accumulate so massively that meteorologists are hard-pressed to keep up with it….The central fact is that…the earth’s climate seems to be cooling down…If the climate change is as profound as some of the pessimists fear, the resulting famines could be catastrophic.”

1976 Lowell Ponte in “The Cooling,”: “This cooling has already killed hundreds of thousands of people. If it continues and no strong action is taken, it will cause world famine, world chaos and world war, and this could all come about before the year 2000.”

July 9, 1971, Washington Post: “In the next 50 years fine dust that humans discharge into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuel will screen out so much of the sun’s rays that the Earth’s average temperature could fall by six degrees. Sustained emissions over five to ten years could be sufficient to trigger an ice age.”

June, 1975, Nigel Calder in International Wildlife: “The continued rapid cooling of the earth since WWII is in accord with the increase in global air pollution associated with industrialization, mechanization, urbanization and exploding population.”

Saudi Arabia doesn't have us by the balls regarding oil, it has our politicians by the balls thanks to oil money.

The US gets most it's oil domestically. The largest foreign contributor of oil is Canada. We don't need Saudi oil. Our politicians (like Hillary) do need Saudi money because without it, they would have to get real jobs.

Political power for the left.
Ever notice how all the solutions the left produces are things they've been trying to force on us for decades?
Power and control.

co2 is not a green house gas and having more free co2 means greater vegetation growth.

But why aren't you concerned with volcano when human contributions to CO2 levels are so negligible in comparison?

Especially given the science that CO2 hasn't correlated with temperature all throughout history?

Do you actually believe this? Go on then. Define greenhouse gas and give me an example of one.

>and which the politicans don't actually get, having a fixed pay

I remember when I was like you once.

>fabricate problem
>get grants for fixing said problem

By definition everything in the atmosphere is a greenhouse gas. It's a bullshit phrase.

another barefaced lie.

Keep em coming.

You're all as bad as Flat Earthers.

Money and dumb leftists voting for your shit cause

>not wanting to clean up the environment
You're scum.

A visit to the U.S. Department of Energy's Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) website (cdiac.ornl.gov/) helps anyone armed with a handheld calculator and a high school chemistry text put the volcanic CO2 tally into perspective. Because while 200 million tonnes of CO2 is large, the global fossil fuel CO2 emissions for 2003 tipped the scales at 26.8 billion tonnes. Thus, not only does volcanic CO2 not dwarf that of human activity, it actually comprises less than 1 percent of that value.


>a gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation. Carbon dioxide and chlorofluorocarbons are examples of greenhouse gases.

Oxygen and nitrogen do not absorb IR. You're full of shit.


>Main atmospheric gases absorbing/emitting in the IR: CO2,H2O,O3,CH4,N2O,



obama a secret tyrant muslim

ben ga z!!!

ben ga z!!!!

I saw a secret youtube video that explains all scientists and universities are stoopid. only i am smart i have secret youtube knowledge. alt right forever!!! ben ga z!!! ben ga z!!!!

Can confirm. Am Jew. Prefer 95 F and humid. Like sitting in the sunny spot in my apartment.

>oxygen and nitrogen do not absorb heat

you've literally just contridicted yourself.

>But why aren't you concerned with volcano when human contributions to CO2 levels are so negligible in comparison?

but then

> Thus, not only does volcanic CO2 not dwarf that of human activity, it actually comprises less than 1 percent of that value.

Are you retarded?


39.8 billion tons here.

Your infographic and source is just a lie.


I love you and I wish we were BFFIRL


>You'd be surprised what a scientist will tell you when they're trying to obtain or keep funding.
What's surprising to me, actually, is that you think that someone's uneducated opinion is worth more than another person's educated opinion. So, what, your brilliant conspiracy theory is that vast majorities of the scientific climate community are all unscrupulous, lying sociopaths? Yeah, color me surprised, because I don't live in a Marvel comic book.

>what would be the motivation behind lying about it?


>So, what, your brilliant conspiracy theory is that vast majorities of the scientific climate community are all unscrupulous, lying sociopaths?
Is this what liberals say about white people every day? :^)

This article was published 4 years later.

You're taking the piss right?

ever notice in these threads it's always, ALWAYS the brits that so emphatically push the anthropomorphic lie?

why do you limey cunts believe this drivel so much? it's like you have a personal stake in it or something.

The fuck are you talking about, nigger?

>If I use the word nigger and pretend to be stupid everyone will think I won!
wew lad

yeah that one degree increase over nearly 200 years is a killer. it's NEVER in history been hotter than that!

never in history has an (((iceberg))) ever melted.

there is solid ice core evidence that massive swings to hot/cold can occur in less than 5 years

holy shit, these responses have got to be paid shills.

>moving the goalposts out of the stadium


this right here. not only do they want to tax everyone, they want to do it to the point that industrial society gets wiped out and humanity gets forced back to the stone age. i have spoken with dozens of people that speak this way. they despise humanity so much that they want us to go extinct.

i can't understand why they don't just commit suicide.

It's usually me m8. I tell you shits the same things every time. Apparently it's not getting through.

You people aren't even looking to debate. The same tired and debunked points over and over.

Yeah, ok. I guess if you just wanna wave dicks around, you can do that in front of a mirror, alone, because I'm not interested.

co2 is a trace gas.

trace increases, of a trace gas, that isn't even a very strong greenhouse gas, is fucking nothing.

you've been duped, you're just too proud to admit it.