Is anyone not only not interested in seeing Logan, but actually almost offended at the way it's marketing itself?

Is anyone not only not interested in seeing Logan, but actually almost offended at the way it's marketing itself?

Look at these fucking trailers

the music choice makes me want to fucking vomit. Hurt? A song about wanting to kill yourself because you have nothing in your life but broken relationships and a drug addiction? Covered by Johnny Cash looking back on a life of regret for all of the mistakes he made and people he hurt?

how the fuck can a movie about people with super powers ever come close to that emotional intensity. it's all a facade.

and Amazing Grace. Jesus Christ, literally, don't get me started. A movie about people with claws that come out of their hands can't be about redemption and the human spirit. It's going to be about fighting other people with different super powers that are evil. That's all it's ever going to be about.

stop pretending that dressing up this lame stale bullshit in real art is going to make it meaningful in any sense of the word at all. Same goes for BvS religious symbolism. Fucking insane offensive adolescent crap. Stop pretending to be mature and actually grow up.



>A song about wanting to kill yourself because you have nothing in your life but broken relationships and a drug addiction? Covered by Johnny Cash looking back on a life of regret for all of the mistakes he made and people he hurt?

I haven't seen the movie but in the comic Logan is a shattered remnant of himself because he was brain-tricked into murdering all of his friends, so like that's pretty bad too? drugs are bad too though

>wanting to kill yourself because you have nothing in your life but broken relationships and a drug addiction
that literally describes the main character in this movie

fuck off retard

>so like that's pretty bad too?
yeah but thats a fake problem. thats a super hero problem. you cant feel real emotions from that.

Yeah but metal claws come out of his hands so it cannot be taken seriously, despite demanding to be

as a person who fucking hates the mindless cgi fuckfest that comic book movies have become, this really is something different. the movies not perfect but it is great and deserves all the praise it received.

watch the film for yourself, or not.

You mad OP

I see what you did there OP, and as a fan of Logan (2017), I like it.

2 Thumbs Way Up, Pal!

bait af


>thinking a film has emotional and thematic limits based on its subject matter

"dude I hate everything popular that means I cant be a pleb right" pleb detected

I saw the movie and I agree.

>"hurrr durr I killed hundreds of people with my seizure but I'm an oppressed mutant so w/e"

They retcon the freakout to Professor X rather than Wolvie in the movie.

>about wanting to kill yourself because you have nothing in your life but broken relationships and a drug addiction
That's literally what the movie's about tbqhwyfamalams

the movie is shitty. I mean, sure, Jackman, Stewart and the kid playing X23 do a pretty decent job of their roles for most of the movie, but that's it. It's not high praise for a movie to say that its protagonists don't fucking suck for about 80% of the movie. That final 20%, though, oh jesus fuck what a complete shit-show. It's like they ran out of time and just asked Haim Saban to finish the movie.

Believe me, it is not worth the ticket.

Hercules had that problem too, and people still think the Greeks were pretty smart dudes.

Why go to any movie at all?

I haven't seen a movie in five years.

Are there people where who still unironically watch hollywood movies?

wtf is all I can say. How many times must the hammer hit your head before you get sickened of willingly putting yourself in the path?


Looks like a shit, boring movie.

t. indie hipster faggot

it does. at its core it cannot have more mature emotional subject matter than its inception

taking a childrens character/story and adding """""""mature""""""" subject matter to it is just a forced way to allow manchildren to pretend theyre growing up while still mentally and emotionally connecting to art at the exact same level they did when they were 12

>ignoring my question

It was a simple one. How many times?

Well people like you unironically post on Sup Forums so yes, I believe dumb people like to do dumb things.

>ignoring my question

It was a simple one. How many times?

dumb weebposter

>ignoring my question

It was a simple one. How many times?

>that literally describes the main character in this movie
here's the difference

>Trent Reznor
makes personal decisions to further his own career and ego by taking advantage of other people. He had been taken advantage of emotionally when he was younger and he then did that to other people with his fame as a way to make himself feel vindicated. It made him feel worse. He developed a drug habit because, as a normal person, he had a crippling empitness that followed with his personal success. He puts his emotions into his art and that made him a millionaire. He felt alone and broken and no way out.

He has these giant claws and he's really fast and invincible but the woman he loved also had crazy super powers but they were like too powerful and so she died :(

also this little girl has the same claws as him and she doesn't have a family so like maybe he can like be her dad or something whoah.....

one should trigger real emotions and the other should make you want to refil your popcorn

>the other should make you want to refil your popcorn
false. I got no refill on my tub

It's amazing how many things they made seem like something else in the trailer.

>someone will come along
>someone already has
>in context they are helping put horses back into stable

>It's going to be about fighting other people with different super powers that are evil. That's all it's ever going to be about.

He actually barely did that

why is it shitty exactly.