>mfw I found out Egypt still exists

Did anyone else know about this?

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Don't be silly Thai. What next, the Romans still exists?

That's EXACTLY what I said someone told me, but it's true. I bet their tech looks like Stargate now.

>mfw found out Sparta was actually real

sparta still exist

hitler is still alive

>when you realize Alexandria still exists

No, today's ""Egypt"" is a false nation owned by ARABS.
The real Egypt was BLACK.


>tfw no pharah gf

>americans can open doors

>Russia has SPACE

Can you guys believe Phonecia is still around? Apparently they called themselves Lebanon. They even put a big cedar tree on their flag.

>The Soviet Union doesn't exist anymore

>Tupac is still alive in Serbia


>South America is comprised of over a dozen different countries
Blew my mind

Please post thick pharah girls my friends

I have many pictures of my wife


im interested in your wife

Honestly there where blacks in high positions that goes out of genetic studies and upper Egypt (today Sudan) was for sure black.

and there are black kings in Africa now

why is this even a surprise for some

The lower Egypt has never been much of a black place.
You know that part with all the awesome Pyramids and Temples.


>and it's a town in Romania


*grabs you by the throat*
Back the fuck off?!?

>this still exists

Excuse me desu

That's impressive!

She is VERY hot

Where did you get these lewd pictures of my wife? Wherever it is, please stop. I am not comfortable with stranger leering at indecent pictures of my wife, thank you.

actually they call themsleves sardinia


>mfw Carthage still exists

Mayan languages are spoken by around 6 million people on Earth right now

I just found out siam doesnt still excist ;_;
Then wheredoes the siamese cat, and siame twin come from?

Not ad hot ad my Mayan girlfriend.

why are they part of Mexico?
better yet, why does Mexico exist?

You dont like mexico

I don't know what Mexico is.

no we don't

>Egypcian cosplay
>Mexican armband

>why are they part of Mexico?
Because Mexico retained all areas to the south that had been a part of its historical sphere of influence. In Yucatán Puuc Maya showed influence from central Mexico in their art and architecture as early as the classic period, in Chiapas, the Soconusco was an area of Nahuatl influence, plus the early originator of Olmecs. The Maya outside of Mexico's borders today are those with no links to central Mexico.

>why does Mexico exist?
Because the Aztec Empire, as the kingdom of Mexico, was the core of New Spain.

why do they all sound so crunchy