Are the taxes too high where you live?

Are the taxes too high where you live?

In New York State specifically it’s stupidly high

I wouldn't know.

Yes. It could be cut in half and still be too high.

Yes but we also get a lot for it

like what?

It's insanely high, Californian here. If income tax isn't enough, local ones will leave you broke unless you are already broke.


>he fell for the welfare state meme
>inb4 "b-b-b-b-b-buh m-m-muh roads"

WTF Belgium, i hope it gets wisely spent if they take half your fucking income.

No they are too low

Universal healthcare, 'free' education, get paid if you're 18+ and under education and some other things i forgot

like fuck american taxes are higher
i don't believe that for one second

Go back to pol retard, the nordic model is good it's the non nordics who abuse it

Free education, but how many engineers and useful majors is your country producing? If college was free in America, we'd be filled with useless social science and liberal arts majors. The only social sciences that are actually useful are 1) economics and 2) history (if you plan to go to law school)

It’s using averages, I’m assuming the more bumfuck northern areas of Canada have very little taxes compared to Toronto for example

Don't know how many we're producing but people who go into university here do it to get a job

You can avoid that using a simple model like us
>Admission exam, rejects 90% of people who don't deserve the school
>Failing students are given chances to recover but can be expelled with no chance of re admission
The useless majors is a trend that is going to be regardless of the price of the education

I assure you if we did that, the unemployment rate would be in the high double digits. Part-time fast food work counts as employment, and politicians need a platform to get votes. That's the only reason why Sanders even got his name heard.

Same here, but we seem to have a shortage of highly skilled STEM participants.

Are taxes really that low in Chile? How do they keep it running?

>Yes but we also get a lot for it

Well we do that
And still have a very low unemployment rate
The point of free college the same as with free healthcare for us is not to guarantee everyone a major, but to provide a chance for those who want and have the capabilities
And public healthcare lowers prices of the private one, and here you have the choice
Don't like public pay for your own.

High costs of living up North.

the power of reggaeton

Borrow domestic or foreign, or perhaps they have a low standard of living (GDP per capita is low)

That’s what Fuckerburg wants you to believe so he can import a bunch of Indians to take all the STEM jobs for 8$ an hour

They don't.

We're a land of individual choice, or at least we are supposed to be. That's why so many of us are against public healthcare, for folks that don't get sick and are required to pay for mandatory coverage is a little bit absurd.

>The only social sciences that are actually useful are 1) economics and 2) history (if you plan to go to law school)

The other social sciences are actually pretty helpful though and are pretty important in society. Uselful major is is a weasel word to be honest.

private concessions for most services and a relatively high sales tax
taxes went up considerably recently though they are still low conpared to other OECD countries

Why do New York and California put up with supporting the dead weight in the rest of their country?

You do though. Canada and the US are terrible on the world stage in STEM.

He already has though

They seem to do better than most latin american countries

>for literally nothing

I'm not demeaning their importance, but in terms of the job market (available demand) and the skills actually needed, you'll find that most people are quite inept.

Is that good for the average chilean? I am stupid when it comes to economics

the rest of the country is really ungrateful desu.
not only is their cost of living lower, but they also take more money from the fed than they give.

You'd do well to visit either state, Brit. Both have more deadbeats than all of the other ones, except for Michigan.

For IsraeI.

>parents pay high taxes
>have received almost nothing back ever

The "nordic model" is a fucking myth. It only "works" (read: doesn't immediately collapse) due to our countries being small, homogeneous (well used to be anyway) and, most importantly, already had the economic prerequisites to sustain it for a long time. In terms of relative wealth we've been growing ever so steadily POORER. It doesn't work, it just takes a very long time to fail.

There's reason we don't see any new IKEA, LEGO, Maersk, Nokia, Volvo and so on. And it's because socialism is a self-perpetuating cancer that stifles innovation and eats away at preexisting ones until there's nothing left at which point it proclaims it wasn't real socialism in the first place and really it's the capitalists' who are at fault.

I don't think you understand how either our healthcare or education systems work

I can get that
Here we have a portion of our salaries taken away, regardless of who you work for by law they have to take part of your salary to social security this gives you access to healthcare regardless of what it is.
Other part of our salaries go to something called Infonavit that is a government agency that gives you house credit for a very low interest
But still you have the choice to say fuck it, I don't want it give me my money back, but almost no one does it, maybe take out of their infonavit to buy a car or something but its a social safety net, if you work society has your back, if you pay taxes you are not going to be treated nicely at a public hospital but you are not going bankrupt or going to die
And if you can afford it, you can take your money out and pay it yourself
And here you also have the choice to use the government savings system called AFORE
It takes a what ever you want to save for retirement
Its pretty obvious that the Mexican Revolution was won essentially by socialists and semi communists

I'm glad we have Adam Smith's philosophy, although the Sanders troglodytes are coming for the US and they may win.

Do you even believe what you're writing? Literally 90% of our future problems would've been solved if we kicked out immigrants and had enough babies. The nordic model works flawlessly for the countries it were intended to work in

feels good

isn’t the fed money for farming subsidies or shit like that though?

>the average american spends more in taxes than Canucks
>still can't afford basic healthcare for their population
w e e e w

It's not a matter of belief, the evidence is right there. Look at real wages after the 70s, they don't increase but DROP. And after he rather large liberalization and getting rid of big chunks of the nordic model the 90s, the economy IMPROVED.

STOP swallowing the state's propaganda hook, line and sinker. It's in their immediate interest to have you believe in it and consequently cast your vote on them.

It's very arguable, I personally like it but there are a lot of people who would disagree.
It essentially means that you only pay when you use a service, highways are a good example, in most countries the government is in charge of highway infrastructure so the funding comes directly from the government, that means that people who would never use the highway in their life still have to contribute to it. In Chile instead highways are concessions and are only regulated by the government but are for the most part privately owned and their revenue comes from toll booths, so only the people using them pay for them, this even allows for different pricing on transport that results in more highway upkeep like trucks, rather than taxes from people who might not even use them.
As for the average Chilean I think that as long as you manage your money you can live well, it's usually people who don't bother saving money that run into financial trouble (health, car problems, etc), I don't mean to sound presumptuous but from what I see a lot of people here piss their money away as soon as they get their paycheck and are willing to go into debt for things like TVs, Cars or Smartphones, which can be pretty pricey considering the sales tax.

wages hasn't been growing alongside the economy in all countries because the rich is greedy whether there's a nordic model or not.

Thanks that was very informative. I think it sounds scary that you need 'back up money' for something like healthcare. You never know when you get hurt/sick or if it's your own fault. But it sounds nice to have more money and chose what to do with them

Everyone is greedy. Adopt to reality and not some fucking flight of fancy.

>because the rich are greedy