If I take off that Catalonia will you die?

If I take off that Catalonia will you die?

It would be very painful...

...4 the castilian pig

(((They))) are now in charge. Thanks for your help

He looks like a big boy

para ti

It would be extremely painful

It would be extremely painful for you

why do they always blame the russians

why are people so fucking against the idea that maybe russia would do a lot to try and destabilize the west?

nah i mean what am i thinking they would never do that

im not saying its impossible but they just seem to be a scapegoat for anything voting related in the west with very flimsy evidence just because it pushes a story that attracts a lot of viewers.
see: CNN literally admitting that they fabricated the issue for money during the US election

No nation is more capable of destabilising the western world than your own.

>the country of Russia is doing wacky things to destabilize the West
>meanwhile hordes of jewish individuals owning central banks and media somehow doing anything against their host countries or lobbying in favor of israel is a conspiracy theory
People are beyond retarded.



Maybe because there has been no solid evidence for the vast majority of these claims?

Uhh, you don't get to bring ballots

Cuando estalle la guerra civil con Cataluña me voy a ir a Portugal de refugiado y a formar una familia con alguna nenita tsundere que me esté todo el día hablando de aljubarrota

fucking retard

Islam is obviously the greatest threat
Then Russia

Knights Templartugal doesn't allow Muslim refugees, you have to go to France instead.

lmao spains gonna have a civil war today

They're too lazy

The first piece of evidence is that they have actual troll factories, which have probably evolved a lot since then.

They barraged us and Ukraine with fake info, comments and DDoS, wouldn't be surprised if they decided to step it up a bit.

delet NAO